微軟即將正式推出Windows 10 重磅更新(Redstone 4)

更新:微軟 Windows 10 四月更新(RS4)將於4月30日發布zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/36

微軟再次準備開始公開發布Windows 10 Redstone 4,RTM版本已推向了Windows內測計劃的所有環節。Windows 10 Build 17134現在可供快速,慢速和發布預覽版環境中的測試用戶下載,這意味著微軟在發布前即將完成RTM的測試過程。

如果沒有發現重大缺陷,微軟將在下周二向第一批系統推送更新。 微軟已經推遲了Windows 10 Redstone 4的發布,因為它發現了一個阻塞錯誤,導致之前RTM版本中的BSOD被標記為17133,然後決定將版本17134發布為新的RTM,而不是發布累積更新,以便避免系統獲取最新操作系統版本時可能發生的任何潛在升級問題。

微軟Edge新版歡迎頁面上,出現了「Welcome to the April update」 ,下一個Windows 10重大版本的名稱會被稱作是Windows 10 April Update(Windows 10四月更新)

Windows 10 Spring Creators Update:(我能怎麼辦啊???我也很絕望(大哭.GIF)!!!)

The upcoming feature update for Windows 10 will be called the April update

It appears that the name of the upcoming feature update for Windows 10 is finally known through the official Edge browser landing page which is shown upon completing the update to build 17134, and that is - as shown above - named as the April update, I stumbled on it when updating my laptop to build 17134, which was released to the Slow and Release Preview rings on Friday.

An earlier report here on Neowin had suggested the official name would be the "April 2018 update", because a Microsoft employee says it in a video that was discovered by Twitter user WalkingCat earlier this week.

Video: hear Microsftie say "Windows 10 April 2018 Update" pic.twitter.com/H4WPkCC3sA

— WalkingCat (@h0x0d) April 17, 2018

Over on WindowsLatest, Mayank Parmar discovered that the Microsoft Edge browser recently received a server-side update in the Redstone 4 builds, with the browser now displaying the updated welcome page, confirming the April update nomenclature. The welcome page promotes features of the April update, including Windows Timeline. You can view it yourself here.

In any case, Microsoft still hasnt announced the official name in any official blog posts for Redstone 4 build announcements. As a reminder, previous suggestions of the name for this update were: Spring Creators Update, Spring Update, and most recently, the April 2018 Update.

The last time Microsoft used a month name in a feature update for Windows 10 was with the first major feature update for the OS, version 1511, which ended up being called the November update, released in 2015.


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