Coursera - Introduction to Data Science in Python - 密歇根大學Python應用數據分析導論 -Week4 作業代碼

這是密歇根大學 《Introduction to Data Science in Python》的Coursera 第四周(最後一周)的作業,要求使用pandas包實現真實世界的數據清洗,以驗證一個猜測:大學城的房價並沒有收到經濟下滑的影響,使用到了獨立樣本t測驗。

import pandas as pdimport numpy as npfrom scipy.stats import ttest_ind

Assignment 4 - Hypothesis Testing

This assignment requires more individual learning than previous assignments - you are encouraged to check out the pandas documentation to find functions or methods you might not have used yet, or ask questions on Stack Overflow and tag them as pandas and python related. And of course, the discussion forums are open for interaction with your peers and the course staff.


* A quarter is a specific three month period, Q1 is January through March, Q2 is April through June, Q3 is July through September, Q4 is October through December.

* A recession is defined as starting with two consecutive quarters of GDP decline, and ending with two consecutive quarters of GDP growth.

* A recession bottom is the quarter within a recession which had the lowest GDP.

* A university town is a city which has a high percentage of university students compared to the total population of the city.

Hypothesis: University towns have their mean housing prices less effected by recessions. Run a t-test to compare the ratio of the mean price of houses in university towns the quarter before the recession starts compared to the recession bottom. (price_ratio=quarter_before_recession/recession_bottom)

The following data files are available for this assignment:

* From the Zillow research data site there is housing data for the United States. In particular the datafile for all homes at a city level, City_Zhvi_AllHomes.csv, has median home sale prices at a fine grained level.

* From the Wikipedia page on college towns is a list of university towns in the United States which has been copy and pasted into the file university_towns.txt.

* From Bureau of Economic Analysis, US Department of Commerce, the GDP over time of the United States in current dollars (use the chained value in 2009 dollars), in quarterly intervals, in the file gdplev.xls. For this assignment, only look at GDP data from the first quarter of 2000 onward.

Each function in this assignment below is worth 10%, with the exception of run_ttest(), which is worth 50%.

# Use this dictionary to map state names to two letter acronymsstates = {OH: Ohio, KY: Kentucky, AS: American Samoa, NV: Nevada, WY: Wyoming, NA: National, AL: Alabama, MD: Maryland, AK: Alaska, UT: Utah, OR: Oregon, MT: Montana, IL: Illinois, TN: Tennessee, DC: District of Columbia, VT: Vermont, ID: Idaho, AR: Arkansas, ME: Maine, WA: Washington, HI: Hawaii, WI: Wisconsin, MI: Michigan, IN: Indiana, NJ: New Jersey, AZ: Arizona, GU: Guam, MS: Mississippi, PR: Puerto Rico, NC: North Carolina, TX: Texas, SD: South Dakota, MP: Northern Mariana Islands, IA: Iowa, MO: Missouri, CT: Connecticut, WV: West Virginia, SC: South Carolina, LA: Louisiana, KS: Kansas, NY: New York, NE: Nebraska, OK: Oklahoma, FL: Florida, CA: California, CO: Colorado, PA: Pennsylvania, DE: Delaware, NM: New Mexico, RI: Rhode Island, MN: Minnesota, VI: Virgin Islands, NH: New Hampshire, MA: Massachusetts, GA: Georgia, ND: North Dakota, VA: Virginia}def get_list_of_university_towns(): Returns a DataFrame of towns and the states they are in from the university_towns.txt list. The format of the DataFrame should be: DataFrame( [ ["Michigan", "Ann Arbor"], ["Michigan", "Yipsilanti"] ], columns=["State", "RegionName"] ) The following cleaning needs to be done: 1. For "State", removing characters from "[" to the end. 2. For "RegionName", when applicable, removing every character from " (" to the end. 3. Depending on how you read the data, you may need to remove newline character
towns = pd.read_table("university_towns.txt",header=None,names=["RegionName"]) current_state = "" def get_state(cell): if cell.endswith("[edit]"): global current_state current_state = cell[:-6] return cell[:-6] else: return current_state towns["State"] = towns["RegionName"].map(get_state) towns = towns[~towns["RegionName"].str.endswith("[edit]")] towns["RegionName"] = towns["RegionName"].map(lambda x:x.split("(")[0].strip()) towns = towns.reindex(columns=["State","RegionName"]).reset_index(drop=True) towns.State =,states.keys()))) return townsget_list_of_university_towns().head()

gdp = (pd.read_excel("gdplev.xls",header=1) #讀寫文件 .drop(columns=["Annual","Unnamed: 1","Unnamed: 2","Unnamed: 3","Unnamed: 5","Unnamed: 7"]) #修剪數據-去除行 .iloc[217:] #修剪數據-2000年以後數據 .rename(columns={"Unnamed: 6":"GDP"}) #整理column索引 .reset_index(drop=True) #整理index索引 )gdp.GDP = gdp.GDP.astype(np.float64)old = Nonedef do_math(cell): global old if old == None: old = cell delta = cell - old old = cell return deltabefore = Nonedef again_math(cell): global before if before == None: before = 0 before_cell = before before = cell if cell < 0 and before_cell < 0: return "DES" elif cell > 0 and before_cell > 0: return "INS" else: return np.nangdp["Delta"] = gdp["GDP"].map(do_math)gdp["Type"] = gdp["Delta"].map(again_math)gdp.head()

def get_recession_start(): Returns the year and quarter of the recession start time as a string value in a format such as 2005q3 start = [] for i in gdp[gdp.Type == "DES"].index: if gdp.iloc[i-1].Type != "DES" and gdp.iloc[i-1].Type != "INS": start.append(i-1) res = gdp.iloc[start][["Quarterly"]].values[0,0] return resget_recession_start()2008q3def get_recession_end(): Returns the year and quarter of the recession end time as a string value in a format such as 2005q3 quart = get_recession_start() index = gdp[gdp.Quarterly == quart].index[0] while True: if gdp.iloc[index].Delta > 0 and gdp.iloc[index+1].Delta > 0: ends = index + 1 break else: index += 1 if index > 10000000: return None res = gdp.iloc[ends]["Quarterly"] return resget_recession_end()2009q4def get_recession_bottom(): Returns the year and quarter of the recession bottom time as a string value in a format such as 2005q3 start = get_recession_start() s_index = gdp[gdp.Quarterly == start].index[0] ends = get_recession_end() e_index = gdp[gdp.Quarterly == ends].index[0] index = s_index mins = "" while True: #print(index,gdp.iloc[index+1].GDP) if gdp.iloc[index+1].GDP < gdp.iloc[index].GDP: mins = gdp.iloc[index+1].Quarterly mins2 = index + 1 else: pass index += 1 if index >= e_index: break return minsget_recession_bottom()2009q2def convert_housing_data_to_quarters(): Converts the housing data to quarters and returns it as mean values in a dataframe. This dataframe should be a dataframe with columns for 2000q1 through 2016q3, and should have a multi-index in the shape of ["State","RegionName"]. Note: Quarters are defined in the assignment description, they are not arbitrary three month periods. The resulting dataframe should have 67 columns, and 10,730 rows. house = pd.read_csv("City_Zhvi_AllHomes.csv") ihouse = house.loc[:,"2000-01":"2016-08"]#提取2000年後純時間序列進行分析 ihouse.columns = pd.to_datetime(ihouse.columns).to_period(freq="M")#調整為Period-Month模式顯示 ghouse = ihouse.groupby(ihouse.columns.asfreq("Q"),axis=1).sum()#按照column的Period-Q季度模式進行分組,合併值 house = (pd.merge(house.loc[:,"RegionID":"SizeRank"],ghouse,left_index=True,right_index=True,how="inner")#合併數據 .set_index(["State","RegionName"]).iloc[:,4:71])#整理索引排序 return houseconvert_housing_data_to_quarters().size718910from scipy import statsdef run_ttest(): First creates new data showing the decline or growth of housing prices between the recession start and the recession bottom. Then runs a ttest comparing the university town values to the non-university towns values, return whether the alternative hypothesis (that the two groups are the same) is true or not as well as the p-value of the confidence. Return the tuple (different, p, better) where different=True if the t-test is True at a p<0.01 (we reject the null hypothesis), or different=False if otherwise (we cannot reject the null hypothesis). The variable p should be equal to the exact p value returned from scipy.stats.ttest_ind(). The value for better should be either "university town" or "non-university town" depending on which has a lower mean price ratio (which is equivilent to a reduced market loss). start = pd.Period(get_recession_start()) bottom = pd.Period(get_recession_bottom()) house = convert_housing_data_to_quarters().loc[:,[start,bottom]] house.columns = ["Start","Bottom"] house["Ratio"] = house.Start / house.Bottom #NAN不用處理,反正數據不使用 house = house.dropna(axis=0,how="any") collage = get_list_of_university_towns().set_index(["State","RegionName"]) collage["isUnv"] = "Yes" res = pd.merge(house,collage,how="left",left_index=True,right_index=True) res.isUnv = res.isUnv.fillna("No") res_u = res[res.isUnv == "Yes"].Ratio res_n = res[res.isUnv == "No"].Ratio #print(res_n) _,p = stats.ttest_ind(res_u,res_n) different = (True if p < 0.01 else False) better = ("university town" if np.nanmean(res_u) < np.nanmean(res_n) else "non-university town") return different, p, betterrun_ttest()(False, 0.046040975395856894, university town)


如果要把計算GDP的部分寫到一個函數中,請注意變數 old 和變數 before,這兩個變數我採用的是 golbal 全局聲明,如果將GDP部分封裝成函數需要將這兩個變數放在函數外面。否則會出錯。或者,你也可以使用非本地變數聲明方式 nonlocal,這個可以訪問上層封閉空間的變數。



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