
The Interesting Meaning of 「Trump」

1noun1.(in bridge, whist, and similar card games) a playing card of the suit chosen to rank above the others, which can win a trick where a card of a different suit has been led(橋牌、惠斯特等牌類遊戲中的)王牌,將牌

(trumps)the suit having this rank in a particular hand一套王牌the ace of trumps.一套王牌中的。

(in a tarot pack) any of a special suit of 22 cards depicting symbolic and typical figures and scenes(塔羅紙牌中的)有典型象徵意義的人物和場景的一張

(亦作trump card)(figurative)a valuable resource that may be used, especially as a surprise, in order to gain an advantage(喻)(尤指出奇制勝的)有效手段,王牌in this month General Haig decided to play his trump card: the tank.這個月黑格將軍決定打出他的王牌。

(informal, dated)a helpful or admirable person(非正式,舊)有用的人;受尊重的人

(Austral./NZ informal)a person in authority(澳/紐西蘭,非正式)權威人士

verb1.[with obj.](in bridge, whist, and similar card games) play a trump on (a card of another suit), having no cards of the suit led(牌類遊戲中)出王牌

(figurative)beat (someone or something) by saying or doing something better(喻)勝過;駁倒if the fetus is human life, that trumps any argument about the freedom of the mother.如果胚胎就是生命,那麼關於母親自由權的論點就站不住腳了。

常用片語come (或turn) up trumps1.(informal, chiefly Brit.)(of a person or situation) have a better performance or outcome than expected(非正式,主英)(人的表現、情況等)比預計好Conrad came up trumps again, finishing fourth in the 800 metres.康拉德又一次超常發揮,在800米賽跑中取得第四名。

2.be especially generous or helpful特別地慷慨,有幫助Mother had been absent throughout, but Aunt Edie had come up trumps.雖然母親自始至終都不在,可伊迪姨媽幫助真 不小。語源1.early 16th cent.: alteration of triumph, once used in card games in the same sense繼承用法trump something up1.invent a false accusation or excuse捏造,編造theyve trumped up charges against her.他們捏造事實指控她。

2noun1.(archaic)a trumpet or a trumpet blast(古)喇叭;喇叭聲

語源1.Middle English: from Old French trompe, of Germanic origin; probably imitative

——《The New OXFORD English-Chinese DICTIONARY Second Edition(新牛津英漢雙解大詞典第2版)》

Trump, Donald

(1946–) a US property developer who was most successful in the 1980s when he owned hotels, houses, casinos, and many apartments. His most famous building is the Trump Tower, a large office building in New York City. Since 2003 he has been the host of The Apprentice, a reality TV show.

——《Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English(朗文當代英語詞典)》

《The Britannica Encyclopedia(大不列顛百科全書)》里的條目是「Trump, Donald J.」。




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