《必然》凱文凱利 (4)
Word have migrated from wood pulp to pixels on computers, phones, laptops, game consoles, televisions, billboards, and tablets. We are now People of the screen.
One can spend hours reading on the web and never encounter this literature space. One gets fragments, threads, glimpses.
The liquidity is just as true for the creation of books as for consumption. It is a continuous flow of thinking, writing, researching, editing, rewriting, sharing, socializing, cognifying, unbundling, marketing, more sharing and screening.
Dense hyperlinking among books would make every book a networked event. ... In this universal library, no book will be an island. Its all connected.
These snippets will be remixed into reordered books and virtual book shelves. Just as music audience juggles and reorders songs into new albums or playlists, the universal networked library will encourage the creation of virtual "bookshelves".
Semitransparent eyeglasses will apply an information layer to reality.
AR一定是發展趨勢。雖然Google Glass出師不利,但是早晚有一款革命性的AR產品會帶我們走入AR時代。那個時候,數字信息將會覆蓋在現實世界之上。屏讀將會無處不在。
※2017 年總結——工程之美
※現場娛樂票務「鍊金術」——阿里入局、王思聰旗下普思資本領投 互聯網票務平台憑何異軍突起?
※WHY 選:遊戲顯示器篇