



Seven years into Syria』s war, its truffle fields have become battlefields.


Even as bombs fell and fighting raged elsewhere in the country, Syria』s seasonal hunt for desert truffles weathered the first few years of the conflict largely undisturbed. As they had for generations, families would spend days foraging in the eastern desert for the delicacies to eat or to sell.


But the war shifted eastward last year as U.S.-backed forces and the Russian-backed Syrian regime fought Islamic State militants, upending the truffle tradition and putting the prized fungus out of reach for all but Syria』s wealthy.


Ibrahim Hussein used to go to the desert every spring with his family. They would take a tent and spend their mornings and evenings searching for the meaty truffles— dun-colored and bulbous, but more similar in taste to mushrooms than to the stronger-flavored European variety—and nights grilling them on open fires.


But this season, which ends in May, he couldn』t get to the truffles for a second year in a row. He was concerned about Islamic State sleeper cells in the desert or IEDs that could be left behind by any of the combatants in Syria』s messy conflict. And there is always the danger that U.S.-coalition drones could mistake truffle foragers for extremists.


Frontlines now cut through the once empty desert, separating Mr. Hussein, a 29-yearold activist from the countryside near the eastern city of Deir Ezzour, from a cherished custom. 「I feel a tightness in my chest because I wasn』t able to go this year and last year,」 he said.

曾經空蕩蕩的沙漠,現在被切割成各個戰場前線。海珊,一位29歲的活躍分子,來自東部城市Deir Ezzour,被迫放棄了自己珍愛的風俗:「我感到很胸悶,因為今年和去年都沒能去採摘松露。」

Except for those gathered by families like the Husseins, desert truffles have always been a delicacy in Syria, and even a mark of wealth, depending on how often a family would eat them. But the war has made the fungi exorbitantly rare and expensive.


Half a pound of desert truffles used to cost about 200 Syrian pounds (about $4). Now in Damascus, it can cost more than 100 times that much.


「Collectors are putting themselves in danger to get truffles, and this is another reason for its high price,」 a shop owner in Damascus said.


Many in the desert region lament the loss of a revered local cultural tradition.


「The truffle season was an important thing for the people of this area before the war—it was like a celebration,」 said Saeed Saif, 35. 「We used to leave the cities in groups of five or six and head into the desert with a tent and an electric generator and supplies.」


A song by a regional crooner plays on the process: 「I』m pretending to go and collect truffles, but I』m here to see my love.」



In the early years of the Syrian war that began in 2011, some people in Deir Ezzour began selling truffles as an alternative source of income to make ends meet in a wartime economy, residents said.

居民們說,自2011年開始的敘利亞戰爭初期,Deir Ezzour的一些人開始銷售松露作為收入的另一來源,以在戰時經濟中實現收支平衡。

Mr. Saif had to flee his hometown in the eastern desert part of Homs province years ago and now lives in the Rukban camp near the Jordanian border. The tent encampment in southeast Syria benefits from the security of being near a U.S. military outpost— the only reason Mr. Saif was able to go out this spring and forage for truffles.


He went out alone over three days and gathered about three pounds of truffles, a far cry from the more than 1,000 pounds the family used to collect in past seasons.


But Mr. Saif savored what little he had, boiling the truffles in salted water and sharing them with friends. Afterward, they drank the water.


「Everything that』s rare and limited has a special flavor,」 he said.






TAG:華爾街日報 | 敘利亞危機 | 松露巧克力 |