


1.全局安裝:npm install eslint -g

2.使用前先在項目根目錄下建立使用規則:eslint --init


參考配置文檔:module.exports = { root: true, parser: babel-eslint, parserOptions: { sourceType: module }, env: { browser: true, node: true }, extends: eslint:recommended, // required to lint *.vue files plugins: [ html ], // check if imports actually resolve settings: { import/resolver: { webpack: { config: build/webpack.base.conf.js } } }, // add your custom rules here rules: { // dont require .vue extension when importing // import/extensions: [error, always, { // js: never, // vue: never // }], // allow debugger during development no-debugger: process.env.NODE_ENV === production ? 2 : 0, /* * Possible Errors */ // disallow unnecessary parentheses no-extra-parens: [error, all, {nestedBinaryExpressions: false}], // disallow negating the left operand of relational operators no-unsafe-negation: error, // enforce valid JSDoc comments valid-jsdoc: off, /* * Best Practices */ // enforce return statements in callbacks of array methods array-callback-return: error, // enforce consistent brace style for all control statements curly: [error, multi-line], // enforce consistent newlines before and after dots dot-location: [error, property], // enforce dot notation whenever possible dot-notation: error, // require the use of === and !== eqeqeq: [error, smart], // disallow the use of arguments.caller or arguments.callee no-caller: error, // disallow empty functions no-empty-function: error, // disallow unnecessary calls to .bind() no-extra-bind: error, // disallow unnecessary labels no-extra-label: error, // disallow leading or trailing decimal points in numeric literals no-floating-decimal: error, // disallow assignments to native objects or read-only global variables no-global-assign: error, // disallow the use of eval()-like methods no-implied-eval: error, // disallow the use of the __iterator__ property no-iterator: error, // disallow unnecessary nested blocks no-lone-blocks: error, // disallow multiple spaces no-multi-spaces: error, // disallow new operators with the String, Number, and Boolean objects no-new-wrappers: error, // disallow octal escape sequences in string literals no-octal-escape: error, // disallow the use of the __proto__ property no-proto: error, // disallow comparisons where both sides are exactly the same no-self-compare: error, // disallow throwing literals as exceptions no-throw-literal: error, // disallow unused expressions no-unused-expressions: error, // disallow unnecessary calls to .call() and .apply() no-useless-call: error, // disallow unnecessary concatenation of literals or template literals no-useless-concat: error, // disallow unnecessary escape characters no-useless-escape: error, // disallow void operators no-void: error, // require parentheses around immediate function invocations wrap-iife: error, // require or disallow 「Yoda」 conditions yoda: error, /* * Variables */ // disallow labels that share a name with a variable no-label-var: error, // disallow initializing variables to undefined no-undef-init: error, no-undef: off, // disallow the use of variables before they are defined no-use-before-define: error, /* * Node.js and CommonJS */ // disallow new operators with calls to require no-new-require: error, /* * Stylistic Issues */ // enforce consistent spacing inside array brackets array-bracket-spacing: error, // enforce consistent spacing inside single-line blocks block-spacing: error, // enforce consistent brace style for blocks brace-style: [error, 1tbs, {allowSingleLine: true}], // require or disallow trailing commas comma-dangle: error, // enforce consistent spacing before and after commas comma-spacing: error, // enforce consistent comma style comma-style: error, // enforce consistent spacing inside computed property brackets computed-property-spacing: error, // require or disallow spacing between function identifiers and their invocations func-call-spacing: error, // enforce consistent indentation indent: [error, 2, {SwitchCase: 1}], // enforce the consistent use of either double or single quotes in JSX attributes jsx-quotes: error, // enforce consistent spacing between keys and values in object literal properties key-spacing: error, // enforce consistent spacing before and after keywords keyword-spacing: error, // enforce consistent linebreak style linebreak-style: error, // require or disallow newlines around directives lines-around-directive: error, // require constructor names to begin with a capital letter new-cap: off, // require parentheses when invoking a constructor with no arguments new-parens: error, // disallow Array constructors no-array-constructor: error, // disallow Object constructors no-new-object: error, // disallow trailing whitespace at the end of lines no-trailing-spaces: error, // disallow ternary operators when simpler alternatives exist no-unneeded-ternary: error, // disallow whitespace before properties no-whitespace-before-property: error, // enforce consistent spacing inside braces object-curly-spacing: [error, always], // require or disallow padding within blocks padded-blocks: [error, never], // require quotes around object literal property names quote-props: [error, as-needed], // enforce the consistent use of either backticks, double, or single quotes quotes: [error, single], // enforce consistent spacing before and after semicolons semi-spacing: error, // require or disallow semicolons instead of ASI // semi: [error, never], // enforce consistent spacing before blocks space-before-blocks: error, no-console: off, // enforce consistent spacing before function definition opening parenthesis space-before-function-paren: [error, never], // enforce consistent spacing inside parentheses space-in-parens: error, // require spacing around infix operators space-infix-ops: error, // enforce consistent spacing before or after unary operators space-unary-ops: error, // enforce consistent spacing after the // or /* in a comment spaced-comment: error, // require or disallow Unicode byte order mark (BOM) unicode-bom: error, /* * ECMAScript 6 */ // require braces around arrow function bodies arrow-body-style: error, // require parentheses around arrow function arguments arrow-parens: [error, as-needed], // enforce consistent spacing before and after the arrow in arrow functions arrow-spacing: error, // enforce consistent spacing around * operators in generator functions generator-star-spacing: [error, after], // disallow duplicate module imports no-duplicate-imports: error, // disallow unnecessary computed property keys in object literals no-useless-computed-key: error, // disallow unnecessary constructors no-useless-constructor: error, // disallow renaming import, export, and destructured assignments to the same name no-useless-rename: error, // require let or const instead of var no-var: error, // require or disallow method and property shorthand syntax for object literals object-shorthand: error, // require arrow functions as callbacks prefer-arrow-callback: error, // require const declarations for variables that are never reassigned after declared prefer-const: error, // disallow parseInt() in favor of binary, octal, and hexadecimal literals prefer-numeric-literals: error, // require rest parameters instead of arguments prefer-rest-params: error, // require spread operators instead of .apply() prefer-spread: error, // enforce spacing between rest and spread operators and their expressions rest-spread-spacing: error, // require or disallow spacing around embedded expressions of template strings template-curly-spacing: error, // require or disallow spacing around the * in yield* expressions yield-star-spacing: error }}


安裝兩個插件:SublimeLinter 和 SublimeLinter-contrib-eslint

SublimeLinter 是一個代碼檢查框架插件,支持各種語言的檢查。但它本身並沒有代碼檢查的功能,需要藉助 ESLint 支持。

SublimeLinter-contrib-eslint 插件用於連接SublimeLinter和ESLint。

使用:右鍵 Eslint檢查當前打開的 JS 文件。



npm install eslint-plugin-html -gnpm install babel-eslint -g


// 使用非默認的 babel-eslint 作為代碼解析器,這樣 eslint 就能識別 babel 語法的代碼parser: babel-eslint,// 用於檢查 *.vue 文件的代碼plugins: [ html]


手動修復:ESLint 命令行的 --fix



使用:右鍵 ESLint Formatter > Format This File 或者直接使用快捷鍵 ctrl+shift+h

快捷鍵衝突:在菜單欄找到 Preferences > Package Settings > ESLint Formatter > Key Binding - User,打開 Key Binding - User 文件,新增快捷鍵綁定,代碼如下

{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+h"], "command": "format_eslint"}

vue 文件自動修復

Fix the code using --fix

(確保全局安裝 eslint)如果你想要修復的文件可以通過命令行工具運行命令 eslint --fix 成功自動修復的話,這個方法就能成功。

菜單欄找到 Tools > Build System > New Build System,新建一個 eslint-fix.sublime-build 文件,文件名隨便,然后里面內容如下

{ "shell_cmd": "eslint --fix $file" }或者{ "cmd": "D:\dev\nvm\npm\eslint.cmd --fix $file" }

使用方式:選擇菜單欄 Tools > Build System > eslint-fix 或者 使用快捷鍵 ctrl+b 運行剛剛創建的 build 文件。(當然選擇快捷鍵方式~)運行成功會將信息顯示在面板(Panel)上。


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