英國人解析劍橋雅思11 Test4 大作文


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劍橋雅思11 Test4大作文題目

Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



1. It is commonly accepted that governments have a right to tax citizens in return for the provision of services. Thus, the relationship between governments and their citizens is primarily transactional and economic.


2. One could reasonably assert that, while governments do have the role of developing society in other spheres, this role should remain subordinated to its overarching objective of economic progress.



1. Citizens have a diverse range of opinions as to what constitutes progress in other spheres – social, moral, cultural – and as a result, it is not for governments to dictate policy goals to their citizens in these areas.


2. Human life cannot be fully compartmentalised into the economic and non-economic. Inevitably, economic issues impinge on the other spheres of life mentioned above – and vice versa.


3. Most political parties stand for election on ideological platforms which govern - to a greater or lesser degree - how they intend to use public money once in office. The state is widely expected to safeguard national security and the health of citizens; the economic costs of achieving these aims are generally regarded as secondary.




1. sphere

A range or extent of knowledge, interest, or activity (=field) 領域

A. a problem that falls within the sphere of biophysicsB. Thats out of my sphere.C. a sphere of knowledge

2. subordinate

1) To put in a lower or inferior rank or class 使……處於級別低的位置

A. Several space-related institutes and industries are directly subordinated to NSAU.B. It was a Free Imperial City, i.e. it was directly subordinated to the emperor.

2) To make subservient 使……服從

A. The Polish local administration was kept, subordinated to new German bosses.

3. overarch

Encompassing, extensive, or general

A. an overarching principle 普適的B. Should it be counted as such when taking an overarching look at industry trends? 總體上的C. I think its being used in the media as some overarching statement of everything. 廣泛的

4. dictate

1) To prescribe with authority; impose (上級對下級)指定,強加

A. dictated the rules of the gameB. dictate peace terms to the enemy

2) To say or read aloud to be recorded or written by another 大聲讀(讓人記錄)

A. He always dictates his letters (to his secretary).B. He dictates his novels to his secretary.

5. compartmentalise

separated into several discrete areas 將……分成(不同類別)

A. Holes were punched in the hull and large pumps were gradually piping sea water into the ship, which was compartmentalized into three sections.B. These sites are usually neatly compartmentalized into product or service categories, allowing a high degree of targeting by advertisers.

6. impinge

To encroach on or limit something, such as a right 侵犯

A.impinge on anothers rights/freedomB. If he were at home all the time he would impinge on my space.

7. ideology

A set of doctrines or beliefs that are shared by the members of a social group or that form the basis of a political, economic, or other system. 思想意識

8. secondary

Second or lower in rank or importance; not primary 級別/重要性較低的,不是根本的

A. concerns that are secondary



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