

a boys path is charted by one

his legs too weak than the pedals strong

he rides

chases shadows when sunlight is good

his breath not catching up

he rides, silently with an aching heart

tears unprepared but sweat and blood

like a cursed god only too young

life is heavier, when he stands and sees far

he rides

into the darkness with an aching heart

the body is his engine so he cannot go far

or fast

he does not envy, for its charted by one

people were talking possibility to infinity

he felt just how limited they really are

that eternal pain devours every laugh

that shines, beautifully are for neglect not far

he asks his father: "are we meant to loop"

"night and day, many fail and some die young"

there was no answer

so he rides

into the shadows with an aching heart

when the world is seen, he is strange

his bike may sing or may flat

this evening and every evening

every light counted, how big

is the embodiment of fear



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