
歲末辭舊迎新,米國群眾除了向親友互祝Happy New Year和購物之外,還有那些有意思的事情呢?朋友,你聽說過安利,啊不是,New Year Resolution和the Ball Drop嗎?

The Ball Drop 新年降球

The ball drop在美國各地都有,但最有名的還是紐約時代廣場的跨年活動之一,即watching

the ball drop in Times Square觀看時代廣場的水晶球降落。這項活動始於1907年跨年,由《紐約時報》的老闆Adolph


Square Alliance and Countdown Entertainment公司承辦。

時代廣場球Times Square Ball坐落於紐約時代廣場的屋頂,是時代廣場除夕慶典的重要組成部分,通常被稱為the ball drop(這個貌似還沒有官方名稱)。和倒計時Countdown一起,在紐約所在時區的東部時間午夜11:59:00開始,由特邀嘉賓按下按鈕,球沿著特別設計的旗杆,在60秒內緩緩下降141英尺(43米),並在12點整降落到底,倒計時隨之結束。標誌著新年的開始。近年來,慶祝活動之前有現場音樂表演等等眾多活動和現場直逼,相比之前坐在家裡看電視,聚集在廣場上集體跨年成為年輕人的流行。

從網上找了視頻,大家可以看看2016年跨年倒計時和新年降球的模樣。Times Square ball drop celebrates New Years 2016 v.youku.com/v_show/id_X

New Year Resolution 新年決心

可能有人和我一樣,是從新概念3中知道「新年決心」這個詞。在這一課中,作者描述可以說很扎心了:The New Year is a time for resolutions. Mentally, at least, most of us could compile formidable lists of dos and donts. The same old favorites recur year in year out with monotonous

regularity. 新年是下決心的時候,至少在大多數人的心裡會編排出一份「應做什麼」和「不應做什麼」的令人生畏的單子。相同的決心以單調的規律年復一年地出現。

Resolution 是一個名詞,查查搭配詞典,意思是堅定地決定做或不做某事,常用firm、good修飾或者與make 或keep搭配。因此New Year Resolution可以理解成為下定決心在未來一年要完成的計劃清單,通常在一年年初完成。

4 firm decision to do/not to do sth

ADJ. firm, good | New Year/New Years

VERB + RESOLUTION make I made a New

Year resolution to give up smoking. | keep


  • Improve physical well-being: eat healthy food, lose

    weight, exercise more, eat better, drink less alcohol, quit smoking, stop

    biting nails, get rid of old bad habits
  • Improve mental well-being: think positive, laugh more

    often, enjoy life
  • Improve finances: get out of debt, save money, make

    small investments
  • Improve career: perform better at current job, get a

    better job, establish own business
  • 改善身體健康:吃健康食物,減肥,多運動,多吃,少喝酒,戒煙,停止咬指甲,擺脫舊的不良習慣
  • 提高心理健康:積極思考,多笑,享受生活
  • 改善財務狀況:擺脫債務,省錢,做小額投資
  • 改善職業:在現有工作中表現更好,找到更好的工作,創業
  • Improve education: improve grades, get a better

    education, learn something new (such as a foreign language or music), study

    often, read more books, improve talents

  • Improve self: become more organized, reduce stress, be

    less grumpy, manage time, be more independent, perhaps watch less television,

    play fewer sitting-down video games
  • Take a trip
  • Volunteer to help others, practice life skills, use

    civic virtue, give to charity, volunteer to work part-time in a charity

  • 改善教育:提高成績,獲得更好的教育,學習新的東西(如外語或音樂),經常學習,閱讀更多的書籍,變更有才
  • 改善自我:變得更有組織,減少壓力,減少脾氣,管理時間,更獨立,也許看電視更少,玩更少的坐下視頻遊戲
  • 旅行
  • 自願幫助他人,實踐生活技能,踐行公民美德,捐助慈善機構,在慈善組織幫忙
  • Get along better with people, improve social skills,

    enhance social intelligence
  • Make new friends
  • Spend quality time with family members
  • Settle down, get engaged/get married, have kids
  • Pray more, be more spiritual
  • Be more involved in sports or different activities
  • Spend less time on social media (such as Facebook,

    Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr etc.)
  • 與人相處融洽,提高社交能力,增強社交能力
  • 結交新朋友
  • 與家人共度美好時光
  • 安頓下來,訂婚/結婚,有孩子
  • 多多禱告,多注重精神
  • 更多地參與運動或參與不同的活動
  • 在社交媒體(如Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,Tumblr等)上花更少的時間。

然而,在拖延症成為流行疾病的當今,新年決心的完成情況如何呢?2007年,一項有3000人參與的研究顯示,有88%制定了新年決心的人未能完成(failing their New Years Resolutions)。最常見原因是為自己設定了不切實際的目標(35%),而33%的人沒有跟蹤他們的進步,還有23%的人忘記了,約10%參與者聲稱他們提出了太多的決議。



1 formal decision taken after a vote

ADJ. draft |

formal | joint a

joint US-British resolution

unanimous | ordinary | emergency, special | compromise | affirmative, negative
(both law) An

affirmative resolution of both Houses of Parliament is needed.
| Security

Council, UN, etc.



| propose, put forward, table | vote on | adopt, agree, approve, carry, pass

resolution was carried unanimously.

block, reject


+ VERB be

aimed at sth, call for sth

resolution called for the resumption of negotiations.
| declare

sth, proclaim sth

resolution declaring independence

approve sth, authorize sth

assembly adopted a resolution approving the scheme.
| condemn sth a resolution

condemning the invasion

PREP. under (a/the)

~ weapons

banned under Resolution 687

~ on

General Assembly rejected the resolution on the subject of arms control.
> Special

page at MEETING

2 settling a dispute

ADJ. early, quick,

rapid | final, ultimate | peaceful Hopes

of a peaceful resolution to the conflict were fading.

satisfactory, successful | conflict, dispute methods

of conflict resolution


+ RESOLUTION require

| press for

government is pressing for an early resolution of the hostage crisis.
| achieve,


PREP. ~ to the

likelihood of achieving a satisfactory resolution to the problem

3 being firm and determined

ADJ. great



| show

showed great resolution in her dealings with management.
| lack

4 firm decision to do/not to do sth

ADJ. firm, good |

New Year/New Years


+ RESOLUTION make I made a New

Year resolution to give up smoking. |


5 power to give a clear image

ADJ. high high-resolution graphics | low | maximum | screen | pixel a monitor capable of a 1,024 by 768 pixel resolution


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