
By CuffedRocker, released 2018/01/11 @ 易言堂 (ID: easy-peasy)

眨眼間 (In the twinkling of an eye),2018 年已經過去10天啦。新年伊始,大家往往會盤點一下自己的生活 (take stock of one』s life)。也許你覺得應該和過去劃清界限 (draw a line under the past),重頭開始 (make a fresh start)。

  • 你可能放棄有些不好的事兒,改過自新、重新做人 (turn over a new leaf)。
  • 你可能放棄某種習慣 (kick a habit),比如抽煙,試試 (have a crack at) 新的愛好
  • 你可能放棄一份沒有出頭之日的工作 (dead-end job)
  • 你可能放棄你的小姐姐/哥哥,因為你們的戀愛不會有結果 (your relationship isn』t going anywhere)

61 in the twinkling of an eye

in an instant; very quickly

62 take stock of sth.

think about what is good or bad about sth.



At the dawn of a new year, it』s always a good idea to take stock of your portfolio and see what the new opportunities are.


63 draw a line under sth.


Volkswagen has drawn a line under its diesel emissions scandal, which has cost it billions of dollars.


64 make a fresh start

have a new beginning

65 turn over a new leaf

start to behave in a better way

He sees fatherhood as a chance to turn over a new leaf.


66 kick a habit

give up a habit

67 have/take a crack at sth.

try sth.

68 dead-end job

dead end

dead-end job: a job with little or no chance of promotion (沒有或基本沒有升遷機會的工作)

69 not be going anywhere

not be achieving success

當然了,這些事兒都不容易,因為你曾經從中得到樂趣。一下子徹底 (once and for all) 放棄,說起來容易,做起來難啊 (that』s easier said than done)。如果莫有進步,你會覺得日子很灰暗,感覺又回到原點了 (back to square one)。於是有人安慰你,這種事不是孤注一擲 (all or nothing),一時的失敗並非世界末日 (not the end of the world),你很快就能回到正軌 (back on the straight and narrow).

70 once and for all

definitely and for ever; now and for the last time

We settled the problem once and for all.


71 easier said than done


72 back to square one

go back to the beginning because no progress has been made

其中,square 指」方格」,square one,即第一個方格,想想蛇和梯子的遊戲

Snakes and Ladders

73 all or nothing

The government adopted a compromise solution rather than an all-or-nothing approach.


74 not the end of the world

Failing an exam is not the end of the world.


75 back on the straight and narrow

back to proper lifestyles


第一,言行一致,證明自己的誠意 (put your money where your mouth is),不能光說不練。

比如買個健身會員,鍛煉身體、保持健康。但是,要一步一步來、先顧眼前 (take it one day at a time),畢竟羅馬不是一天建成的 (Rome was not built in a day)。

76 put one』s money where one』s mouth is

不要理解為 「把錢花在吃上面」 O(∩_∩)O

意思是 back up one』s words with action

There are so many poor people in city. I』m so sad.

Why don』t you put your money where your mouth is? Go and work for a charity!



兩個 one』s 是同一個人! 否則,意思就變了,比如:

Politicians always put my money where their mouth is.


77 take it one day at a time

not focus too much on the long-term goal

78 Rome was not built in a day


第二,不要貪多嚼不爛 (not to bite off more than you can chew),人要現實一點兒。身患重度懶癌的電視迷 (couch potato) 是不可能馬上一周跑步5次的。因此,剛開始的時候 (get the ball rolling) 目標最好不高也不低。

79 not to bite off more than you can chew

not try to do too much

80 couch potato

couch potato


81 get the ball rolling


有些人就不一樣了。一旦決定咬緊牙關、迎難而上 (bite the bullet),他們做事會有條不紊 (get one』s act together),全心全意 (put one』s heart and soul into sth.) 去實現目標。如果堅持到底 (stay the course) 的話,他們肯定會得到滿意的結果。

82 bite the bullet

force oneself to do something difficult; to be brave in a difficult situation


The company had to bite the bullet to survive the economic crisis.


83 get one』s act together

organize things effectively

84 put one』s heart and soul into sth.

heart and soul = all one』s feelings

85 stay the course

keep doing sth. until it is finished

He stayed the course and reached the finishing line.




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