

一 前言




圖1.1 鐵軌



請注意,透視變換矩陣的左上角2×2部分的行列式不需要+1。而且,由於前面所示的變換中的分割,將透視比那換矩陣的所有元素乘以常數並不會再所表示的變換中產生任何差異。因此,計算透視變換矩陣時,令M33 = 1是常見的。這使得我們在M中具有八個自由數,並且因此四對對應點足以恢復兩個圖像之間的透視變換。 OpenCV函數findHomography()為你做到了這一點。有趣的是,如果您在調用此函數時指定了標誌CV_RANSAC,它甚至可以佔用四個以上的點並使用RANSAC演算法來魯棒地估計所有這些點的變換。 RANSAC使變換估計過程免受嘈雜的「錯誤」對應關係影響。以下提供的代碼讀取了兩個圖像(通過透視變換相關),要求用戶點擊八對點,使用RANSAC魯棒地估計透視變換,並顯示原始和新的透視變換圖像之間的差異,以驗證估計的變換。整個工程測試代碼鏈接已上傳至GitHub,可關注微信公眾號:視覺IMAX獲取。

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace cv;void on_mouse(int event, int x, int y, int, void* _p){ Point2f* p = (Point2f *)_p; if (event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONUP) { p->x = x; p->y = y; }}class perspective_transformer {private: Mat im, im_transformed, im_perspective_transformed, im_show, im_transformed_show; vector<Point2f> points, points_transformed; Mat M; Point2f get_click(string, Mat);public: perspective_transformer(); void estimate_perspective(); void show_diff();};perspective_transformer::perspective_transformer(){ im = imread("./DataFiles/image.bmp"); im_transformed = imread("./DataFiles/transformed.bmp");}Point2f perspective_transformer::get_click(string window_name, Mat im){ Point2f p(-1, -1); setMouseCallback(window_name, on_mouse, (void *)&p); while (p.x == -1 && p.y == -1) { imshow(window_name, im); waitKey(20); } return p;}void perspective_transformer::estimate_perspective(){ namedWindow("Original", 1); namedWindow("Transformed", 1); imshow("Original", im); imshow("Transformed", im_transformed); cout << "To estimate the Perspective transform between the original and transformed images you will have to click on 8 matching pairs of points" << endl; im_show = im.clone(); im_transformed_show = im_transformed.clone(); Point2f p; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { cout << "POINT " << i << endl; cout << "Click on a distinguished point in the ORIGINAL image" << endl; p = get_click("Original", im_show); cout << p << endl; points.push_back(p); circle(im_show, p, 2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1); imshow("Original", im_show); cout << "Click on a distinguished point in the TRANSFORMED image" << endl; p = get_click("Transformed", im_transformed_show); cout << p << endl; points_transformed.push_back(p); circle(im_transformed_show, p, 2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1); imshow("Transformed", im_transformed_show); } //Estimate perspective transform M = findHomography(points, points_transformed, CV_RANSAC, 2); cout << "Estimated Perspective transform = " << M << endl; // Apply estimated perspecive trasnform warpPerspective(im, im_perspective_transformed, M, im.size()); namedWindow("Estimated Perspective transform", 1); imshow("Estimated Perspective transform", im_perspective_transformed); imwrite("./DataFiles/im_perspective_transformed.bmp", im_perspective_transformed);}void perspective_transformer::show_diff(){ imshow("Difference", im_transformed - im_perspective_transformed);}int main(){ perspective_transformer a; a.estimate_perspective(); cout << "Press d to show difference, q to end" << endl; if (char(waitKey(-1)) == d) { a.show_diff(); cout << "Press q to end" << endl; if (char(waitKey(-1)) == q) return 0; } else return 0;#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace cv;void on_mouse(int event, int x, int y, int, void* _p){ Point2f* p = (Point2f *)_p; if (event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONUP) { p->x = x; p->y = y; }}class perspective_transformer {private: Mat im, im_transformed, im_perspective_transformed, im_show, im_transformed_show; vector<Point2f> points, points_transformed; Mat M; Point2f get_click(string, Mat);public: perspective_transformer(); void estimate_perspective(); void show_diff();};perspective_transformer::perspective_transformer(){ im = imread("./DataFiles/image.bmp"); im_transformed = imread("./DataFiles/transformed.bmp");}Point2f perspective_transformer::get_click(string window_name, Mat im){ Point2f p(-1, -1); setMouseCallback(window_name, on_mouse, (void *)&p); while (p.x == -1 && p.y == -1) { imshow(window_name, im); waitKey(20); } return p;}void perspective_transformer::estimate_perspective(){ namedWindow("Original", 1); namedWindow("Transformed", 1); imshow("Original", im); imshow("Transformed", im_transformed); cout << "To estimate the Perspective transform between the original and transformed images you will have to click on 8 matching pairs of points" << endl; im_show = im.clone(); im_transformed_show = im_transformed.clone(); Point2f p; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { cout << "POINT " << i << endl; cout << "Click on a distinguished point in the ORIGINAL image" << endl; p = get_click("Original", im_show); cout << p << endl; points.push_back(p); circle(im_show, p, 2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1); imshow("Original", im_show); cout << "Click on a distinguished point in the TRANSFORMED image" << endl; p = get_click("Transformed", im_transformed_show); cout << p << endl; points_transformed.push_back(p); circle(im_transformed_show, p, 2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1); imshow("Transformed", im_transformed_show); } //Estimate perspective transform M = findHomography(points, points_transformed, CV_RANSAC, 2); cout << "Estimated Perspective transform = " << M << endl; // Apply estimated perspecive trasnform warpPerspective(im, im_perspective_transformed, M, im.size()); namedWindow("Estimated Perspective transform", 1); imshow("Estimated Perspective transform", im_perspective_transformed); imwrite("./DataFiles/im_perspective_transformed.bmp", im_perspective_transformed);}void perspective_transformer::show_diff(){ imshow("Difference", im_transformed - im_perspective_transformed);}int main(){ perspective_transformer a; a.estimate_perspective(); cout << "Press d to show difference, q to end" << endl; if (char(waitKey(-1)) == d) { a.show_diff(); cout << "Press q to end" << endl; if (char(waitKey(-1)) == q) return 0; } else return 0;}}


三 實踐


圖3.1 原圖


圖3.2 透視投影變換



圖3.3 多組對應點透視變換

四 總結





構圖0分,透視0分,人體0分,但它依然是神作 | 看懂名畫

TAG:透視 | OpenCV |