
要寫出漂亮的文書,除了要有能打動人心的內容、清晰的結構和邏輯,還要注意語言的準確和多樣。畢竟很多學校會把PS當作writng sample來考察申請者的寫作能里,而寫作能力對communication相關專業尤為重要。

寫作能力的提高需要長期的commitment, 並不像標準化考試可以用些技巧而立刻生效,儘管這些技巧也並非常常有效。





beneficial, detrimental, harmful

This policy is beneficial to all parties.

Smoking can be detrimental/harmful to health.


advantage, benefit, merit, value

The field trip was of great benefit to the students.

A has an advantage over B in terms of efficiency/because....

A better education gave us great advantage.

The proposal has great merit/value regarding...


disadvantage, drawback, shortcoming

A disadvantage to living there is that youd have no access to public transportation.

Each method has it own drawbacks.

His book has its shortcomings.


deliver, produce, develop, cultivate, achieve, create

The leadership team has delivered/achieved tremendous success.

I believe A is to produce positve results in the community.

develop the states water resources to serve a growing population.

cultivate a safer and better society


influnce, impact, affect, effect

a news report that influenced the outcome of the election.

My parents considered my friend to be a bad influence on me.

No region has been more impacted by emerging economic trends.

It is well-known that smoking affects health.

The governments action had little effect on the trade imbalance.


tackle, handle, treat, deal with

In order to tackle this perplexing problem, I suggest...

How to handle/deal with this matter depends on...

We should think outside the box to treat this condition.


consider, view, regard

The issue is considered significant by the government.

Such action is viewed/regarded as a threat to our national interest.


affair, matter, issue

This action concerns the affairs of the public interest.

In order to solve the problem, we must investigate the root of the matter.

This economic issue is quite debated.


choose, select, pick

Weighing the advantages and disadvantages, I choose/select to support the latter opinion.

Between these disctinct solutions, I pick the one that prioritizes the interest of the general public.


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