
(本文翻譯自:Russia fire: Children killed in Kemerovo shopping centre blaze)

At least 64 people have died in a fire that engulfed a shopping and entertainment complex in the Siberian coal-mining city of Kemerovo.


Many of the victims are children. Ten people are still listed as missing.


The blaze started on an upper floor of the Winter Cherry complex during school holidays. The malls shops, cinema and bowling alley were packed at the time.


Videoposted on social media showed people jumping from windows to escape the flames.


"According to preliminary information,the roof collapsed in two cinemas," Russias Investigative Committee said in a statement.


The cause of the fire is not yet known. The authorities have launched an investigation.


Four people have been detained for questioning, including the head of the company that manages the shopping centre, according to the Investigative Committee. The owner of the Winter Cherry complex is among those being held.


What do we know so far?


The fire broke out at about 17:00 (10:00 GMT) on Sunday. Some 660 emergency personnel were deployed in the rescue effort.


Firefighters said the building was still smouldering a day later, with smoke billowing out and the remaining structures at risk of collapse.


The regions deputy governor Vladimir Chernov was quoted as saying the fire probably began in a childrens trampoline room.

該地區的副州長弗拉基米爾·切諾夫(Vladimir Chernov)說,火災可能發生在兒童的蹦床室。

"The preliminary suspicion is that a child had a cigarette lighter which ignited foam rubber in this trampoline room, and it erupted like gunpowder," he said.


However, Rossiya 24 TV, a national broadcaster, said an electrical fault was the most likely cause - as in most previous deadly fires in Russia.

然而,俄羅斯國家廣播公司Rossiya 24電視台表示,電氣故障是最有可能的原因,就像之前在俄羅斯發生的大多數致命火災一樣。

Russias commissioner for childrens rights,Anna Kuznetsova, has blamed negligence, and called for urgent safety checks at similar entertainment complexes.

俄羅斯兒童權利專員安娜·庫茲涅佐娃(Anna Kuznetsova)譴責那些玩忽職守,並呼籲在類似的娛樂場所進行緊急安全檢查。

Two witnesses told BBC Russian that they had seen the fire blazing in the trampoline room on the fourth floor but had not heard any fire alarm.


Meanwhile, witness Anna Zarechneva told Russian RBC News that "a woman burst into the cinema during the film and shouted Fire!Fire!, and we started running out".

與此同時,目擊者Anna Zarechneva告訴俄羅斯RBC新聞:「一名婦女在電影中衝進電影院大喊『著火了!著火了!』,於是我們開始就開始疏散逃跑了。」

"The lights didnt come on in there to help us escape. We got out by following the floor lighting. But at that point no alarm bells were ringing. I only heard an alarm when I reached the first floor."


Who were the victims?


At least nine of the bodies found so far are children.As well as those killed, 11 injured victims are being treated in hospital, suffering from smoke inhalation.


The most serious case is an 11-year-old boy whose parents and siblings died in the fire, Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova said. He reportedly fell from the fourth floor and is in intensive care with multiple injuries.

衛生部長Veronika Skvortsova稱受傷最嚴重的是一名11歲男孩,他的父母和兄弟姐妹都在火災中遇難。據稱,這名男孩從四樓摔下,傷勢嚴重。

An Instagram post from Kemerovo showed a big queue of volunteers waiting to donate blood at a clinic.


Kemerovo, a key coal-producing area, lies about 3,600km (2,200 miles) east of Moscow.


The shopping centre, covering 23,000 sqm (248,000 sqft), opened in 2013. It includes a petting zoo, all of whose animals are reported to have died.


Yevgeny Dedyukhin, deputy head of the Kemerovo region emergency department, said the area of the fire was about 1,500 sqm.

Kemerovo地區緊急狀況部門副負責人Yevgeny Dedyukhin說,火災面積約為1500平方米。

"The shopping centre is a very complex construction," he said. "There are a lot of combustible materials."


翻譯: @浪流海北 @unclethree39



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