

2018-04-15 icy icy的框架寫作小樂園 icy的框架寫作小樂園 icy的框架寫作小樂園

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功能介紹 英語教師/高校講師,因感受 烤鴨們在寫作方面 思維拓展困難,特 提出16句(2+6+6+2)框架寫作的方法,保證字數 同時 讓思維順流而下, 此方法能防止考場出現freestyle(隨心所欲),一起努力加油吧!!!

Governments should make people responsible for looking after their own local environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2018/4/14)


1. 開頭段表明立場

2. 我在16句範文中列出每一步的用途,思維導圖如下:

3. 中間段落idea的拓展有兩種方法:explain和example,其中explain包括三種:

原因(問自己why?),結果(問自己so?),對比(對比另一個選擇或/ 問自己如果不if not?)4. 劃線部分為可借鑒「詞伙」

In the midst of a booming economy,environmental protection has always been an issue of public concern(背景). While I agree that local people should be made accountable for their own living environment, governments also have an essential role to play in preserving the environment(觀點).

Certainly, locals are expected to take on the task of maintaining a livable homeland(主題句). The efforts from every one of them would contribute to the most desirable living environment(why?). For example, locals can always take out trash to dustbins instead of littering, as well as deal with sewage before piping it into rivers(example?). Environment-friendly behaviors of this kind will keep locals away from clutter and a possibly smelly air(so?). In case local people are indifferent to any harm done to the environment, the whole place will end up destroyed and inhospitable(對比). This justifies governments』 effort in assigning responsibilities to local areas(summary).

However, endeavors should also be made on the governmental level(主題句). To begin with, the authorities can help raise the awareness of environment protection by launching relevant campaigns(idea 1). As a result, the general public will be less likely to sabotage the environment since they then understand there is more at stake than they thought(so?). Moreover,governments can roll out laws to punish those who have damaged their surroundings(idea 2). These laws will serve as deterrents so that people refrain from behaving in an unacceptable way(so?). Therefore, governments』intervention is extremely necessary in this regard.(summary)

In conclusion, although I am convinced that locals should take responsibilities for theenvironment where they live, governments』 efforts are indispensible(觀點重述). I would suggest both parties work hand in hand to create the most livable home(advice).(275字)



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