(翻譯)13.1 Summary

This clause specifies the core concepts underlying all behavioral modeling in UML. Structural models of Classifiers in UML define the allowable instances that may exist at any point in time, what values their StructuralFeatures may have and how those instances may be related to each other. Behavioral modeling, on the other hand, models how these instances may change over time.


UML provides Behavior, Event, and Trigger constructs to model the corresponding fundamental concepts of behavioral modeling.


Behavior is the basic concept for modeling dynamic change. Behavior may be executed, either by direct invocation or through the creation of an active object that hosts the behavior. Behavior may also be emergent, resulting from the interaction of one or more participant objects that are themselves carrying out their own individual behaviors.


Dynamic behavior results in events of interest that occur at specific points in time. Such events may be implicit, occurring on the change of some value or the passage of some interval of time. They may also be explicit, occurring when an operation is called or an asynchronous signal is received.


The occurrence of an event may then trigger new behavior, or change the course of already executing behavior. Explicit events thus provide the basic mechanism for communication between behaviors, in which an action carried out in one behavior, such as calling an operation or sending a signal, can trigger a response in another behavior.


The remainder of this clause further details the fundamental UML modeling mechanisms of Behaviors, Events and Triggers. These mechanisms then provide the framework for the specification in the following clauses of various complete UML behavioral modeling constructs.





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(翻譯)14.1 Summary

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