


It is not uncommon when reading the paper or watching the news to see a report about a

pet attacking the member of the family, when this happens it can have an affect

where pets become fear, thrown out of the family home and even killed. When

this happens, the media will always put the blame on the animal, although there

is an argument from nature and nurture.

Nature and nurture

This the media always putting the blame on the animals, it makes a statement that the

animals that attacked the owner is evil by nature, although when you consider

how these animals are raised in the household the chances are high that the pet is in an

abusive household. The most dangerous time for a dog is when they are scared

and backed into a corner, attacking is the dogs last defence.

the animals been violent but the violence has been bred into these animals. Because of

these breeders making fighting dogs in the United Kingdom they have pass a law

banning people from owning certain dogs, the law is called The Dangerous Dog

Act 1991, which stops the ownership, the dogs on the list are the Pit Bull

Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino and Fila Brasilero. If you have these

dogs in the United Kingdom these dogs must go under strict guidelines such as

the dogs always been muzzled (guard over the mouth to stop biting) andalways on

a lead in public, must be registered and insured, neutered, tattooed and

microchip implants.

These guidelines help protect the public from these dogs but it also makes them a pet

to be owned by criminals for illegal dog fighting and protection from other

gangs and police. One of the dogs that fallen victim to this is a Staffordshire


The Staffordshire bull terrier

This dog has two names depending on where you get your information, if you believe the media

you will know these dogs as devil dogs but if you consider the history of the

dog they are known as nanny dogs, these dogs have a bad reputation because they

look like small pit bulls.

Throughout history these dogs were known as nanny dogs, these would help the nanny look

after children while the nanny would clean the house, these are one of the friendliestdogs

around although they look like they are violent and people will be scared at

first but once they meet people will fall in love with them. Not only are these

dog』s friendly but they are very brave and protective of the family.

Although they have been some attacks, the media have given these the name devil dog. The

reputation has changed through media due to the role they play in gangster

movies and in rap videos. Making them the dog to have to make you look strong

or to use in violence. Since the people who get these dogs want them for a

dangerous reputation they treat the dogs abusive to try and make them violent,

but this turns on the owner when the dog attacks them for their own protection.

When this happens, the media will report it as another violent dog, which makes

them more desirable by more violent people and the cycle continues to give

these dogs a bad reputation.

There are charities out there, that are trying to change the reputation of these dogs by reporting every good thing they do and showing how the owners was treating the dogs before the attack and rehoming abandoned dogs. When you hear a story about a violent dog attack, think why the

dog attacked in the first place and how many of the dogs have attacked the owner. Don』t let the media change your mind without doing your own research.







通過歷史,我們發現斯塔福郡鬥牛梗之所以被稱為保姆狗是因為它們 會在保姆忙碌的時候,幫助她們照顧小孩,它們是最友善的狗之一,儘管外表看起來很兇殘,一旦人類與它們接觸後,就會愛上它們。這類狗不僅友善,更重要的是勇敢,義不容辭得承擔起保護家庭的責任。





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