




need作為情態動詞沒有時態,即沒有needed、needs、will need等時態形式,也就是說,無論什麼「時間」,只有need一種形式。例:

  1. One need only consider the facts. 只需要考慮這些事實。
  2. He need not do it right now. 他不需要現在做這件事。
  3. Need I type this letter again? 我需要把這封信再打一遍嗎?

既然沒有時態(時態即謂語),當然也就沒有非謂語形式,即沒有分詞、不定式、動名詞形式。如果用情態動詞的need表達「過去」的動作,則用need have done形式,如:

  1. You need have bothered. 你本不必這麼麻煩。(即:你多此一舉了)

need作為一般動詞則像其他動詞一樣有各種形式:有各種時態,如needs、needed、will need、would need、have needed等,也有分詞、不定式、動名詞形式。例:

  1. Does he need to know? 他需要知道嗎?(一般現在時)
  2. They didnt need to arrive early. 他們不需要到很早。(一般過去時)
  3. They will need to avoid the problems. 他們將需要避免這些問題。(出處:Washington Post, 2015;一般將來時)
  4. Even the successful projects of recent decades have needed a long time to achieve their ends.即使近幾十年來最成功的項目也需要很長時間才能結束。(出處:Foreign Affairs, 2012;現在完成時)
  5. without needing to pause so often 不需要如此頻繁地暫停(出處:The Spirit and the Skull, 2014;動名詞)
  6. My grandmother wanted to help other people needing help. 我奶奶想幫助那些需要幫助的人們。(出處:Mother Jones, 2013;現在分詞)
  7. Most students want teachers who will provide them with the help needed. 大部分學生需要為他們提供所需要的幫助的老師。(出處:Education, 1991;過去分詞)
  8. Youre going to need to look at this.(出處:NBC, 2015;不定式)


  1. This is what he need do.(判斷對錯)
  2. I asked if he need go.(判斷對錯)
  3. The coffee is very cold. It needs ____.(TOEFL)

    A. hot B. to be heating

    C. to be heated D. to be hotted



Can you can a can? 這樣操作的問題...你懂么?
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