
20 ElectrifyingMicroscopy Images of Cancer Cells


Researcherswho study cancer at the cellular level are offering a peek into their world bysharing images caught under electron microscopes, all collected as part of theNational Cancer Institutes Cancer Close Up 2016 project. Examples shownhere are both beautifully artistic and scientifically informative.


Acrossdifferent cancer types, and even within the same tumor, cancer cells exhibit awide variety of molecular structures and characteristics. This so-calledheterogeneity poses difficult challenges to researchers trying to find betterways of managing the disease. This sample of clinical triple-negative breastcancer is stained for bone morphogenetic protein-11 (red); the Golgi markerGM130 (green); glycosylated proteins (white); and nuclei (blue), illustratingprofound molecular heterogeneity. Widefield fluorescence microscopy was used toobtain the image.


Thisimage shows a human epithelial cell (DNA in blue) with increased numbers ofcentrosomes (green) amid a sea of normal cells in interphase. Centrosomeamplification can lead to chromosomal instability and an abnormal number ofchromosomes. These features are hallmarks of cancer and therefore potentialtargets for new therapies.


Thisimage shows HeLa cervical cancer cells stained for the cytoskeletalproteins actin (red) and tubulin (green). Cancer cells spread inthe body with the help of mutated genes that drive changes in the cellscytoskeleton—the protein filaments and microtubules that control cell shape andcontribute to cell movement. Examining how cancer cells use cytoskeletalproteins to move through the body may lead to targeted therapies that reversethese protein signals. Nuclear DNA appears in blue.


Theimage shows cell culture of human breast cancer conditionally reprogrammedcells. Fluorescent red color represents major histocompatibility complex(MHC)-I, and nuclei are shown in blue.


Treatingcancer in the brain is particularly difficult because most drug molecules arenot small enough to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Researchers wonderwhether nanoparticles can serve as a drug-delivery mechanism. This image showsnanoparticles (red) being taken up in the brain of a live rat model withglioblastoma (in green). Nuclear DNA is in blue; tumor-associated macrophagesare in white.


MicroRNAs(miRNAs) are small molecules critical to gene expression. Researchers arecreating artificial miRNAs capable of binding to, and silencing, genesassociated with cancer. Delivering such miRNAs to their target is anotherchallenge. This image shows self-assembled nanoparticles (in red) carryingmiRNAs to an aggressive breast tumor in a mouse model and sticking to the tumortarget with the help of an adhesive glue.

微RNAs (miRNAs)是種小分子,它是基因表達的關鍵。科研人員正在發明一種人造的miRNAs,它能夠與致癌基因相結合併使其沉默。將此類miRNAs輸送至作用靶點是另一項挑戰。這張圖展示了在小鼠模型中,自體組裝的納米級粒子(紅色)將miRNAs攜帶至具有侵略性的乳腺腫瘤處,並在粘合劑的幫助下與腫瘤靶點緊密結合。

Epifluorescencemicroscopy of microtentacles forming on the surface of a breast tumor cell in afree-floating microenvironment. Microtentacles may play a role in tumormetastasis by helping cancer cells attach to blood vessel walls in distantparts of the body. New therapies that inhibit microtentacles could help reducemetastasis. Because microtentacles respond rapidly to drug treatments, drugscould be quickly tested for individual patients to improve precision medicine.


Whencancer cells metastasize to the bone microenvironment from the primary site,they secrete factors that stimulate osteoclasts both to resorb mineralized bonematrix and release stored growth factors that further enhance the growth ofcancer cells. Knowing how cancer cells spread to bone and cause bonedestruction is important to finding successful treatment. This image shows alarge multinucleated osteoclast (red) resorbing bone matrix (orange) adjacentto cancer cells (blue).


Shownhere is a pseudo-colored scanning electron micrograph of an oral squamouscancer cell (white) being attacked by two cytotoxic T cells (red), part of anatural immune response. Nanomedicine researchers are creating personalizedcancer vaccines by loading neoantigens identified from the patients tumor intonanoparticles. When presented with immune stimulants, this activates thepatients own immune system, leading to expansion of tumor-specific cytotoxic Tcells.


Thisimage of a breast cancer tumor and its microenvironment was obtained from alive mouse model using multiphoton microscopy and endogenous fluorescence. Thatis, the image was obtained without any fluorophores, stains, or dyes, usingonly the metabolic co-factors of NADH and FAD, which are already inside ofcells, along with second harmonic generation to see collagen. This techniquehas important clinical potential for patients who require label-free imaging,and may lead to more effective diagnoses and treatments. Tumor cells display incyan, macrophages in red, collagen fibers in green.


Infectionwith certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV) is associated with variouscancers. Researchers are working to understand the processes by which HPV cantransform a healthy cell into a cancerous one. This image shows actin (stainedin green), a protein involved in cell motion, in HPV-16 E6- and E7-expressinghuman foreskin keratinocytes.

某種特定類型的人類乳頭瘤病毒(HPV)的感染與多種癌症相關。科研人員致力於了解HPV將健康細胞轉變為癌細胞的過程。這張圖片展示了肌動蛋白(染成綠色),細胞運動中涉及到的蛋白質,表達HPV-16 E6-和E7-的人類包皮角質細胞。

Ahigh level of the critical gene Sox10 is tied toaggressive breast cancer. In parts of the adult mammary gland, Sox10 is expressed in cells withhigher levels of stem cell activity and not in mature cells that lackdetectable stem cell activity. Progesterone receptor (red) indicatesnon-stem-like mammary cells, which show an inverse correlation with cellsexpressing Sox10 (blue). A protein calledcytokeratin-8 (green) shows the development of the gland.


Inthis image from a genetically engineered mouse model, lung cancer driven by theKRAS oncogene shows up in purple.As a key driver in many types of cancer, the KRAS gene makes apromising target for new cancer therapies.


Asshown here, lung cancer is associated with a vast stromal desmoplastic reaction(the "neighborhood") in which the connective tissue, associated withthe tumor, thickens similarly to scars. Cancer is in red; cell nuclei in cyan;stroma/desmoplasia in green; and an active stroma-specific marker in purple.


Organoidsare miniature versions of organs grown in the lab. Organoid culture systemsoffer a powerful platform for the development of targeted therapies andprecision medicine by letting scientists easily create genetic or environmentalchanges (difficult or impossible in animal models or human patients) toidentify networks of genes that control cellular behaviors that give way totumors. This image shows an organoid that was grown from a single mammary stemcell. Researchers used this system to demonstrate how a single critical gene,called Sox10 (in blue), controls whethercells turn into dangerous mini "factories," rapidly churning out morecopies and variants of themselves. The Sox10 gene allowscells to migrate and to take on characteristics of other cells (plasticity). Incancer cells, these features lead to metastasis and drug resistance. Innerkeratin-8+ luminal cells (in green) are surrounded by peripheral keratin-14+basal cells (in red).


Humantumors often include slowly proliferating cancer cells that resist treatment.This image shows a cluster of slow-cycling (AKT-low/Hes1-high) breast cancercells (red) within a human ER+ primary breast tumor (cell nuclei in blue;rapidly cycling, AKT-high, cancer cells in green). Cancer cells enter anAKT-low state in response to decreased interaction of cell surface beta-1integrin with the extracellular matrix. AKT-low cancer cells within invasivebreast cancer tumors persist after combination chemotherapy and contribute totumor progression.


Thisimage shows pancreatic cancer cells (nuclei in blue) growing as a sphereencased in membranes (red). By growing cancer cells in the lab, researchers canstudy factors that promote and prevent the formation of deadly tumors.


Thisimage shows a triple-negative breast cancer cell undergoing retraction andapoptosis (cell death) after treatment with a combination of the chemotherapydrug cisplatin and a mitochondrial division inhibitor drug called mdivi-1.Actin in red; mitochondria in green; nuclei in blue. Understanding how drugswork at the molecular level contributes to better cancer treatments.


Vistais a molecule that regulates T lymphocytes and plays an important role inimmunity. Understanding more about Vistas functional role could helpresearchers develop immunotherapy approaches to the management of human cancer.This image shows a section of placenta tissue, specifically the cells that linevilli of placenta. The yellow color represents the presence of Vista protein;red represents the presence of CD8 protein; blue represents the cell nucleus.This assay shows that the Vista molecule is positively present in cells of theplacenta, indicating that placenta can be used as control tissue forimmunofluorescent staining assay of Vista in cancer research studies.


In this image from a mouse model of ovarian cancer,optically cleared tumor excised from a murine SKOV tumor seeded with CD63+cells reveals a high-resolution landscape of the three-dimensionaltumor-stromal interfaces that comprise the tumor microenvironment (TME). Secondharmonic signal (blue) and autofluorescent/GFP signals (green) demonstrates theinterplay of collagen II fibrils and vessels generated from angiogenesis. Theuse of optical tissue clearing has the potential to greatly improveresearchers ability to assess the anatomic, structural, and cellularconstituents that govern metastatic colonization in the TME at a single-cellresolution.






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