While growing up there was always a story going around, this story scared me but it
is my one of my all-time favourite stories and I hope you enjoy it too. One ofthe reasons this I love this story is when I slept at my grandparents』 house I
would always sleep this the dog next to the bed, I would always make sure thedog was next to me by stroking the dog. The urban legend is called…humans can lick too
A young teenage girl lived at home with
her mother, father and her much loved pet dog.Being 16 years old, her parents decided that she was now old enough to be left alone without a minder while they went out for the evening. Although there was some concern about leaving a young girl in a house all by herself, they knew she was sensible and would behave. And besides, she did have the pet Alsatian dog to look after her and keep her company.
The parents left for the night, leaving Emergency phone numbers and supplies for the night. The girl was thrilled to be spending her first night alone in her parents』 house and mainly watched TV until 11.00 rolled round.
Deciding she was tired she moved upstairs to her comfy bedroom to retire for the night. Her trusty Alsatian dog following her all the time.
After being asleep for a short time she awoke to a dripping noise coming from the bathroom. Not afraid, but curious as to what the noise was she lowered her hand down beside her bed to gain a little comfort from the Alsatian. She felt the warmth of his soft tongue as he licked her hand, showing her that he was O.K and that everything would be alright.
Feeling assured she drifted off to sleep once more.Waking once again to the sounds of the dripping tap, or whatever it was, in the bathroom she instinctively dropped her hand down to pet her dog. Once again her dog offered up the loyal companionship that only a much trusted and loved pet can, and licked her hand and she once again fell asleep.
For the last time she woke up again, that annoying noise was still going, she reached for her dog but found he wasnt there. Wondering where her parents were at this time of night (it was about 3.30am by this time) and looking for her dog she walked out into the bathroom.
A horrifying sight met her, the dog had been mutilated and was creating the dripping noise, as blood slowly fell and pooled on the floor below. Screaming she ran back through the house and attempted to call the police. The phone was dead, and she turned to suddenly see her parents also mutilated behind her. Her screams could be heard as she looked down at a note written in blood, it read:
"Humans Can Lick Too".
She then runs madly for the stairs only to see a black figure waiting with open arms to catch her.
隨著逐漸成長,始終有個故事縈繞著我,使我感到恐懼,但是並不妨礙它成為我最喜愛的故事之一。原因之一就是當我還住在祖父母家時,我 一定會讓狗睡在床邊,並且撫摸著它。這個情節和我即將要和大家說的故事有著類似情節,它就是歐美最恐怖五大都市傳說之一「人類也會舔」。
於是父母離開的那晚,留下了電話 以備不時之需,並為小女孩留下了補給品。父母走後,小女孩相當緊張與興奮得開始度過自己第一個一個人的夜晚,電視看到了晚上11點。