To Be A Product Manager | Week 53

This journal helps me improve 1% every day…

Welcome to Week 53 of

To Be A Product Manager

My mentor left the company this week, he has to move back to GZ spending more time with his family and the new born babe. And I totally understand it.

All the projects are moved to my side, and I feel some pressure and I』m busy handling them. What I do is that, based on different projects, I have meetings and make product plans with related people.

After you have the deadline for each projects, then you can reverse engineering the features and priorities that should be included for each week, each colleague, including yourself. Then every one in the team will have specific goals to tackle every day, which push the project forward together with a higher efficiency.

Leaving Is Not Easy

I pretty much finished all the interviews this week, and get in the process of deciding where should I go. This is my first job, and my first jump, I have zero experience on how to tell my current boss, as well as how to communicate with HR on offer and all those things. So I did make some mistakes.

Last week, I was also taking some interviews, but before I finally decide to leave, I told my boss about it.


You only need to talk to them once, the moment when you decide to leave.

I told my boss about my thoughts of leaving last week, because I lied to her on that day. I was taking interviews, but I told her I had a toothache. And she』s sending me message caring me and asking me about my feelings. Theres a huge amount of the guilt rising in my heart, and on the way back to office, I told her the truth, then we also had a conversation.

Then this week, after she gets to know I』ve confirmed my leaving. She』s not in a very good mood. I understand it, the team she recruited from the very beginning, several people are leaving or considering leaving. Anyway, I』ll do my best to follow all the projects and make a smooth transition to the next PM, in my last 30 days.

But one thing I』m proud of, before making the decision of taking any offer, I tried to be proactive and schedule a conversation with product leader of each company, talking a lot about what I might be doing if I decide to join them.

I have several questions prepared, and it really helps you find out if the company』s need also fit your direction of growing. So I highly recommend to have this kind of conversation with team leader of founder of the company, besides those interviews.

The final decision will be made before next Wednesday, and I hope I can stay at my next job longer, at least before I leave Shenzhen for other cities in this world.

My name is Zake Zhang, a VR product manager based in Shenzhen, China. I write weekly product journal and reflection.

Thanks for reading and let』s keep on hacking!

Warm Regards,



0219 - 中年危機
【日思錄 第29篇】小狗錢錢之成功日記(二)

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