

我是Wind, 以前是字幕組組長. 我每天早上聽寫1分鐘美劇, 已經堅持9個月了. 你想不想找一種輕鬆愉快的方式提升自己的英語? 跟我一起每天做聽寫吧!


I reset that counter last night. This blogs had nearly 2,000 hits in the last eight hours.

reset=重新設定, 重置

She reset the alarm for 7.30.

count=v 數數, 計數 counter=n 計數器

hit=n 一次點擊

Our website is getting a lot of hits from the USA.(有很多美國訪客)


從第141篇開始, 我不再放出我自己聽寫的版本, 而是改為在答案上標記重難點, 大家特別注意一下我加粗的地方.

1 -No,no, no, dont mention the unsolved ones. -People want to know youre human.

-不不不, 別提那些還沒破的案子 -人們想要看到你凡人的一面

2 -Why? -Because theyre interested.

-為什麼? -因為他們對你感興趣

3 -No, theyre not. Why are they? -Hmm, look at that.

-他們才沒有呢. 他們為什麼感興趣? -瞧瞧那個

4 -1,895. -Sorry, what?

-1895 -不好意思, 什麼?

5 I reset that counter last night. This blogs had nearly 2,000 hits in the last eight hours.

我昨晚把那個計數器歸零了. 這個博客在過去8小時里有近2000次點擊

6 -This is your living, Sherlock. Not 240 different types of tobacco ash. -243.

-這才是你的生計, Sherlock. 不是240種不同的煙灰 -243種

7 So whats this one? BellyButton Murders? The Navel Treatment?

所以這個案子標題叫什麼呢? 肚臍謀殺? 肚臍療法?

8 -Theres a lot of press outside, guys. -Well, they wont be interested in us.

-外邊有很多記者, 兩位. -嗯, 他們不會對我們有興趣的

9 Yeah, that was before you were an internet phenomenon. A couple of them specifically wanted photographs of you two.

那是你成為網紅之前. 他們中有幾個人專門想要你們倆的照片

9 For Gods sake! John. Cover your face and walk fast.

天哪! John. 把你的臉擋住, 走快一點

10 -Still, its good for the public image, a big case like this. -(Im a) private detective, the last thing I need is a public image.

-不管怎麼說, 它是有利於(你的)公眾形象的, 一個這麼大的案子 -我是一個私家偵探, 我最不需要的就是公眾形象



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