


圖源:Vincent West,APPLE MAGZINE



The interview was conducted a few weeks before Facebook』s current privacy scandal.


Q: What are your biggest concerns about the internet?

A: Bullying and fake news are getting worse. (And) a monopoly messes up a market, it tends to hit innovation. I think there are some people that are worried about the fact that there is a monopoly in search, social...



Q: And in commerce?

A: Pretty much.... It is really hard for people to think about how to make progress to design new systems without involving the incumbent.



Q: Do we need regulations imposed on Google, Facebook, and Amazon because of the power of their networks?

A: I think that is too broad a question. You might look at regulations for antitrust or monopoly, there might be regulations about privacy, there might be regulations for search engines (and) whether they should be declared a public good and therefore have a duty to provide fair answers. You have to see every case independently.


答:我認為這是一個太寬泛的問題。你可能會考慮反托拉斯法或反壟斷法,法規里可能會有關於隱私的規定。搜索引擎里也可能會有規定(以及)它們(公眾信息)是否應該被認定為公共物品,因此他們有責任提供正確的答案。 你必須獨立地對待每一個案例。

Q: What do you think of the argument that these companies have become modern-day trusts and it might make sense to break them up?

A: Anyone should always become concerned about a monopoly stifling innovation. It was an issue with AT&T, not to mention Standard Oil. When the web started, it was actually (browser pioneer) Netscape that was dominant. Now people don』t worry so much about the browser. They worry more about the search engine. Except for the people that don』t worry about search engines at all because they worry about the social network. In other words, whenever there is a monopoly, it』s a threat. But on the other hand, you also may find in a couple years, that when you look back and what you thought was the dominant threat has finally been replaced by something else on another axis.


答:任何人都應該關注壟斷扼殺創新。 這就像AT&T(美國電話電報公司American Telephone and Telegraph Company)壟斷的問題,更不用說美孚石油了。當網路開始流行時,它實際上是(瀏覽器先鋒)Netscape網景瀏覽器佔主導地位。現在人們並不擔心瀏覽器,他們更擔心搜索引擎。那些不擔心搜索引擎的人,他們擔心社交網路。換句話說,每當有壟斷時,這就是一種威脅。 但另一方面,你也可能在幾年後發現,當你回頭看看,你現在所認為的主要威脅最終會被同一條路線上的其他東西所取代。

Q: Do you think that is still possible for that to happen, with the all the power that these networks have accumulated?

A: I am concerned, partly because it means the ability to change the web for the better is limited to the labs of those particular companies rather than to the community at large. I think there is a danger that ... in the next 10 years we end up with the same dominant players that we have today because that is the way market domination works.



Q: Are you feeling better or worse about where the web is today compared to a year ago?

A: I think about the same as a year ago. A couple years ago, I was very disappointed with the whole fake news thing. We are finding out a lot more about the malicious manipulation of content, which we always suspected but it』s now coming out in the open. It』s all pretty depressing when it comes to the web not being in a functional way of serving humanity.



Meanwhile, I feel a big backlash coming about personal data. I talk to people about projects on how to manage their personal data and people get very excited about that. It』s just not people like you and me that think of things like this all the time. All kinds of people are thinking about it. To some extent, we may see a backlash, we may see a revival of a sort of a more utopian push saying, 『No, this isn』t the world I want, we can do better.』

同時,我很關心個人隱私數據。我與人們討論如何管理個人隱私數據的項目,人們會對此非常興奮。只是不僅僅是像你和我這樣的人總是想到這樣的事情,各種各樣的人都在想它。 在某種程度上,我們可能會看到一種變革,我們可能會看到一種更加烏托邦式推動的變革說:「不,這不是我想要的世界,我們可以做得更好。」

The web was actually more exciting when we were all watching blogs and linking to each other』s blogs and ended up reading the best blogs because you follow all the best links and so on. It was great, and we can do that again.





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