



smell is probably the most undervalued sense → sense of smell is not appreciated

同義詞:undervalued、not appreciated

many fundamental questions have yet to be answered → Future studies into smell




原文:To meet this challenge, the following elements were put into effect. First, ATC extends over virtually the entire United States. In general, from 365m above the ground and higher, the entire country is blanketed by controlled airspace. In certain areas, mainly near airports, controlled airspace extends down to 215m above the ground, and, in the immediate vicinity of an airport, all the way down to the surface. Controlled airspace is that airspace in which FAA regulations apply. Elsewhere, in uncontrolled airspace, pilots are bound by fewer regulations. In this way, the recreational pilot who simply wishes to go flying for a while without all the restrictions imposed by the FAA has only to stay in uncontrolled airspace, below 365m, while the pilot who does want the protection afforded by ATC can easily enter the controlled airspace.

標題:Setting altitude zones




原文:E ... In general, from 365m above the ground and higher, the entire country is blanketed by controlled airspace. In certain areas, mainly near airports, controlled airspace extends down to 215m above the ground, and, in the immediate vicinity of an airport, all the way down to the surface...In this way, the recreational pilot who simply wishes to go flying for a while without all the restrictions imposed by the FAA has only to stay in uncontrolled airspace, below 365m, while the pilot who does want the protection afforded by ATC can easily enter the controlled airspace.

G Controlled airspace is divided into several different types, designated by letters of the alphabet. Uncontrolled airspace is designated Class F, while controlled airspace below 5,490m above sea level and not in the vicinity of an airport is Class E...

題干:Class F airspace is airspace which is below 365m and not near airports.

原文信息是從兩個段落里摘出來的,什麼?一個段落解決不了?是的,考雅不能太天真啊。來,大腦準備信息整合和推理。題干里的Class F來自段落G,below 356m和not near airports來自段落E。你沒看錯,中間還跳了一段,就是這麼任性。

第一個信息:Class F is uncontrolled airspace(G段)

第二個信息:uncontrolled airspace is below 356m(E段)

第三個信息:controlled airspace is mainly near airports(E段)

(反之,uncontrolled airspace不靠近機場)

其中E段有一個迷惑信息:In general, from 365m above the ground and higher, the entire country is blanketed by controlled airspace(一般來說,356米以上是控制空域),但是,緊接著文章指出,In certain areas, mainly near airports, controlled airspace extends down to 215m above the ground(在一些特定的區域,主要靠近機場,控制空域可以下降至215米的高度)。

通過整合以上信息,才能推理出Class F airspace is airspace which is below 365m and not near airports,腦子轉過來了么?還是想洗洗睡了?




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