辭彙課 | 微詞大義

Uband | Echo

英語中的小詞、微詞在表達中應用非常廣泛,加上不同的介詞或副詞意義就有可能會發生變化,這類詞叫做phrasal verbs,它們往往是決定著你的表達是否準確的關鍵哦!所以和Echo老師來一起微詞大義吧!

Attend / Attend to

1. The baby shower was well attended.

2. She told him we must attend to her needs.

Attend : go regularly to (a place); be present at

Attend to sb/sth : to deal with or take responsibility for sth; to give practical help and care to sb who needs it


Shop assistant: Are you being attended to?

Customer: Nope.

Shop assistant: What can I help you?

Customer: I would like to buy a new pair of shoes.

Account for

1. How do you account for the companys alarmingly high staff turnover?

2. Computers account for 5% of the countrys commercial electricity consumption.

1.If you can account for something, you can explain it or give the necessary information about it.

2. If a particular thing accounts for a part or proportion of something, that part or proportion consists of that thing, or is used or produced by it.


High EQ people conduct self-management. They can rein themselves in, delay gratification, account for the needs of others, and balance their desires accordingly.

Phase out / Phase in

1. Initially, the company announced that the low-tech drawing program was no longer in development and may be phased out. But it took heed of the anguish of fans: Microsoft said MS Paint wil move to its Windows Store and will be free to download.

2. Look, when Congress added prescription drug benefit, it took some time to phase in.

Phase out : to gradually start using a new system, law, process, etc.

逐步採用 [實施] 新的體制、法律、規定等

Phase in : to gradually stop using or providing something

逐步停止使用 [提供] ;逐步淘汰


Theater chains struggle to remain relevant as 20th Century Fox phases out Clearances-Forbes.

freak out

HBO is freaking out about the hack that leaked an upcoming "Game of Thrones" episode. Now the FBI is involved.

The FBI and the cyber security firm that led the Sony Pictures hack investigation are reportedly working together to identify the culprit.


1. If sb freaks out or if sth freaks sb out, they react strongly to sth that shocks, excites, angers or frightens them.


2. lose one』s nerve,panic (be overcome by a sudden fear) 失去勇氣,恐慌(被突然而來的恐懼感佔據)

freak out的中文翻譯包括:驚恐(嚇呆)、暴怒、崩潰(情緒失控、表現失常、抓狂)、激動、大驚小怪等。


1. I hate a messy closet. I totally freak out when my closet is messy and I can』t find anything.

2. When he saw the accident, he freaked out.

3. She』s very dramatic and freaks out about everything.

rule out / step down

1. Uber is ruling out Travis Kalanick in its search for a non-Travis Kalanick CEO.

「It』s time for a new chapter, and the right leader for our next phase(階段) of growth,」 co-founder Garrett Cap told employees in an email. 「Despite rumors I』m sure you』ve seen in the news. Travis is not returning as CEO. We are committed to hiring a new world-class CEO to lead Uber.

2. Travis stepped down as CEO in June following six months of scandals(醜聞), but he retains a seat on the board of directors, including a seat on the CEO search committee(委員會).

rule out : If you rule out a course of action, an idea, or a solution, you decide that it is impossible or unsuitable.

不考慮; 排除

e.g.: Im afraid we cant rule out the possibility that she may fall in love with you. Surpise!!

step down : If someone steps down or steps aside, they resign from an important job or position, often in order to let someone else take their place.


e.g.: Judge Tom said that if his wife was called as a witness, he would step down as trial judge.



1. Dont rule out a full Inbetweeners reunion on BBC Twos White Gold.

2. BBC chief refuses to rule out increasing wage bill for top stars as broadcaster braces for gender pay row.

3. ITV will empty chair Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn after they rule out taking part in TV debate.


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