年輕又多金的土豪了解一下?《福布斯》亞洲版30歲以下青年才俊(土豪)代表簡介——PART 1


年輕又多金的土豪了解一下?《福布斯》亞洲版30歲以下青年才俊(土豪)代表簡介——PART 1

責編:Rana Wehbe

報道:Ambika Behal, Kate Davies, Ying-Ying Lu, Elaine Ramirez, James C. Simms II, Carla Thomas, Glenda Toma, Yue Wang and Tania Willis.



In its third year, our annual 30 Under 30 Asia list features young

innovators in ten categories who are reinventing their industries. Representing

24 countries across Asia-Pacific—including Azerbaijan and North Korea for the

first time—these finalists were selected from thousands of online nominations,

researched by our team of reporters and vetted by a panel of A-list judges.


? Industry,

Manufacturing & Energy 工業、製造業及能源類

Shi Xiaogang, 27 史曉剛,27歲



In 2015, Shi Xiaogang founded augmented reality (AR) start-up Xloong in Beijing. The company uses technology that superimposes virtual information on real-world views to make consumer and enterprise gear for various uses.



Xloong』s sports goggles assist cyclists with AR-based digital maps, and its Techlens T2 glasses enable remote equipment maintenance by scanning machines and sharing real-time video feeds with engineers, who examine the feeds and input responses. 「I

believe AR will replace PCs and smartphones to become the next computing platform,」 says Shi.


Aided by government grants, Xloong is making AR glasses for Chinese police, which are expected to ship later this year. The gear, which look like ordinary spectacles, can

recognize faces and cross-reference them with profiles on China』s national ID

databases to identify potential suspects. If there』s a match, a red alert is

projected onto an officer 』s real-world view, helping to make an arrest. 「Our

focus is on security and surveillance,」 says Shi. 「There are millions of police

in China, and our product can help them track potential suspects more


在政府的資助下,梟龍還為中國警方製作了AR眼鏡,預計將在今年年末交付。這些裝備看起來像普通的眼鏡,但是可以識別人臉並與中國國家身份識別資料庫中的檔案進行交叉比對,以發現在逃的嫌疑犯。如果比對成功,警察的AR眼鏡上將會出現紅色警報,幫助其逮捕(嫌犯)。 「我們的重點是保障安全和監視,」 史曉剛說, 「中國有數百萬警察,我們的產品可以幫助他們更有效地追蹤在逃的嫌疑犯。」

? Entertainment & Sports 娛樂及體育類

Brian Imanuel (Rich Brian), 18




Making the leap from his parents』 living room to the cover of the Los

Angeles Times, 18-year-old Brian Imanuel is arguably Indonesia』s best-known export right now. Jakarta-born Imanuel, who went by Rich Chigga before switching to the more palatable Rich Brian, shattered expectations when his satirical music video 「Dat $tick」 went viral in 2016. 「The first couple of months were definitely overwhelming,」 he admits. With a bottomless bass voice coming from a small

frame, Imanuel surprised even hip-hop heavyweights like Ghostface Killah

with his fluency and mature sound.

從父母的卧室(Brian之前是在父母的卧室錄製歌曲視頻並發布到網上的)到洛杉磯時報的封面,18歲的Brian Imanuel現在可以說是印尼最知名的歌手之一。出生於雅加達,曾用藝名Rich Chigga,後來轉用了更加可愛的藝名Rich Brian,他的諷刺音樂錄影帶「Dat $ tick」曾在2016年以病毒式的傳播方式遍及全球。他承認:「前兩個月的壓力的確是有點令人窒息,」 雖然只是個小格局的低音,但是Brian驚訝地發現如Ghostface Killah這樣的嘻哈大牛的音樂都有受他的聲音的影響。

His first studio session was with Pharrell, and the rap prodigy made the transition from internet fame to legitimate recording artist in only two years. His debut album, Amen, was released in February and made him the first Asian artist to reach No. 1 on iTunes』 Hip-Hop Charts. Imanuel isn』t picking sides, though, when it comes to American or Indonesian influences on his art; he』d rather give credit to what really built him: 「It』s just mostly how I see hip-hop, and how I see everything: through the

lens of the internet.」 —Carla Thomas

他的第一個錄音工作室是與Pharrell Williams(唱電影《神偷奶爸2》演唱了主題曲《happy》的那個)合作的,短短兩年時間,他從互聯網說唱歌手,搖身一變成為知名唱片歌手。他的首張專輯《阿門》於二月份發行,並成為第一位在iTunes的嘻哈榜上排名第一的亞洲歌手。不過,Brian還沒有確定自己日後努力的方向。但談到美國或印度尼西亞對他的說唱事業的影響時,他表示寧願讚揚真正對他產生影響的東西:「主要是我看到嘻哈,以及我通過互聯網的鏡頭如何看待一切。」

? Finance & VC 金融及風投類

Tu Jianyu, Liu Tao, 28, 28 塗鑒彧,28歲;劉濤,28歲


Former banker Tu Jianyu and computer engineer Liu Tao met in Silicon Valley

back in 2015. They had identified shortfalls in archaic technology used by

financial institutions and set out to make 「software that can help better

manage information,」 says Tu.

Liu explains that he applies machine learning

in their feeds: 「When you have a lot of data, how you visualize it and how you

communicate this information to clients is even more important than having the

information.」 The challenge is too much aggregated knowledge. 「So much is left

undigested,」 Liu adds.

Banks have quants churning out algorithms, but

Tu and Liu』s computers can do the same—faster and better. 「We hate to say it,

but we』re taking away jobs from analysts.」 MioTech has more than 20 clients in

Hong Kong, Singapore and China. The fintech start-up has raised $8 million, led

by ZhenFund and Li Ka-shing』s private investment arm Horizons Ventures.


劉濤解釋說,他在自己的信息流中應用了機器學習:「當你擁有大量數據時,如何將其可視化,以及如何將這些信息傳達到客戶端,其實比獲取信息更為重要。」軟體開發的挑戰在於太多的知識彙集到了一起, 「這麼多都來不及消化,」劉補充道。

銀行本身擁有自己的演算法,但塗鑒彧和劉濤的電腦可以做得更快更好。 「我們討厭這麼說,但我們正在從分析師手中奪走工作。」他們創立的公司妙盈科技在香港、新加坡和中國擁有20多家客戶。金融科技創業公司目前已經募集了800萬美元(種子輪及A輪),由真格基金(由新東方聯合創始人徐小平、王強和紅杉資本中國在2011年聯合創立的天使投資基金)和李嘉誠的私人投資機構維港投資等注資。

? Art & Style, Food & Drink 藝術時尚及餐飲類

Amira Geneid, 25 阿米拉·吉納德,25歲



For a long time, Amira Geneid had been looking for a high-quality

cosmetics brand that was also halal-compliant. She found none and so three

years ago decided to start one herself. After 18 months of research and

development, Zahara was born.


Self-funded and with its products manufactured

in Europe, Zahara boasts a line of cosmetics that is not just free of alcohol

and animal products, but also certified halal, meaning its production process

and suppliers have been approved under Islamic law. Some of its products, like

the signature water-permeable oxygen nail polish, also aim for convenience,

allowing Muslim women to perform wudhu (the water cleansing act before prayer)

properly without having to remove it.


With Muslims making up a quarter of the world』s

population, products targeted for them 「shouldn』t be a niche anymore,」 says

Geneid. Zahara』s products are sold online in Singapore and Malaysia; its next

step is to offer worldwide shipping by the end of the year—starting with

Indonesia and Dubai, where it is partnering with local courier services.

Geneid』s aim is for Zahara to become an aspirational halal brand that can be

used by Muslim women around the globe: 「I want to show how beautiful Muslim

women can be—how beauty can be modest and be centred around faith, but it still

can be inspiring.」


? Enterprise Technology 企業技術類

Kazuo Ishigame, 25 石龜一郎,25歲



After seeing the success of Elon Musk』s SpaceX, Ishigame was inspired to

launch his own outer space start-up. During his mechanical engineering program

in college, however, he realized that science and technology weren』t his



He dropped out in 2014 and helped expand a consumer-to-consumer

online sales platform, which was sold in 2015. Despite his taste for

entrepreneurship, he dreamed of space: 「My question was, why isn』t the space

industry considered cool in Japan? Why—with so many people with the right skill

sets—hasn』t Japan developed space-related products and services and sold them?

Japan』s presence in the global space sector is zero.」


Aiming to change this, Ishigame cofounded

Infostellar, a sharing service he calls 「an Airbnb for satellite antennas.」 In

September, investors led by Airbus Ventures put $7.3 million in Series A

funding into the company, which was established with two other cofounders,

including aerospace engineer and CEO Naomi Kurahara.


Infostellars』 cloud-based service, StellarStation, allows ground station operators to make money on their antennas by renting them out during their long downtimes. An operator with one antenna in Japan, for example, would only be in contact 40 minutes a day with its station. Ishigame reckons that』s up to a half-billion-dollar market today.






Ruff 聯合創始人荊天為再次上榜福布斯

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