

A bridge that rests in Scotland that was

built in 1895, you might be asking why is there an article about a bridge on a

website designed around animals. this bridge has a dark mysterious history with

animals and the animal the history is around is the dog. You see this bridge is

where dogs commit suicide by jumping off the bridge which is 50 feet high.

Not much is known why the dogs are jumping

off the bridge but what is known is that since the 1950』s a dog has jumped off

the bridge once a year, always on the same side of the bridge, they always jump

on a clear day and the breed of dog is always one with a long nose.

Because of this, the bridge gained media

attention and was put under investigation of the government and sent an animal

habitat expert called Dr David Sexton to find what was causing the dogs to

commit suicide on this bridge.

Dr David Sexton investigated what would

attract the dogs after he eliminated what sights and sounds could attracted the

dogs, what was left was the smell. After Dr David Sexton investigated the area

he found that mice and minks living underground on the side of the bridge that

the dogs jumped from. After the mice and minks was found he set up an

experiment to see if the dogs would be attracted to the scent of the mice and


The experiment that he did was placing

scent of male mink urine in a field and using 10 dogs of different breeds that

match the dogs that jumped off the bridge, only 2 of the 10 dogs was not

interested in the scent of the mink』s urine. While this experiment showed that

the dogs was interested in the urine it』s not a definite answer but could be

one of the reason a dog would leap off a bridge.

However, a local hunter called John Joyce

who』s has lived in the area for over 50 years says that there is no mink in the


While the bridge is famous of the dogs

killing them self』s there is another dark reason why the bridge has a history.

In October 1994, a man named Kevin Moy threw his 2-week-old son off the bridge

declaring that his son was the devil. Kevin jumped off the bridge as well but

survive and tried to kill himself by slashing his wrists.




對於狗為什麼從橋上跳下去,我們知道得並不多,但是有點可以肯定的就是自從1950年開始,每年都會 有一條狗從橋上跳下去,而且都是從同一側往下跳。這些狗也都有些共性:它們都有一個長鼻子,都會選擇一個風和日麗的日子實施自殺。

此事一出後,引來了無數媒體的關注,政府也參與了調查。他們指派了一名叫做David Sexton的動物生存環境領域環境方面的專家,來查明使狗在這座橋實施自殺的原因。

David Sexton博士從視覺、聲音等多維度來確認狗被吸引的真正因素,首先排出的就是視覺,因為以狗的視角出發,唯一能看到的就是花崗岩,接著對於聽覺進行辨別,在對橋上的聲音級別進行辨別後,並沒有發現與狗的死有關的線索,最後鎖定為「氣味」。在David Sexton博士到現場勘測後,發現老鼠和貂就住在橋下的一側,也就是狗選擇跳下去的一側。發現這一線索後,David Sexton博士打算利用老鼠和貂的氣味做個實驗,以此來確認狗是不是被這種氣味所吸引。



就在當時,還有一名在當地生活了超過50年的的獵人叫作John Joyce,聲稱在那一區域根本就沒有貂。

從此,這座橋就以狗的自殺而聞名。當然,之後關於這座橋還發生了一件駭人聽聞的事件。1994年的10月,一個叫做Kevin Moy的男人講他2周大的兒子從橋上扔下,他聲稱自己的兒子為魔鬼,他自己也選擇從橋上跳下,但是最後並沒死。之後,他又不斷嘗試砍自己的手腕來進行自殺。




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