
By CuffedRocker, released 02-27-2017 @ 易言堂 (ID: easy-peasy)



獲獎人領獎時會簡短致辭,稱為 acceptance speech。都說謙虛是美德,獲獎人一般都會說很多 thank you,所以俗稱 thank-you speech


Mahershala Ali

  • 最佳男配角 (best supporting actor),月光男孩 (Moonlight)
  • 第一位獲得奧斯卡獎的穆斯林男演員
  • 曾在美劇紙牌屋 (House of Cards) 中飾演 Remy Danton

"I wanna thank my teachers and professors, I had so many wonderful teachers, and one thing they consistently told me was that its not about you, its about these characters. Youre a servant, youre in service to these stories and these characters. Im so blessed to have had an opportunity. It was such a wonderful experience, thank you Barry Jenkins, thank you Tarell Alvin McCraney. I also want to thank my wife, we just had our daughter four days ago, so I just want to thank her for being such a soldier through this process and really carrying me through it all. Thank you, peace and blessings."

"我想感謝我的老師和教授們,我有過很多出色的老師,他們總是告誡我,你自己不重要,重要的是角色。你只是一個僕人,為故事和角色服務。上天的眷顧讓我獲得了機會。這段經歷真的是難以言表。感謝(導演) Barry Jenkins,感謝(編劇) Tarell Alvin McCraney。我還想感謝我的妻子,4天前我們的女兒剛剛降生,她是一名戰士,不僅整個過程都很勇敢,而且一直寬慰我。謝謝你,真主佑你平安。"

Viola Davis

  • 最佳女配角 (best supporting actress),藩籬 (Fences)


"Theres one place where all the people with the greatest potential are gathered and thats the graveyard. I say exhume those bodies - exhume the stories of the people who dreamed big and never saw those come to fruition. People who fell in love and lost. Were the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life."

"所有最具潛力的人會在同一個地方相聚。那就是墓地。我想說的是發掘他們的墳墓 — 挖掘他們心懷遠大但未能親眼目睹夢想實現的故事。他們因為墜入愛河而遇難。唯有我們這個職業能夠歌頌生命的意義。"


"Thank you for teaching me how to fail, how to love, how to hold an award, how to lose – Im so thankful that God chose you to bring me into this world."

"謝謝你們教我如何接受失敗,如何尋找愛情,如何承受褒獎,如何面對損失 — 上帝選擇你們帶我來到這個世界,我感激不盡。"

Asghar Farhadi

  • 影片推銷員(Salesman)的導演,最佳外語片(best foreign language film)

"Its a great honour to be receiving this valuable award for the second time. Im sorry Im not with you tonight, my absence is out of respect for the people of my country and those of the other six countries who have been disrespected by the inhumane law that bans immigrants from seven countries to the US."


Orlando von Einsiedel 和 Joanna Natasegara

  • 白盔 (The White Helmets),最佳紀錄短片 (best documentary short)

Were so grateful that this film has highlighted our work to the world. Our organisation is guided by a verse from the Koran - "to save one life is to save all of humanity". We have saved more than 82,000 civilian lives. I invite anyone here who hears me to work on the side of life, to stop the bloodshed in Syria and around the world.

我們非常感謝這部電影,它向全世界濃墨重彩地介紹了我們的工作。我們組織的指導原則是《古蘭經》中一句話 — "挽救人類就是挽救每一個生命"。我們已經挽救了82000多人的生命。敬請每一位聽眾為生命而努力,終止敘利亞乃至全世界的流血事件。

Linus Sandgren

  • 影片愛樂之城(La La Land)的攝影師,最佳攝影 (best cinematography)

"This film was made with so much love, passion and struggles and it was all thanks to you Damien. Youre a poetic genius and Im so happy I met you and I really love you man. Emma, Ryan, I think youre incredible, thanks for all the collaboration."

"這部電影的完成要歸功於無限的熱愛、激情和奮鬥。達米恩 (Damien,影片導演),所有一切都得感謝你。你是個天才,充滿想像力,遇到你我非常高興。愛你,老兄!愛瑪、瑞恩,我覺得你們的表現簡直讓人難以置信,感謝你們的全程配合。"

Justin Hurwitz

  • 影片愛樂之城(La La Land)的作曲家,最佳作曲 (best original score)

賈斯丁領獎時對導演達米恩·查澤雷 (Damien Chazelle)表示了感謝:

"Im so glad I met you. Thanks to the LA musicians who worked on the film. I just put notes on the page - theyre the ones who made it sound beautiful."

"遇到你們我非常高興。感謝為這部電影操勞的洛杉磯音樂家們。我剛剛寫下了評註 — 是他們給影片帶來了天籟之音。"

Benj Pasek

  • 影片愛樂之城(La La Land)的作曲家,最佳原創歌曲,City of Stars
  • 與Justin Hurwitz、Justin Paul共同領獎

"This is dedicated to all the kids that sing in the rain and all the mums that let them."


Damien Chazelle

  • 影片愛樂之城 (La La Land) 的導演,最佳導演 (best director)
  • 奧斯卡歷史上獲得該獎的最年輕導演

"This was a movie about love and I was lucky enough to fall in love while making it."


Casey Affleck

  • 最佳男主角,海邊的曼徹斯特 (Manchester by the Sea)

It means so much to me thank you. One of the first people who taught me how to act was Denzel Washington and I just met him for the first time tonight. Im only here because of all the talent and goodwill of so many people impossible to name. Man, I wish I had something and more meaningful to say, but Im really honoured to be part of this movie.


Emma Stone

  • 最佳女主角,愛樂之城 (La La Land)

To the women in this category – you were all so extraordinary and I look up to you and admire you. It has been the greatest honour to stand alongside you. I realise a moment like this is a huge confluence of luck and opportunity so I want to thank Damien Chazelle to be given the opportunity. Ryan Gosling, thank you for making me laugh and always raising the bar and being the best partner on this crazy adventure. To all the people that worked on this movie, Im going to find you all individually and Im going to thank you. Im going to hug the hell out of you when the feeling re-enters my body. I still have a lot of growing and learning to do, and this guy (the Oscar statue) is a really beautiful symbol of continuing to do that.

獲得這個類別提名的女士們 — 你們都非常出色,我只能仰望和景仰。與你們相提並論是我莫大的榮幸。我覺得此時此刻是運氣和機會的共同結果,所以我想感謝達米恩·查澤雷給了我機會。瑞恩·高斯林給我帶來了歡樂,樹立了榜樣,在這次瘋狂的冒險中是我的最佳拍檔,謝謝!對於為這部電影工作過的每個人,我都會單獨表示感謝。在我恢復情緒後,我要擁抱你們,非讓你們窒息不可。當然,我還需要成長,需要學習的還很多,而且這個漂亮的傢伙 (奧斯卡獎盃) 就是持之以恆的象徵。

月光男孩 (Moonlight)

  • 最佳影片 (best picture)

The final award for best picture was initially given to La La Land, but the wrong envelope had been handed to Warren Beatty who was presenting the award.

頒獎人 Warren Beatty 拿到了錯誤的信封,最後頒發的最佳影片獎起初授予了《愛樂之城》

The producers of La La Land had been announced as the winners of best picture and were in the middle of their acceptance speech.


Officials went on stage after they realised something was wrong.


Jordan Horowitz of La La Land graciously announced it should have gone to Moonlight.

《愛樂之城》的製片人 Jordan Horowitz 大度地宣布獎項應授予《月光男孩》

Order was restored as the cast and crew of Moonlight took to the stage to accept the award.


頒獎人 Warren Beatty 解釋:

I want to tell you what happened. I opened the envelope, and it said Emma Stone, La La Land. Thats why I took such a long look at Faye, and at you, I wasnt trying to be funny.

我來告訴你們怎麼回事。我打開了信封,上面寫著愛瑪·斯通,愛樂之城。所以我才看了 Faye (另一頒獎人) 還有你們(觀眾)很久。我可沒想搞笑啊。



美裙 | 來自奧斯卡「最佳影片」的靈感好物 讓生活充滿儀式感
經典回顧:《她在黑夜中( Le notti di Cabiria)》

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