
IQ benefits men』s mental health


原文:Jessica Hamzelou,



圖源:《男士健康英國版》Mens Fitness UK 2018年6月刊,版權歸原作者所有

THERE』S more to intelligence than smarts. A high IQ seems to protect the brain from some of the effects of inflammation, including signs of depression. But the effect is seen only in men.


Studies have found that people with depression or schizophrenia tend to have higher levels of inflammatory proteins in their bodies, indicating a heightened state of immune activity. For this reason, anti-inflammatory drugs are being trialled for both conditions.


But not everyone with inflammation goes on to develop a mental-health disorder. Eirini Flouri at University College London wondered whether intelligence may help protect some people from the effects of inflammation.

但並非所有患有炎症的人都會患上精神疾病。倫敦大學學院的Eirini Flouri著力於研究智力是否有助於保護一些人免受炎症的影響。

Flouri and her colleagues analysed data from more than 9600 people in the UK, aged between 18 and 97. Each person had answered surveys about their mental health, including whether they were in psychological distress. High distress scores indicate that a person is more likely to develop depression, says Flouri. Blood samples that had been taken at the same time were used to measure inflammation levels. Each person also completed a battery of cognitive tests, which measured reasoning, memory and problem solving, among other things, to give an IQ score.


After taking account of factors including the volunteers』 age, physical health and lifestyles, the team found that men – but not women – who had higher levels of inflammation also showed more signs of psychological distress. This link was disrupted by high levels of intelligence: men with high inflammation who also had a high IQ seemed to be less likely to show distress. 「There appears to be some protective effect of having a high IQ,」 says Flouri.

在考慮了包括志願者的年齡、身體健康和生活方式在內的各項因素後,研究小組發現,男性(不是女性)中,抗炎症程度較高的人也表現出更多的心理壓力。這種聯繫被高水平的智力打斷了:高智商的男性也有炎症,但是對於痛苦的表現不那麼明顯。「高智商似乎有某種保護作用,」 Flouri說。

This may be because men who are more intelligent are more likely to take better care of themselves, and follow a healthy diet and exercise schedule, Flouri suggests.


Hormonal differences between men and women might explain why inflammation and intelligence weren』t linked to mental health in women, says Flouri. Men have more testosterone, which is known to influence inflammation and stress. Immune system differences may be a factor too; women generally seem more prone to inflammation, and to some inflammation-associated disorders, such as autoimmune conditions.


It is also possible that women are more likely to experience types of stress – abuse, perhaps – that affect inflammation and mental health in different ways. Early life experiences and genetics probably also have an effect, says Golam Khandaker at the University of Cambridge.

也有可能女性更容易經歷各種類型的壓力——(女性更容易經受虐待)——都會以不同的方式影響炎症和心理健康。劍橋大學的Golam Khandaker說,早期的生活經歷和基因可能也會影響。

But Carmine Pariante at King』s College London doesn』t think the evidence is strong enough yet to accept that there is a difference between men and women when it comes to inflammation affecting mental health.

但倫敦大學國王學院的Carmine Pariante認為,目前的證據還不足以證明:男性和女性在炎症影響心理健康方面存在差異。

Taking steps to boost aspects of your intelligence – by training memory, for example – might potentially help you avoid the effects of inflammation. But the best bet is probably to adopt a generally healthy lifestyle. 「If we take measures to keep inflammation down, it should have a positive impact on a number of factors,」 says Khandaker.






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