析電影 之 加勒比海盜:黑珍珠的詛咒(2)

上一期說道Jack劫持Elizabeth後一路逃竄,最終還是人算不如天算被William的師傅一酒瓶子打暈被逮進監獄。晚上,受到金幣號召的海盜來搶劫了。夜幕中,黑珍珠對Port Royal(鬼知道怎麼回事這麼個名字)突然襲擊,那麼這是問題來了:船上的炮有幾種說法?


就是這種炮(圖片來自維基),最早出現在義大利(不由自主腦補出李團長!!),稱之為cannone,意思是「大管子」 (Cannon)。那麼,不那麼專業的人怎麼說呢?


Gun: a metal weapon which shoots bullets or shells (炮彈). (Longman)




Sight,這裡的意思是瞄準。To aim by means of sight. (Merriam Webster)所以這句話的意思是:瞄準那些炮口發出來的閃光。畢竟找到閃光就能找到船,打中船就能幹掉海盜了嘛。

Cartridge: a tube containing explosive powder and a bullet that you put in a gun. (Longman) 也就是炮彈了。




Parley: 敵對雙方的和談(a discussion in which enemies try to achieve peace (Longman).)所以說字幕真是有那麼一點慘不忍睹哈。

Invoke the right of: 這個不多說了,只是個固定搭配而已。

Adversary: a country or person you are fighting or competing against. (Longman) 敵方。

Do him no harm 這個也不解釋了。


Without a fuss,不解釋了,自己看字幕。




Elizabeth都傻了。。。然後Barbosa說了句」means no」,估計也是對剛才沒聽清的觀眾們一個交代吧。

Cessation: 和cease同源,意為中斷(a temporary of final ceasing (Merriam Webster))。

Disinclined: 知道incline自然知道disinclined了吧。

Acquiesce: 源自法語,意為同意,接受(to accept, agree or allow something to happen by staying silent or by not arguing (Merriam Webster))

而我們的Elizabeth直接被懟出了心理陰影,在後來拒Barbosa的晚餐邀請時她說:tell him

炮彈擊中班房,隔壁的囚犯逃了出去,Jack一臉生無可戀的樣子,開始拿骨頭勾引銜著鑰匙的那條狗了。心高氣傲連被抓起來都要別人叫他Captain Jack Sparrow的Jack怎麼回低三下四地求一條狗辦事兒呢?於是他開始罵街了:


Filthy: very dirty; showing or describing sexual acts in a very rude or offensive way. (Longman) 翻譯成「下流」可以說很精準了。

Slimy: friendly in an unpleasant way that does not seem sincere – used to show disapproval (informal). (Longman) 諂媚的,不行,這個詞還是不夠俗,應該是。。。總之腦補一下電視裡面典型的漢奸走狗形象就行啦。巧得很,Jack在這裡真的在罵一條狗。

Mangy: 來自於mange,一種狗身上的皮膚病,得了會長皮蘚掉毛,引申為「骯髒污穢」。有意思的是,這裡又是正好用來形容一條狗。(顯然這台詞不是隨手湊數湊出來的)

Cur: 雜種狗。相當於罵人bastard或son of b**ch啦。這幾個詞連在一起,這條狗也是可憐了哈。然後估計是這條狗突然開光懂了人話,氣呼呼地就走開了。



Pirate 1: Captain Jack Sparrow, last time I saw you, you were all alone on a godforsaken island, shrinking into the distance.

Pirate 2: His fortune aren』t improved much.

Jack Sparrow: Worry about your own fortune, gentlemen. The deepest circle of hell is reserved for betrayers and mutineers.

看到Deepest circle of hell有沒有一種彷彿在看中文的感覺?




在黑珍珠離開Port Royal 之後,我們的Will心系Elizabeth 情切,眼見Norrington不緊不慢的安排工作感覺非常不爽,找到Jack合夥。二人劫了艘船,然後Jack貫穿三部(前三部是一個完整的故事,後面兩部有點強行續集的意思,台詞也遜色了不少)的經典台詞第一次亮相!


來自西班牙語sabe(he or she knows)。從第四部來看加勒比海盜的時代設定是在西班牙海軍還依舊很強的時候。再考慮到西班牙在中美洲加勒比海的影響力,Jack學這麼一句,應該說毫不意外。可是如果平平的說句clear,和Jack玩世不恭的個性實在不符。


Aye: 來自古英語a (always) (Merriam Webster),表示同意。加勒比海盜系列裡面用這個詞表示贊同,貫穿始終,聽著是不是比yes誠心一些?


Avast: 海軍術語,住手,可見Will對航海那一套還是很熟悉的,畢竟老爹是「商船水手」還養了他十年呢。



男一男二開著搶來的船去了Tortuga招海盜。。。啊不水手。兩人在那裡撿到了Gibbs。Gibbs在聽說了Jack 的計劃後大驚失色,那麼問題來了,他該怎麼形容Jack的計劃不切實際呢?請大家自主思考1分鐘。


Errand: a short journey in order to do something for someone, for example delivering or collecting something for them. (Longman) 大意就是差事,雖然看著會讓人想起error, errant, erratic等,雖然本質上詞源相同,但直接來源還是古英語,意思也跟前兩個差的比較多。這裡 a fool』s errand 是一句諺語,意為「干傻事兒」



首先,金幣在電影裡面用的詞:medallion: A piece of metal shaped like a large coin, worn as jewellery on a chain around the neck. (Longman); a large medal. (Merriam Webster) 大概就是獎章之類。金幣在這裡不太妥。




Barbosa: You don』t know what this is, do you? This is Aztec gold, one of 882 identical pieces. They』re delivered in a stone chest to Cortes himself, bloody money paid to stem the slaughter he wreaked upon with his army. But the greed of Cortes is insatiable, so the heathen gods placed upon the gold a terrible curse. Any mortal that removes but a single piece from that stone chest shall be punished for eternity.

Elizabeth: I hardly believe in ghost stories anymore, Captain Barbosa.

Barbosa: That』s exactly what I thought when we were told the tale. Buried on an island of dead what cannot be found except for those who know where it is. Find it we did. There be the chest. Inside be the gold. And we took them all. We spent them and traded them, and frittered them away on drink and food and pleasurable company. The more we gave them away, the more we came to realize, the drink would not satisfy, food turned to ash inside our mouth, and all the pleasurable company in the world cannot slake our lust. We are cursed men, Miss Turner. Compelled by greed we were, now we are consumed by it. There is one way to end the curse: all the scattered Aztec gold must be restored and blood repaid. Thank to ye, we have the final piece.

Barbosa: The moonlight shows us for what we really are. We are not among the living so we cannot die, but neither are we dead. For too long I have been parched and unable to quench it, too long I』ve been starving to death and haven』t died. I feel nothing, not the wind on my face nor the spray of the sea, nor the warmth of woman』s flesh. You best start believe in ghost stories, Miss Turner, you are in one.


Stem: 我知道大家看到這個第一反應肯定是Science Technic Engineering Mathematics(STEM),然而stem本身也是一個詞,其詞義包括:

1、 植物的莖,及其他形似的莖,柄等

2、 To stop something from happening; (formal) to stop the flow of a liquid. (Longman)

3、 固定搭配stem from,由……導致


Wreak: 表示惡意地去干一些壞事,屬於那種含義豐富的strong verb(高寫老師教的詞,跟語法概念上的強動詞不是一個東西,表示一個動詞同時可以表達動作和動作的相關特徵),英語中高頻出現但是外語學習者很少認識和使用(類似的還有mumble murmur mutter muffle groan grunt grumble moan mourn roar howl, glare glance glimpse peep peer(不是「同輩」) scowl, strut stroll linger stumble……),常見搭配是 wreak havoc/ mayhem/ destruction/ revenge/ vengeance on sth./sb. (Longman) 自行查這幾個詞的意思……

Insatiable: always wanting more and more of something. (Longman) 從Longman 給的例句來看這個詞可褒可貶,比如可以說insatiable appetite for power也可以說insatiable thirsty for knowledge. (Longman)

Heathen: 這個應該不陌生了。不過這裡想區分幾個詞:heathen, pagan, heresy, cult。

Heathen: (noun) an unconverted member of a people or nation that does not acknowledge the God or the Bible. 也就是不基督的意思。由於基督教最終由羅馬人推廣全歐,中世紀往往只有宗教人士擁有知識,所以Heathen還帶有「野蠻」的意味。 (Merriam Webster)

Pagan: heathen (Merriam Webster),跟heathen大抵相同。兩個詞都可以直接當作形容詞使用

Heresy: a belief or opinion that does not agree with the official belief or opinion of a particular religion. (Merriam Webster) 強調與官方不同,並未指明好壞。可見使用Heresy的前提是某一理論有一個廣泛認同的官方解釋,比如你堅信毛,你就可以形容其它的馬克思主義理論為Heresy,由此來看應當為「異說」「異端」。有些時候人們會把「邪教」也翻譯為heresy,這就把「邪教」原意中的負面含義和對不良後果的影射去掉了,沒準外國人還會以為你在誇那些人「不拘一格」(印象里heretic有這麼用的例子但一時想不起來。。。求原諒),而且「邪教」本身不需要有一個「正解」,完全可以平地起邪說。那麼問題來了,英語裡面該怎麼形容邪教呢?


看看Shirley 楊第一眼看到那人和環球礦業公司的資料時是怎麼說的:

Cult: an extreme religious group that is not part of an established religion; a fashionable belief, idea, or attitude that influences people』s lives; a group of people who are very interested in a particular thing. (Longman) 第一個為原語義,後兩個為引申,也就是有別於任何現存宗教的極端宗教團體。從引申義不難看出這個詞原意還暗示著狂熱,盲目等,我認為應該是英語裡面最像「邪教」的詞。

Mortal: 這裡指代凡人,因為凡人會死嘛。相應地immortal 就有點「神仙」的意思。


For eternity: 這個應該不用解釋吧。看著是不是比forever更有文化?更有神秘色彩?更有力量?

Fritter: to waste time, money, or effort on something small or unimportant. (Longman) 浪費,揮霍。

Consume: 大家都知道這個詞有消耗,消費的意思,但是在文學中,consume也常常用於形容讓人損耗巨大精力,巨大能量,有點「磨人」裡面那個「磨」的架勢,比如在《歌劇魅影》裡面有這麼一段:

Past the point of no return, no going back now,

Our passion-play has now, at last, begun.

Past the point of right and wrong, one final question:

How long should we wait before we are one?

When will the blood begin to race, the sleeping bud burst into bloom,

When will flame, at last, consume us?


Slake our lust: 又一個強動詞的典型。

Slake: to drink so that you are not thirsty anymore; to satisfy a desire. (Longman)

Lust: very strong sexual desire, especially when it does not include love. (Longman)

也就是說,slake本身就有解除「饑渴」的含義(「饑渴」在這裡恰好又雙關),後面又是一個含義非常豐富細緻的名詞(especially without love)。

Parch: if sun or wind parches something, it makes it very dry. (Longman) 晒乾,吹乾。不知道大家在用英語形容自己站在太陽底下被曬得又熱又渴時會想到什麼表達呢?

Quench: to stop yourself feeling thirsty by drinking something. (Longman) 這個詞還有一個意思是滅火(想像一下喉嚨又干又燥彷彿著火的感覺不難理解這個引申義),和parch經常作為一對出現。




Cannon. <Cannon - Wikipedia>.

Longman. Dictionary of Contemporary English.

Merriam Webster. Collegiate Dictionary.

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.



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