
I use console.log to debug JavaScript codes. Its a painful process as I said: it is debug. When bugs are found, console.log("Bugs, again") works and logs this in console: "Bugs, again." Its definitely not a happy moment. ?? = my face.

Bugs, again. ??

Am I the only one who feel emotional when console is logging bugs and want to add emoji to the output?

I Googled, felt happy to be not alone: Ines Montani implemented console.emoji to add emoji to the logging message based on console.frog developed by Tim Holman. Here is the way to re-define console.log as you want: for example, console.poop??, console.myface ??:

// Define your custom commands and emojivar commands = [ [ "myface", "??"], [ "poop", "??"]];(function() { if(!window.console) return; // Create custom commands commands.forEach(function(command) { window.console[command[0]] = function() { // Get arguments as a string var args =,).join(, ); // Log to the console with emoji console.log(args + " " + command[1]); } });})();// Log to the console!console.myface("Bugs, again.");

Cool! Now console become emotional with emoji (like my mind...). Its showing:

Bugs, again. ??

Wait... Something goes wrong. My mind is more like this:

Bugs, again. ?? (should be much bigger!)

It should be bigger, bigger, and bigger, to be more, more, and more emotional. Eric Mill gives the way to hack the developer console to be interactive:

console.log("%c bigger, bigger, and bigger.", "font-size: 100px");

Finally, the big emotional console.myface is here:

// Define your custom commands and emojivar commands = [ [ "myface", "??"], [ "poop", "??"]];(function() { if(!window.console) return; // Create custom commands commands.forEach(function(command) { window.console[command[0]] = function() { // Second argument is size, default is 11px var size = 11; if(arguments.length > 1) { size = []; } // Get arguments as a string var args =,).join(,); // Log to the console with emoji console.log("%c" + args + " " + command[1], "font-size: " + size + "px"); } });})();// Log to the console!console.myface("Bugs, again.", 100);

Yeah. This is what in my mind when bugs are logged!


TAG:前端入門 | 編程 | Emoji繪文字 |