What are the Classifications of animals
When you see an animal, you will put it
certain categories such as mammal, fish, reptile, insects and birds. what makesan animal get into these categories, we will look at the 9 classifications thatare needed by an
animal to see where we would class an animal. we will showyou the pandaclassification to help you understand theterms of classification.Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Ursidae
Subfamily: Aliuropndinea
Genus: Ailuropoda
Species: Aliuropandamelanoleua
Common name: Giant panda
Scientific name: Aliuropodamelanoleuca
Just looking at the classification of
the giant panda it looks very confusing, but I help to help you understand whateach section is and howthey work.Kingdom
The highest rank that breaks every living
thing on the planet into 5 categories as we see the panda is classed as
Animalia, which means that the panda is an animal. The other four categoriesare· Plantae: plant
· Fungi: fungus
· Protista: protozoa and
eukaryotic algae· Monera; bacteria and blue-
green algae.As you can see this covers every living
thing on the planet earth and Animalia would correctly be the right classifications
for the giant panda, and this article will not go into depth of the other fourkingdoms as we are focusing on Animalia.Phylum
This is the category of animals who have
the same body plan, such as Arthropoda which contains the animal』s insects,crustaceans, arachnids and myriapods. As you can these animals have an exoskeleton(outside skeleton) but the panda is classed as a Chordata which classes ananimal that has the body spinal cord, nervous system, post anal tail andfollows the bilaterian symmetry body, this is if you draw a line down the
centre of your face, the left side looks the same as the right side of yourface.Class
The most common and the easiest to
understand· Mammalia: mammals over 4785 differentspecies
· Aves: Birds over 9721 differentspecies
· Osteichthyes: Fish over 25777 differentspecies
· Amphibia: Amphibians over 5400
different species· Insecta: Insects over 13000000
different species· Reptilia: Reptile over 8163
different speciesAs you can see these are the classes of all
animal and that it helps keep count of how many different animals there is onthe planet, since new animals are found daily these number will always bechanging.Order
The order goes more in depth of what type
of class, as you may notice that the panda is a mammal but so is a mouse and amouse and a panda are not on the same level. This is when the order comes inhandy, in total there is 19 Orders of the mammals. Each of the classes havedifferent amount of orders but we will go in-depth with the mammals order onlyto show you how the difference would affect how an animal is classed.Order Artiodactyla
This is name giving to even-toed hoofed
animals, this includes animals that are ruminate (have four stomachs and chewscuds) and non-ruminate. Some of the animals in this list are Girrafdae
(giraffes), Cervidae (deer, moose, reindeer, elk) Antilocapridae (pronghorn,antelope) and bovidea (cattle, bison, yaks, waterbucks, wildebeest. gazelles,springboks, sheep, musk, oxen, goats)Order Carnivora
There is two suborders to this Order, which
is animals with long snouts and unretractable claws such as bear, wolfs and dogs and the other isand with retractable claws such as cats, tigers lions.Order Cetaccea
Two suborders of Order Cetacea are the
toothed whales, which have regular conical teeth, and the baleen, or whalebone,
whales, which have irregular whalebone surfaces instead of teeth. Toothedwhales include the families Physeteridae (sperm whales), Monodontidae(narwhals, belugas), Phocoenidae (porpoises), and Delphinidae (dolphins, killerwhales). Baleens are in the family Eschrichtiidae (gray whales), Balaenidae(right whales), or Balaenoptridae (fin-backed whales, hump-backed whales)Order Chiroptera
There are two suborders of bats, the only
mammals that can fly. Suborder Megachiroptera contains one family, thePteropodidae (flying foxes, Old Worm fruit bats). Suborder Microchiropteracontains 17 families, including: Rhinopomatidae (mouse-tailed bats),Emballonuridae (sheath tailed bats), Craseonycteridae (hog-nosed or butterflybats), Noctilionidae (bulldog or fisherman bats), Nycteridae (slit-faced bats),Megadermatidae (false vampire bats), and Rhinolophidae (horseshoe bats). 19families, 178 genera, 926 species (the second largest mammalian order)Order Dermoptera
These gliding tree mammals from Asia do not
fly and are not lemurs, but they are known as flying lemurs, or FamilyCynocephalidaeOrder Edentata
Three families of mammals get by without
teeth: Dasypodidae (armadillos), Bradypodidae (sloths), and Myrmecophagidae(hairy anteaters).Order Hyyracoidae
Order Hyracoidae is one of three orders
that has only one modern family remaining. Procaviacapensis (the African rockhyrax) is one of nine living species in the Family Procaviidae .Order Insectivore
The three members are the families Talpidae
(moles), Soricidae (shrews), and Erinaceidae (hedgehogs).Order Lagomorpha
Two families make up this order:
Ochotonidae (pikas) and Leporidae (hares and rabbits of all sorts).Order Marsupialia
Included among these are the families
Caenolestidae (rat opossums), Diddeelphidae (true opossums), Dasyuridae (nativecats, native mice), Notoryctidae (marsupial moles), Myrmecobiidae (numbats),Peramelidae (bandicoots), Phalangeridae (koalas), Vombatidae (wombats), andMacropodidae (kangaroos and wallabies).Order Monotremata
These more primitive mammals make up the
families Tachyglossidae (echidnas, also called spiny anteaters) andOrnithorhynchidae (platypuses).Order Perissodactyla
The two suborders, Hippomorpha and Ceratomorpha,
include creatures that have an odd number of toes. Families in this order arethe Equidae (horses, donkeys, zebras), the Tapiridae (tapirs), and theRhinocerotidae (rhinoceroses).Order Pholidata
Family Manidae (pangolins) is the sole
family in this order.Order Pinnipedia
In the fin-footed order there are Otariidae
(eared seals, sea lions), Odobenidae (walruses), and Phocidae (earless seals)Order Primate
The order to which people belong is divided
into two suborders: The Prosimii , who have longer snouts than their relatives,and the Anthropoidae . The first group includes the families Tupalidae (treeshrew), Lemuridae (lemurs), Daubentonlidae (aye-ayes), Lorisidae (lorises,pottos), and Tarsiidae (tarsiers). The anthropoids include the families Callitrichidae(marmosets), Cebidae (New World monkeys), Cercopithecidae (baboons, Old Worldmonkeys), Hylobatidae (gibbons), Pongidae (gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans),and Hominidae (human beings).Order Proboscidea
Large enough to have an order all to itself
is Family Elephantidae .Order Rodentia
The most prolific mammals, Order Rodentia
includes three suborders. It takes in the families Aplodontidae (mountainbeavers), Sciuridae (chipmunks, squirrels, marmots), Cricetidae (field mice,lemmings, muskrats, hamsters, gerbils), Muridae (Old World mice, rats),Heteromyidae (New World mice), Geomyidae (gophers), and Dipodidae (jerboas).1700 SpeciesOrder Sirenia
The families Trichechidae (manatees) and
Dugongidae (dugongs and other sea cows) make up the Order SireniaOrder Tubuildentata
Another mammal in an order by itself is
Family OrycteropodidaeEnd of Part 1
So far, we have learned what Kingdom,
Phylum, Class and Order, in the next part we will explain the Family, Genus,Species, Common name and Scientific name.Part 2
Welcome back to Part two of What are the
Classifications of animals?Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Ursidae
Subfamily: Aliuropndinea
Genus: Ailuropoda
Species: Aliuropandamelanoleua
Common name: Giant panda
Scientific name: Aliuropodamelanoleuca
The family gives more detail of the animals
as we found out with the order that certain characteristics will place ananimal into a certain class. The panda is classed as a Carnivora because it hasa long snout and unretractable claws, and now we will discuss why it will beplaced in the Ursidea family.Family helps locate the evolutionary path
of the animal, the giant panda shared a common ancestor with all the bears onthe planet but through evolving in different ways they have broken off intotheir own little subfamily』s. the modern bear family contains eight speciesthat live in 3 subfamilies. The giant panda is the only species of bear in theAliuropndinea subfamily, there is termarctinae subfamily that contains thespectacled bear and the rest of the bears are in the ursinae subfamily.Genus
This is the scientific name to show that
animals are related since the giant panda is the only one in its family wecan』t use it as an example so we will use the lion, as the lion』s scientificname is Pantheraleo. Panthera is the genus name so when we look at anotheranimal that is closes related to the lion such as the tiger we find itsscientific name is Pantheratigris. So, the genus is helpful way to show that adifferent animal come from the same animal』s evolution tree or you can see thegenus as the last name of your family if you meet someone with the same lastname as yourself you would be able to follow the family tree back to where youhad two parents at the same time.Species
this is when a group of closely related animals
that are capable of breeding with each other, and given a Latin binomial namesuch as Aliuropandamelanoleua which is the name for the giant panda.Common
nameThis is the name that is common in every
language since the naming of animals will be different so this is a list of thename giant panda in different languages to show how difficult it could be, thisis a simple translation of the English name Giant Panda which most people willso even though the translation might seem right it might not translatecorrectly.English – Giant Panda
French - Panda géant
Czech - obrovská Panda
Chinese - 大熊貓
German – Riesenpanda
Japanese - ジャイアントパンダ
Polish - Panda wielka
Spanish - Panda gigante
nameThe scientific name is the name that will
be known worldwide, when looking for a certain animal the scientific name willhelp you find animal no matter what language it is in. the name is in Latinwhich is a dead language but is used in the science world to label certainthings to not confuse them with the common name. the scientific name for thepanda is Aliuropodamelanoleucawhileyou can find information with just using its common name panda you will findmore scientific work if you use the scientific name, as you will be looking formore researched work instead of fan informationConclusion
This is all the information you need to
figure out what the classifications means, while they will rarely be used innormally life the information is always be there to use and learn more aboutyour pet and future pets. here is a simple diagram to should you how theclassification helps locate a specific animal.Thank you for reading the article if you
have any questions feel free to ask.中文翻譯
學名:Aliuropoda melanoleuca
· 植物界:所屬有植物
· 真菌界:所屬有真菌
· 原生生物界:所屬原生動物與真核藻
· 原核生物界:所屬有細菌及藍藻
· 哺乳綱:涉及超過4785種哺乳類
· 鳥綱:涉及超過9721種鳥類
· 硬骨魚綱:涉及超過25777種魚類
· 兩棲綱:涉及超過5400多種兩棲類
· 昆蟲綱:涉及超過13000000種昆蟲
· 爬行綱:涉及超過8163種爬行類
之所以叫偶蹄目是因為有蹄類動物的 腳趾是雙數,依動物的消化方式和胃的結構,可分為2個亞目,反芻亞目(有四個胃,咀嚼反芻食物)以及不反芻亞目。這裡的反芻是指倒嚼,通俗講就是已經吃進去的食物吐出來,再次咀嚼。反芻動物有長頸鹿科(長勁鹿),鹿科(鹿、駝鹿、馴鹿、麋鹿),叉角羚科(叉角羚、羚羊)以及牛科(家牛、北美野牛、氂牛、非洲大羚羊、牛羚、瞪羚、跳羚、綿羊、麝香鹿、公牛、山羊)。
有袋目下有 鼩科(新袋鼠),負鼠科(負鼠),袋鼬科(袋貓、袋獾),袋鼴科(袋鼴),袋食蟻獸科(袋食蟻獸),袋狸科(袋狸),袋鼦科(樹袋熊),袋熊科(袋熊)以及袋鼠科(袋鼠、小袋鼠)
Part 2
學名:Aliuropoda melanoleuca
屬這一層級通過動物的學名能夠有效進行分類。由於大熊貓是該科里的唯一一屬,不能很好的解釋「屬」這一層級的分類,因此我們拿獅子來舉例。獅子的學名為Panthera leo(豹屬獅子),Panthera(豹屬)就是獅子所在屬的名字,當我們選一個獅子的近親來看如老虎,它的學名就是Panthera tigris(豹屬老虎)。所以「屬」這一層級的分類能夠很好的辨別出進化的上一級即共同的祖先或者你已可以將「屬」定義為人類家族中的姓,如果你發現有人和你為同一個姓氏,你從進化的反向尋找,就能追溯到同一對父母,因此你們就屬於同一個「屬」。
這一層級的分類,可以說血緣關係很近,同一種之間可以養育下一代,並且「種名」都會被賦予拉丁化的雙名法名稱,例如Aliuropanda melanoleua就是大熊貓的「種名」。
英語——Giant Panda
法語 ——Panda géan
捷克語——obrovská Panda
波蘭語——Panda wielka
西班牙語——Panda gigante
學名通用於全世界,如果你想準確找到一種動物,學名就能幫助你無論在什麼語言環境下,精準定位。因為學名採用的是拉丁語,雖然這門語言已經失傳,但是人們依舊習慣用拉丁語命名科學事物,這樣的名字不致於讓人與通用名混淆(畢竟通用語會被翻譯成不同的語言)。當你用「大熊貓」這個通用名作為關鍵字搜素時,你能發現大熊貓的學名為Aliuropoda melanoleuca ,當你再用它的學名Aliuropoda melanoleuca作為關鍵詞搜索時,你就能找到更多科學方面的研究報道而不僅僅是娛樂信息。
※【論文閱讀】Learning Deep Representations of Fine-Grained Visual Descriptions