亂碼賞文(3) | 寫作:做真實的自己

In literature, as in life, one of the fundamentals is to find, and be, one s true self. One s true self may indeed be unpleasant; but a false self, sooner or later, becomes disgusting—just as a nice plain woman, painted to the eyebrows, can become horrid. In writing, in the long run, pretense does not work. As the police put it, anything you say may be used as evidence against you. If handwriting reveals character, writing reveals it still more. You cannot fool your judges all the time.

Most style is not honest enough. Easy to say, but hard to practice. A writer may take to long words, as young men to beards—to impress. But long words like long beards, are often the badge of charlatans. Or a writer may cultivate the obscure, to seem profound. But even carefully muddied puddles are soon fathomed. Or he may cultivate eccentricity, to seem original. But really original people do not have to think about being original—they can no more help it than they can help breathing.

——F. L. Lucas





the fundamentals (of something): the most important ideas, rules etc that something is based on (LDOCE5)

plain: not beautiful or attractive – often used because you want to avoid saying this directly (LDOCE5)

take to: If you take to someone or something, you like them, especially after knowing them or thinking about them for only a short time. (Cobuild)

a badge of something: something that represents a particular quality or type of person (MADAL)

charlatan: someone who cheats people by claiming to have special knowledge or abilities (MADAL)

profound: showing great knowledge and understanding; deep or far below the surface of something (LDOCE5)

puddle: a small pool of liquid, especially rainwater (LDOCE5)




In literature, as in life, one of the fundamentals is to find, and be, one s true self.


盧卡斯不拐彎抹角,一上來便說做真實的自己是寫文的「基本原則」。fundamental 由拉丁語 fundāmentum 演變而來,其內涵為foundation, basis. 下次當你想說 one of the most important things時,你可以嘗試說 one of the fundamentals.

One s true self may indeed be unpleasant; but a false self,sooner or later, becomes disgusting...


這句話格外有張力。不僅是因為有對比(one』s true self, a false self),不僅是因為盧卡斯用詞犀利(disgusting),更是因為有 indeed 和 sooner or later 的烘托。沒有「誠然」,何來「但是」?假者可欺騙一時,但能否欺騙一世?

... —just as a nice plain woman, painted to the eyebrows, can become horrid.


plain 是委婉語(euphemism)。「相貌平平」?不,就是「丑」。只是文化人不說穿而已。horrid 來自於拉丁語 horridus,指 rough, shaggy, rude, dreadful. nice 在此處並非形容詞,而是副詞,表示「十分地」。



1962年,南加利福尼亞大學名譽教授 Sarnoff A. Mednick (a Professor Emeritus at The University of Southern California) 提出遠距聯想理論(theory of associative creativity),認為創造性思考是將聯想得來的元素重新整合的過程。根據各元素間距離的遠近,聯想可分為近距聯想和遠距聯想。遠距聯想能力越強的人,創造力越高。



一種純粹靠讀書學來的真理,與我們的關係,就像假肢、假牙、蠟鼻子甚或人工植皮。而由獨立思考獲得的真理就如我們天生的四肢:只有它們才屬於我們。 ——亞瑟·叔本華(Arthur Schopenhauer)

Pope Boniface VIII. entered, it is said, into his Papacy like a fox, behaved himself in it like a lion, and died like a dog.——Michel de Montaigne, Book the Second


In writing, in the long run, pretense does not work. As the police put it, anything you say may be used as evidence against you. If handwriting reveals character, writing reveals it still more. You cannot fool your judges all the time.












Most style is not honest enough. Easy to say, but hard to practice.


A writer may take to long words, as young men to beards—to impress. But long words like long beards, are often the badge of charlatans.





The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter — it』s the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.——Mark Twain

Mark Twain described how a good writer treats sentences: 「At times he may indulge himself with a long one, but he will make sure there are no folds in it, no vaguenesses, no parenthetical interruptions of its view as a whole; when he has done with it, it won』t be a sea-serpent with half of its arches under the water; it will be a torch-light procession.」 (The Economist Style Guide)

the lightning bugthe lightning,從 a sea-serpent with half of its arches under the watertorch-light procession,馬克·吐溫在這兩句話中創造的意象妙不可言。







Or a writer may cultivate the obscure, to seem profound. But even carefully muddied puddles are soon fathomed.




The writer can see something that the reader has not yet noticed, and he orients the reader』s gaze so that she can see it for herself. The purpose of writing is presentation, and its motive is disinterested truth. It succeeds when it aligns language with the truth, the proof of success being clarity and simplicity. The truth can be known, and is not the same as the language that reveals it; prose is a window onto the world. (The Sense of Style)

平克肯定會認同盧卡斯所說的,「池子」濁不得(the proof of success being clarity and simplicity)。在平克看來,文章是望向世界的窗(prose is a window onto the world)。


Or he may cultivate eccentricity, to seem original. But really original people do not have to think about being original—they can no more help it than they can help breathing.







當海明威把《老人與海》的手稿交給編輯時,他自信地說這是他最好的作品:「I know that it is the best I can write ever for all of my life, I think, and that it destroys good and able work by being placed alongside of it.」


Writing, at its best, is a lonely life. Organizations for writers palliate the writers loneliness but I doubt if they improve his writing. He grows in public stature as he sheds his loneliness and often his work deteriorates. For he does his work alone and if he is a good enough writer he must face eternity, or the lack of it, each day. For a true writer each book should be a new beginning where he tries again for something that is beyond attainment. He should always try for something that has never been done or that others have tried and failed. Then sometimes, with great luck, he will succeed.








  • 寫文如做人,基本原則是真誠。字如其人,文亦如其人。你可以騙人一時,但無法欺人一世。
  • 勿濫用大詞,勿賣弄學識。作家的任務,是向讀者展示自己眼中的世界;文章是望向世界的窗。
  • 寫作這事,天賦並非唯一。神級作家之所以神,是因為他們把寫作當成了生命。


1.Frank Laurence Lucas

Frank Laurence Lucas (28 December 1894 – 1 June 1967) was an English classical scholar, literary critic, poet, novelist, playwright, political polemicist, Fellow of Kings College, Cambridge, and intelligence officer at Bletchley Park during World War II.

He is now best remembered for his scathing 1923 review of T. S. Eliots The Waste Land, and for his book Style(1955; revised 1962), an acclaimed guide to recognising and writing good prose.


2.Style: The Art of Writing Well


In 1936, Hemingway wrote an essay for Esquire that contained a paragraph describing an "old man fishing alone in a skiff out of Caba?as" who hooked a big marlin that dragged him eastward for two days. The man killed the fish and then fought off sharks attracted to its blood. When the man was finally picked up, "what was left of the fish, less than half, weighed eight hundred pounds." Two years later, Hemingway started writing The Old Man and the Sea, but then got sidetracked by For Whom the Bell Tolls. By the time he returned to the story, it had been percolating in his brain for at least 16 years.



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Obviously historiography cannot be a science. It can only be an industry, an art, and a philosophy—an industry by ferreting out the facts, an art by establishing a meaningful order in the chaos of materials, a philosophy by seeking perspective and enlightenment. "The present is the past rolled up for action, and the past is the present unrolled for understanding" —or so we believe and hope. In philosophy we try to see the part in the light of the whole; in the "philosophy of history" we try to see this moment in the light of the past. We know that in both cases this is a counsel of perfection; total perspective is an optical illusion. We do not know the whole of mans history; there were probably many civilizations before the Sumerian or the Egyptian; we have just begun to dig! We must operate with partial knowledge, and be provisionally content with probabilities; in history, as in science and politics, relativity rules, and all formulas should be suspect. "History smiles at all attempts to force its flow into theoretical patterns or logical grooves; it plays havoc with our generalizations, breaks all our rules; history is baroque." Perhaps, within these limits, we can learn enough from history to bear reality patiently, and to respect one anothers delusions.

——Will and Ariel Durant, The Lessons of History

「I had never learned English—until I met LM.」




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