【CATTI 二級筆譯】必背篇章段落(旅遊篇)



The Mountain Resort (Bi Shu Shan Zhuang, or literally "Mountain Hamlet for Escaping the Heat") in the northern part of the city of Chengde was the biggest garden of the imperial family of the Qing Dynasty.


- A(主語)位於B(地點),是C(具體內容),幾乎可以說是有固定譯法的句式了。一般來說,我們會把位於翻譯成分詞狀語located in……,或者像譯文中一樣直接省略動詞做地點狀語。

- 避暑山莊可以做單獨的名詞,也可以是特有名詞,顯然本文中是指「承德避暑山莊」這一個特定的名跡,所以要首字母大寫,另外還在括弧里標明了解釋,方便外國讀者理解,是翻譯學習中應該注意的守則。

- 承德市區北部是指在市區內的北部,即 the northern part of...


In order to consolidate the unity of the multinational state and pacify the frontier areas, Emperor Kangxi went on many tours of inspection in north China. During his tours, he found that Chengde with its proximity to the capital of Beijing was beautiful in scenery and pleasant in climate. So in 1703 he decided to have a summer resort built here.


- 由於句子很長,所以應該適當拆分。遂……是表原因的,可以單做一句,前面「清朝康熙皇帝在為鞏固多民族國家的統一,安塞固疆的多次北巡途中」也可以用原因(In order to )和結果翻譯成一個單句,中間自成一句。

- 鞏固:consolidate;安塞固疆可理解成平定邊界,即pacify the frontier area;巡視: inspection

- 注意 風景秀麗,氣候宜人,離京師又近 用一句話怎樣表達


Construction of the project lasted through the regins of emperors Kangxi and Qianlong and was completed in 87 years.



Every year both Kangxi and Qianlong spent about six months enjoying the cool and handling government affairs here.

Sai的筆記:避暑用了反譯的方法,譯作納涼;處理政務為handle government affairs;半年用six months 而不是half year避免了用詞重複


After the Qing Dynasty was overthrown, the Mountain Resort was left in bad repair.

Sai的筆記:結合背景知識進行選詞翻譯:清朝以後的意思即清政府被推翻,in bad repair 失修。這種翻譯表達了清朝滅亡後避暑山莊長期失修的狀態。


After liberation, the People Government designated it as a major historical monument under state protection and allocated a huge sum of money to restore it so that it has become a summer resort and a tourist attraction for visitors at home and abroad.



The Mountain Resort covers 5.6 million square metres and the wall enclosing it is as long as 10 kilometers.



It is divided into the palace area and the garden area. The entire scenery creates an effect often seen in traditional Chinese landscape painting.



Rows upon rows of pavilions and halls bejewel the whole resort, and temples and nunneris dot the deep, grass-carpeted valleys and tree-clad, undulating mountains.








The Mountain Resort (Bi Shu Shan Zhuang, or literally "Mountain Hamlet for Escaping the Heat") in the northern part of the city of Chengde was the biggest garden of the imperial family of the Qing Dynasty.

In order to consolidate the unity of the multinational state and pacify the frontier areas, Emperor Kangxi went on many tours of inspection in north China. During his tours, he found that Chengde with its proximity to the capital of Beijing was beautiful in scenery and pleasant in climate. So in 1703 he decided to have a summer resort built here. Construction of the project lasted through the regins of emperors Kangxi and Qianlong and was completed in 87 years. Every year both Kangxi and Qianlong spent about six months enjoying the cool and handling government affairs here. After the Qing Dynasty was overthrown, the Mountain Resort was left in bad repair. After liberation, the People Government designated it as a major historical monument under state protection and allocated a huge sum of money to restore it so that it has become a summer resort and a tourist attraction for visitors at home and abroad.

The Mountain Resort covers 5.6 million square metres and the wall enclosing it is as long as 10 kilometers.It is divided into the palace area and the garden area. The entire scenery creates an effect often seen in traditional Chinese landscape painting. Rows upon rows of pavilions and halls bejewel the whole resort, and temples and nunneris dot the deep, grass-carpeted valleys and tree-clad, undulating mountains.



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