




What』s popping guys? For Complex news, I』m Beija.

The 2017 NBA trade deadline came

and went without making any big waves.

That』s probably because the worst possible due

was made a few days before with the Kings raining on

DeMarcus Cousin』s all star prey.

As Boogie sat down and faced the media after the game,

he got word that he didn』t even have to leave New Orleans

because Sacramento had traded him to the Pelicans for pennies.

It was a head-scratcher of a deal.

Why the hell would the Kings trade the

center of their team for a rookie and some future draft picks?

But it made us wonder about some of the other trash deals

that have gone down in the NBA in recent history.

There』s been some mismatch, lopsided trades,

and we rounded up the worst of the last 15 years.

How about when the Miami Heats sent Shaq to the Phoenix Suns?

Back in February 2008, Steph Cur tried to save his job as GM

by bringing the big cactus to play alongside Steve Nash and Amar』e Stoudemire.

Shaq was already on the decline by the time

Suns acquired him for Shawn Marion and Marcus Banks.

The Suns didn』t even make the playoffs winning just 46 games.

In the same season, Pau Gasol got sent to the Lakers

and arguably the trade of the century.

The Lakers only had to give up Kwame Brown

and a few low draft picks.

What did they get in return?

Oh simply just 3 finals appearances and two chips.

Imagine an NBA where the Lakers never acquired Pau,

leaving Kobe with only 3 rings.

6 years later, we still can』t decide who was the biggest loser

in the blockbuster trade that got Carmelo Anthony to New York.

The Knicks, Nuggets and Timberwolves were involved

and over a dozen players were shifted around.

But as of today, only 3 players still remain on their same teams.

Melo, Danilo, Gallinari and Wilson Chandler

and none of the teams have made it past the second round of the playoffs.

That was a huge trade fail.

But none of these are even the trade we think is the worst.

To see the rest of the list, head over to Complex Sports.

And for more NBA updates and news,

subscribe to Complex on Youtube today.

For Complex News, I』m Beija Velez.







prey 獵物




scratch 抓,撓

可能來自中古英語 scratten,抓,撓,最終來自 PIE*sker,砍,切,削,刮,詞源同 scar,scrape.



lopsided 向一側傾斜的,不平衡的




cactus 仙人掌



blockbuster 一鳴驚人的事物,重磅

block,大塊。buster, 炸開,來自burst, 爆裂,字母r脫落。

原文中的blockbuster trade就是重磅交易的意思


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