
英語精讀|聆聽智者聲音Meg Jay—20歲不再來


Meg Jay此次TED演講被《紐約時報》、《今日美國》、《洛杉磯時報》譽為「最實用派」的人生規劃,是TED國際公開課點擊排名No.1的人生規劃神課,官網上傳5天分享達60萬次。全球TED粉絲淚目評論:給我20-29歲鬱悶期最系統的科學解答。

Meg Jay分享給20多歲青年人三條建議:


Leonard Bernstein said that to achieve great things, you need a plan and not quite enough time. Isnt that true? So what do you think happens when you pat atwentysomething on the head and you say, "You have 10 extra years to start your life"? Nothing happens. You have robbedthat person of his urgency and ambition, and absolutely nothing happens.


Key Points:

1. twentysomething [twentis?mθi?]

n. 二十多個;二十多歲

adj. 二十多個的;二十多歲的


2. rob of

搶劫 同義: hijack/heist


rob sb of sth 搶劫某人某物 ; 搶某人 ; 搶去某人的 ; 搶奪某人的某物

rob sth of sb 搶某人的

ROB run of book 由編輯隨意編插的廣告


搶劫;盜取;偷竊:The thief robbed me of my watch. 小偷把我的表偷走了。

剝奪;使失去:Television has robbed the cinema of its former popularity. 電視使電影不像過去那樣受歡迎了。



Best friends are great for giving rides to the airport, but twentysomethings who huddle together with like-minded peers limit who they know, what they know, how they think, how they speak, and where they work. That new piece of capital, that new person to date almost always comes from outside the inner circle. New things come from what are called our weak ties, our friends of friends of friends. So yes, half of twentysomethings are un- or under-employed. But half arent, and weak ties are how you get yourself into that group. Half of new jobs are neverposted, so reaching out to your neighbors boss is how you get that un-posted job. Its not cheating. Its the science of how information spreads.

好朋友會載你去機場,而和「志同道合的朋友」 瞎混的20多歲的人,他們的交際圈、知識面、思維方式、說話方式和工作層面都被限制住了。新的資本或者新的約會對方往往是從內部交際圈之外來的。新的事情來自我們所謂的「遠的關係」,我們朋友的朋友的朋友。沒錯,半數20多歲的人處在失業和半失業的狀態。但是另外一半的人卻不是這樣的,「遠的關係」正是你融入一個新的群體的紐帶。有半數的新工作從來不公示出來,所以聯絡你鄰居的老闆是你找到那些未公示工作的方式。這不叫作弊,這是信息傳播的科學方式。

Key Points:

1. huddle

英 [h?d(?)l] 美 [h?dl]

vt. 把...擠在一起;使縮成一團;草率了事

vi. 蜷縮;擠作一團 近義詞gather up, cower

n. 擁擠;混亂;雜亂一團


trading huddle 秘密交易會議

huddle formation 亂堆在一起

huddle around 擠在周圍

造句示例:He huddled his books in the corner.他把書胡亂堆積在一角。


2. post

英 [p??st] 美 [post]

n. 崗位;郵件;標杆

vt. 張貼;公布;郵遞;布置

vi. 快速行進

造句示例:I saw her step the street and disappear into the post-office. 我看見她在街上步行,進了郵局就不見了。

造句練習4:不久, 他們派他到一個新的工作崗位


The best time to work on your marriage is before you have one, and that means being as intentional with love as you are with work. Picking your family is about consciously choosing who and what you want rather than just making it work or killing time with whoever happens to be choosing you.


Key Points:

1. intentional

英 [?nten?(?)n(?)l] 美 [?nt?n??nl]

adj. 故意的;蓄意的;策劃的

四六級寫作推薦關鍵辭彙及短語 ... 具體的specific; tangible 刻意的intentional; on purpose; intended 費時間去了解…take time to acquaint oneself with…...

造句示例:Yeah, but probably an intentional one. 正確,但很有可能是故意的。

造句練習5: 他因故意傷人而被罰下場。

2. consciously

美 [kɑn??sli]

adv. 自覺地;有意識地

adj. conscious [k?n??s]


造句示例:If so, turn it off and decide to live consciously. 如果是這樣子,關掉它,決定有意識的生活。



1. My twentysomething self is a bit hazy now, washed out by too many late-night cocktails and now years of parenthood. But I still remember that girl.

2. She was robbed of her pearls and jewels.

3. The Emperors huddle together to protect themselves from the extreme cold of Antarctica.

4. Soon they assigned him to a new post.

5. Hes sent off the field for his intentional hurting.

6. They do not consciously think of themselves as a class.


1. 熟記並掌握以上重要知識點。

2. 試著背誦以上講點演講片段。

天天精讀創作團隊 精心創作好內容


曲根老師-單詞筆記 A1

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