
Those conversations between me and my mother are fictional

For the record, those conversations between me and my mother are fictional. Me and me alone was the script writer for those two characters that I portrayed. I did this to get a laugh out of the sheer misery that I put myself in. Writing has been my way of dealing with anxiety that I constantly have and depression that I occasionally have. Your comedy is my therapy.

My mon did call me last night and she bawled her eyes out. She has her own life crisis to tackle and she is failing. More often than not, life is plain ruthless and not one ounce of good humor could be extracted.

There was a time when all the comments of my writing came from people I actually do interact with in real life. For a socially awkward, this might just be the reason why writing could be alleviating, sometimes even uplifting, since it created just the right amount of social interaction that I need.

The increasing exposure of my writing on Internet has been a mixed blessing. It did bring commercial opportunities like publishing. It seems that there is a market for recording the downward spiral of a derailed life path. But somehow the anxiety is worsened and the depression pops up more often. I guess cheap laughter from total strangers produced by my game of words without genuinely touching the subject matter is, by definition, cheap.

Again, for the record, those conversations between me and my mother are fictional.


法國城市攻略:里昂 (Lyon)

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