How to Stop bad habits in cats (與貓的鬥智斗勇)


To change a cat』s behaviour is very

difficult but not impossible, unlike dog』s cats won』t follow commands it』s hard

enough to get them to come to you even when your shouting their a cat owns

the house and you are just allowed to live with it, as its slave, but fear not

we will help you gain control of your home again from the evil dictator that

has moved into your life. when training all animals, a reward system must be

used, so when you see a cat doing something you like, the cat must be rewarded

when showing good behaviour and never punish when doing something bad as punishing

has shown not to show results.

The three-step process

1. Stop the behaviour is progress

through distraction

2. Redirect the cat to an

alternate approved activity

3. Reward the good behaviour with

a treat or affection

These methods will reinforce behaviour that

you wish your cat to do, although the cat will not do this right away keeping

at it will eventually the cat will show the habits you desire.


up on tables and counters

When you think of where a cat goes you

might not want the cat to walk where you eat. Best thing to place unattractive

material on the table top such as tin foil and double sided tape, this will

make the cat uncomfortable and will make the cat jump back down. If you see you

cat ready to jump onto a surface, simply pick up the cat and place it somewhere

high where you don』t mind the cat being or use a cat tower (since cats like to

be on a high place so they can look down on everyone). Once you have place the

cat onto the new stop give the cat a treat. When the cat has settled down in

the new location give the cat affection, the cat will see this new location as

someplace good to be since its gets treats and affection over and will want to

be in this place a lot more.


on fresh laundry

After finishing the cleaning your clothes

they will be nice smelling, very soft and very warm, which will be a cat』s

heaven only if your clothes smelled of smelled of fish, so how do you stop a

cat from going to cat heaven. One of the ways is to put clothes away as soon as

possible but that』s changing your own bad habitat rather than the cats. What

you will have to do is provide a distraction, place comfy stops in the room you

do clean your clothes and cover the clean clothes with aluminium foil or

cellophane, this will give the cat a horrible feeling when trying to lay on top

of the clean clothes. When you see the cat in the comfy stops you have provided

show the at affection and give treats so that it will like that place more.



Nothing will make a cat happy then after a long

hard day of doing nothing more but to stretch out and put its claws into the

furniture that its slave owns. While stopping scratching is completely different

then a place it likes to sleep, its uses the same methods as the other bad

habits. Place sticky tape and aluminium on the parts of the furniture that is

been scratched, this will give the cat a horrible feeling when scratching and

place next to the normal scratching area place a scratching post it will likely

move to this post to scratch. After a while the cat will not bother will the

furniture and will move to the post whenever it needs to sharpen its claws to

stick into you.


eating faeces

One of the bad habits you might see a cat

doing is eating another cat or its own solid waste, the correct term for this

it』s called coprophagia. This isn』t very common in cats but it does happen some

of the reason it might happen is in new mothers, the new mothers will eat the

waste of the new born to keep the new born clean and to start a grooming

routine, the kittens will pick up this trait and make it part of their own

grooming routine. Adult cats will eat waste if their personal area becomes too


But if you find you cat eating its own

waste and it』s not a new mother and you keep its personal area clean it could

be an underlined medical condition. Some of the medical conditions that cause

coprophagia are:

· Parasites

· Diabetes

· Inflammatory bowel disease

· Anemia

· Vitamin deficiency

· Malnutrition

· Thyroid Disease

· Neurological disease

To determine which of these is causes

coprophagia the vet will have to take a blood test and other medical test, they

will give you a treatment plan that will change the way you look after and what

food to feed the cat.

If you want to make sure it』s not a medical

problem there is things you can do to stop the cat from eating its own waste,

clean up waste as soon as possible, this will stop the cat from eating it and

will stop the habit. Playing with the cat this will lower stress and keep the

cat occupied with you.


When you want to train any animal from

doing a bad habit, using the 3 rules of training will always help but be aware

that some repetitive behaviour it could be a underlining cause of a medical

condition, so always make sure that it is a bad habit instead of a warning sign

that you pet is very unwell it may save its life.




1. 如果你想要阻止吾皇的的壞習慣,只能通過分散其注意力來達到目的;

2. 通過可替代方案來讓吾皇養成的好的行為模式從而塑造其行為習慣;

3. 一旦吾皇表現良好,毫不吝嗇的獎勵它,並表示愛慕之情。













· 寄生蟲

· 糖尿病

· 炎症性腸病

· 貧血

· 維生素缺乏

· 營養失調

· 甲狀腺疾病

· 神經病








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