Why is Geoffrey Hinton suspicious of backpropagation and wants AI to start over?
為什麼 Geoffrey Hinton對反向傳播演算法如此懷疑,並且認為我們應該重新確定AI的發展方向?
This is an answer about the question "Why is Geoffrey Hinton suspicious of backpropagation and wants AI to start over?" in Quora. For practicing,i read it and write down some note in Chinese. The original answer was written by Raanan Hadar . Because of the mindset of the practicing , i will not strictly translate the answer word by word , but just write down my explanation of the answer.
這是在Quora上回答「為什麼Geoffrey Hiton對反向傳播演算法如此懷疑並且認為我們要重新定義AI的發展方向? 」問題下的一個回答。為了練習我自己的英文科技板塊寫作和閱讀的能力,我閱讀了這些內容並且用中文寫下了一些筆記(翻譯)。原回答是Raanan Hadar寫的。當然因為我主要是為了練習,所以我僅僅是寫下了大概的內容理解(當然和翻譯也差不了太多),而不是特別嚴謹還原地翻譯了這一個回答。
And it is my duty to provide the link of the discussion (of Quora)(問題鏈接如下):
Why is Geoffrey Hinton suspicious of backpropagation and wants AI to start over?And about Hinton(一個神經網路大牛,文章高產如野牛):
Geoffrey Hinton - Wikipedia

Lets start by saying that the above are great answers. I wanted to add another subtle and different perspective I think some people missed.
Hinton has a must see lecture called 『What is wrong with Convolutional Neural Nets』. I also think that Hinton』s more recent endeavor(努力,儘力) into 『Outrageously large Neural Networks』 also helps to bring my point home…
(註:Frankensteins ,即弗蘭肯斯坦,是英國女作家 Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley於1818年所著的小說中的主人公,他是一個年輕的醫學研究者,他創造了一個毀滅了他的自己的怪物,Frankensteins monster,即科學怪人,Frankensteins創造的那傢伙)
My feeling, which I hope is also Hinton』s is that he has created a Frankensteins monster of the sort. You see, deep neural nets are huge and bulky(巨大的) inefficient creatures that allow you to effectively solve a learning problem by getting huge amounts of data and a super computer. They currently trade efficiency for brute force almost every time. Convolutional neural nets are prime example because they have no standard notion of frame of reference and they are not invariant(不變的) to rotation and scale changes. The goto solution today is not making them invariant but making them 『tolerant』: using huge amounts of data and huge model capacity.
- 如今,很多研究者無法接觸到問題,原因是他們缺乏足夠的硬體。例如,視頻方面的深度學習如今進展緩慢。
- 同樣的遲緩性還表現在,深度學習網路對於「小數據集」來說是幾乎不起作用的。
The Frankensteins way has its problems too:
- Some problems today are simply out of reach of most casual researchers because they lack adequate hardware. Take a look at the slow pace of deep learning for video has made until recently.
- This same inefficiency is what makes deep nets less useful for 『small data』 problems.
If you are Google and getting a 100Million labeled dataset and a 10 Petaflop super computer is within your reach, you are golden. The problem is this is the way of the engineer and not the scientist. Hinton believes we should invest instead in making neural nets more efficient. You would still need labeled data, but a lot less.
【subtle】:not easy to notice or understand unless you pay careful attention .
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