美國媽媽必看 – 產檢和生產常見辭彙中英文對照
Epidural 硬膜外麻醉(無痛分娩)
c-section 剖腹產leakage 羊水滲漏water broken 破水
nipple 乳頭,奶嘴urinate vi. 小便婦產科: Obstetrics & Gynecology子宮: Uterus子宮口: Cervix陰道: Vagina月經: Menstruation (Periods)下腹部痛: Low abdominal pain陰道分泌物: Vaginal Discharge月經周期: Menstrual Cycle
月經痛: Dysmenorrhea無月經:Amenorrhea懷孕: Pregnancy預產期: Date of delivery; Due date害喜: Morning sickness胎兒心音: Fetal Heart Sounds流產: Miscarriage墮胎: Abortion破水: The Show (Mucus-Like) Membrane Rupture (water broken)陣痛: Labor Pain
早期破水: Premature Rupture腿抽筋: Leg Cramp排卵: Ovulation受精: Conception著床: Implantation胎兒: Fetal胎動: Fetal Movement; Quickening妊娠紋: Striations of Pregnancy尿道炎: Urinary Trust Infection蛋白尿症: Albuminuria
羊水過多: Polyhydramnion胞狀畸胎: Hydatid Mole宮外孕: Ectopic Pregnancy輸卵管懷孕: Tubal Pregnancy產道: Birth Canal直腸檢查: Rectal Examination陰道檢查:Internal (Vaginal) Examination分娩: Delivery子宮收縮: Contraction會陰切開: Episiotomy
會陰縫合: Perineorrhaphy Stitch產後: After Birth臍帶: Umbilical Cord胎盤: Placenta惡露: Lochia早產: Premature Birth死產: Still Birth雙胞胎: Twins多胞胎: Multiple Birth胎盤前置: Placenta Praevia
胎盤分離: Separation of the Placenta盤卷臍帶: Coiling of the Umbilical Cord骨盆狹窄: Narrow Pelvic會陰裂傷: Laceration of the Perineum子宮破裂: Tubal Rupture產褥熱: Puerperal Fever剖腹產: Caesarean Section產鉗助產: Forceps Delivery母乳餵養: Breast Feeding人工餵養: Bottle Feeding
初乳: Colostrum新生兒: Newborn BabyAlveoli(乳腺泡): The milk-producing glands of the breast.
Amniocentesis(羊水穿刺): The withdrawal of about an ounce of amniotic fluid from your uterus which allows for various tests on your baby.
Amniotic fluid(羊水): The water that fills the sac surrounding and protecting your baby.
Apgar score(阿普迦新生兒評分): A method of rating how well your baby is doing right after birth.
Areola(乳暈) : The dark ring of skin around the nipple.
Birth canal(產道) : The area, including the widened cervix(宮頸) and vagina(陰道), that the baby travels through during birth.
Braxton-Hicks contractions(好像是懷孕中晚期的一種宮縮): Mild contractions that prepare your body for true labor.
Breech position(臀位): The baby is positioned with its feet or buttocks down, instead of head-down.
Cesarean section(刨宮產)The delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the abdomen and uterus.
Chloasma(黃褐斑): The darkening of the skin during pregnancy, often appearing on the face as a 「mask.」
Crowning(露頂): The first appearance of the baby』s head during delivery.
Dilation(開宮口): The process of the cervix openning during labor.
Edema(浮腫): Swelling caused by fluid retention in the tissues of the body.
Effacement(子宮頸薄化): The thinning of the cervix in the early stages of labor.
Epidural block(硬脊髓膜外腔麻醉): Anesthesia injected into the uppermost layer of the protective coating around the spinal cord. It helps make labor more comfortable, while allowing the mother to be awake and alert.
Episiotomy(外陰切開): A cut made in the perineum between the vagina and anus to widen the vaginal opening for delivery.
Induction(催產,藥物誘發陣痛): Starting labor through the use of synthetic hormones.
Linea nigra(黑線): A line from the navel(肚臍) to the public hair that darkens during pregnancy.
Lochia(惡露): The vaginal discharge that occurs after delivery. It continues for up to six weeks.
Mucus plug(懷孕中封住子宮頸口的粘液): Accumulated in the cervix during pregnancy, it releases into the vagina when the cervix begins to open.
Nonstress test: Monitoring of the baby』s heart rate and movements to be sure he』s getting enough oxygen and nutrients.
Paracervical block(子宮頸旁阻斷): Local anesthesia injected into the tissues around the cervix to relieve pain during birth.
Pelvic floor muscles(骨盆底肌肉): Muscles at the base of the pelvis(骨盆) that help support the bladder(膀胱), uterus(子宮), urethra(尿道), vagina(陰道), and rectum(直腸).
Perineum(會陰): The area between the vagina and the rectum.
Pitocin(催產素): Synthetic hormone used to induce labor.
Placenta(胎盤): Tissue that connects mother to baby, progides food and oxygen, and removes the baby』s wastes.
Placenta previa(前置胎盤): Acondition in which the placenta lies very low in the uterus, partially or completely blocking the cervix.
Preeclampsia(子癇前症): A serious condition indicated by severe swelling, high blood pressure, and protin in the urine. It』s also known as pregnancy-induced hypertension.
Pudendal block(會陰神經阻斷): Anesthesia injected around the nerves in the vagina to relieve delivery pain.
Quickening(胎動初覺): The first movements of the fetus felt by the mother.
Spinal block(脊髓麻醉): Anesthesia injected into the fluid surrounding the spinal cord to numb the lower body.
Systemic analgesia(全麻?不太sure): Pain medication injected into a muscle or vein during labor.
Vernix(胎兒皮脂): Cheesy white substance that coats the skin of newborn.engage – 指寶寶的小腦袋入盆
Uterus 子宮
Placenta 胎盤
amniotic fluid 羊膜水, 羊水cervix 子宮頸constipation 便秘dilatation [醫]擴張,擴張術, 開宮口cervical dilatation 開宮口dysuria [醫] 排尿困難Effacement: thinning of cervix; occurs in the latter part of pregnancy and during laboranesthesia 麻醉;失去知覺; 麻醉手術epidural 〈醫〉硬膜外麻醉Epidural block: Type of anesthesia.Episiotomy [醫]外陰切開術; 分娩時切開外陰以助生產的手術Perineorrhaphy Stitch 會陰縫合Fetal stress / fetal distress: Problems with the baby that occur before birth or during labor; often requires immediate delivery.Fetal monitor 胎心監護器umbilical cord臍帶membrane 膜,隔膜rupture of membranes 羊水破裂pelvis骨盆enema 〈醫〉灌腸器;灌腸rectum 直腸bowel 腸forceps 產鉗,鉗子vacuum extractor真空提取[抽提]器pubic hair 陰毛cord blood 臍帶血Birth Canal 產道Rectal Examination 直腸檢查Internal (Vaginal) Examination 陰道檢查Lochia 惡露Laceration of the Perineum 會陰裂傷Icterus 黃疸轉載自:美國媽媽必看--產檢和分娩時常見辭彙中英文對照 | 美國媽媽網