

When we think of domesticated animals, we will normally think of a dog and a cat, since these animals have been with humans for thousands of years. There are two types of domestications that can be found, that is one is for companionship and the other food. We normally see dogs and cats as mainly pet companions and sheep, cows and chickens that are domesticated for food.

But how do animals become domesticated for companions?

A breeding project by scientist Dmitry Belyayev, was designed to find if domesticating wild animals can be done through breeding rather than individual training. Dmitry Belyayev used the Silver Fox (Vulpes Vulpes) which are a melanistic (fur is black) form of the red fox.

If you ever seen a wild fox you will know how much they will keep away from humans and other animals, they even run away from lazy cats. The experiment was done on juvenile foxes (also known as cubs, pups and kits) as these foxes would not have learned what animals to avoid from their parents. a handler went to the foxesto see how they reacted, if the fox tried to bite the hand of the handler or cowered in fear and tried to bite the handler, then these foxes were culled (killed) but if the fox was interested in the handler and let the handler touch and stroke it the fox was but into the breeding program.

The foxed that wasn』t culled where bred and the new young was put through the same tested any fox showing aggressive behaviour and fearfulness was cull, over generation of this routine the foxes became more domesticated and less fearful and angry towards handlers.

This as shown that that domestication of animals can be done through a breeding programs and this could have happened when the first wolves were domesticated. One of the side effects of this experiment showed that the foxes coat started to change, normally the silver fox is black but lighter colours started to appear and just like dog』s foxes started developing more colours such a red, black, platinum and Georgian white.


While the experiment was very cruel, it did show that tameness is a trait that all animal so has and it can be developed over hundreds of years, while I would like a domesticated wild animal such as a fruit bat as a pet I would rather let evolution take its time then through culling animals to find the right combination to speed up

evolutionary behaviour for them to be tame enough to become pets.




一項由科學家Dmitry Belyayev發起的繁殖項目,旨在發現能否僅通過繁殖選擇,馴化出人類理想的寵物,而不是後期人為訓練。科學家選用銀狐作為實驗對象,它是赤狐中帶黑色的一種。







文言志怪小說《暮客棧》之 修鍊

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