經濟學人精讀|4.7頭條文章-Solving Murder

Violent death is set to soar in some cities of the developing world. 在發展中國家的一些城市,暴力死亡人數將激增。is set to 表示「將要」的意思

THE planet has rarely been so peaceful. Even with terrible fighting in such places as Congo, Syria and Yemen, wars between and within countries are becoming less common and less deadly. But a dark menace looms. Some of the developing worlds cities threaten to be engulfed by murder.

1. menace n. 威脅;危險人物 e.g:In my view you are a menace to the public. 在我看來,你對公眾是個禍害。

vt. 威脅 e.g.:The European states retained a latent capability to menace Britains own security. 歐洲國家仍具有威脅英國自身安全的潛在能力。

2. looms 赫然聳現;迫在眉睫

e.g.:A dark shape loomed up ahead of us. 一個黑糊糊的影子隱隱出現在我們前面。

習語:loom large 令人憂慮,令人驚恐

e.g.:The prospect of war loomed large. 戰爭的陰影在逼近,令人憂慮。

3. engulf 吞沒;吞噬

e.g.:He was engulfed by a crowd of reporters. 他被一群記者團團圍住。


Of the 560,000 violent deaths around the world in 2016, 68% were murders; wars caused just 18%. Murder has been falling in rich countries (though London is suffering an outbreak), but it has long plagued Latin America and is starting to climb in parts of southern Africa, the Middle East and Asia. The world often goes to great lengths to stop wars. Just imagine if it put as much effort into stopping murders.

1. outbreak 爆發

2. plague 使痛苦;困擾著

習語:avoid sb/sth like the plague 像避瘟疫似地躲著某人(或某事物)盡量避開某人(或某事物)

3. go to great length 竭盡全力

e.g.:Jane goes to great lengths to explain that this is not the whole story. 簡竭力地解釋說那不是事情的全貌。


Latin America shows what is at stake. It has 8% of the worlds people but 38% of its recorded murders (see Briefing). Counting the costs of police, hospitals, victims』 lost incomes and so on, the bill for violent crime comes to 3.5% of GDP. The greater toll is human: mothers and fathers burying children, children brought up without a parent and societies deprived of tens of thousands of citizens in the prime of their lives. There is no excuse for this suffering. Many of the emerging worlds problems are intractable. Murder is not one of them.

1.at stake 處在緊要關頭

e.g. At stake is the success or failure of world trade talks 世界貿易談判正處於成敗的重要關頭。

2.toss (道路、橋樑的)通行費

motorway tolls 高速公路通行費

a toll road/bridge 收費道路 / 橋樑


take a heavy toll (on sb/sth)

take its toll (on sb/sth)


3.emerging world 新興世界

4.intractable 棘手的


Dusty death

High murder rates have lots of causes: fragile government; guns and fighters left over from wars; families broken up and forced into the city by rural violence and poverty; drugs and organised crime that police cannot or will not confront; and large numbers of unemployed young men.

雅思寫作中可以借鑒冒號的使用和細節化舉例High youth delinquency have losts of reasons: families broken up,impoverished living condition and large numbers of unemploymented young men. 上面段落非常適合雅思寫作仿寫


The mix of causes in each country is unique but in every case rapid, chaotic urbanisation makes the problem worse. Urbanisation itself is welcome, because it boosts incomes and growth. It need not lead to violence—look at India and China, which have relatively low crime rates But it can feed a vicious cycle, as the proliferation of murder destroys trust between the police and the people they are meant to protect. Residents keep off the streets. They no longer support the authorities. Impunity grows and the level of violence climbs further.

1.vicious cycle 惡性循環

2.impunity (做壞事卻)不受到懲罰;免予懲罰

3.feed a vicious cycle 助長惡性循環

4.destroy trust between A and B 破了了A和B之間的信任


That is what faces some of the worlds poor cities. Many already have the ingredients of a murder culture. Over the next decades these cities are set to grow rapidly. As much as 90% of urban growth will take place in the poor world. By 2030, according to HSBC, a bank, 42 of the 50 most-populous cities will be in emerging markets. Dhaka, Karachi and Lagos, each crammed with roughly 25m people, will join the ten largest.


To understand where this can lead, consider Latin America, where seven countries account for a quarter of the worlds murders. Killings often started rising in its cities because of drugs and gangs. Since Latin America urbanised a generation before other developing countries, it has had time to find out which policies help stop the killing—and which fuel it.

fuel 本意是燃料,還有:火上澆油;使加劇的意思;上一段中的短語:feed a vicious cycle ,其中的feed 也有助長的意思。




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