
[美劇] 火線/The Wire 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 火線/The Wire 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

劇本 台詞 字幕 筆記 中英文對照 純英文 學英語 文本 PDF 文檔 電子版 紙質版


《火線》(英文:The Wire,又譯《監聽風雲》)是一部美國電視劇,講述了馬里蘭州巴爾的摩市警察與犯罪團伙間的交鋒。全劇在巴爾的摩市實地取景,採用單機攝製。前罪案記者、作家大衛?西蒙擔任本片的製片人兼領銜編劇。全劇由有線電視網[展開全文]


《火線》(英文:The Wire,又譯《監聽風雲》)是一部美國電視劇,講述了馬里蘭州巴爾的摩市警察與犯罪團伙間的交鋒。全劇在巴爾的摩市實地取景,採用單機攝製。前罪案記者、作家大衛?西蒙擔任本片的製片人兼領銜編劇。全劇由有線電視網HBO在美國播出,於2002年6月2日首播,2008年3月9日完結,共5季60集。


儘管沒有獲得巨大的商業成功,也沒有贏得主流的電視獎項(f×k Emmy Award,這部劇應該得諾貝爾文學獎! Absof×kinglutely!),但《火線》依然得到了評論界的廣泛好評,常被視為是有史以來最偉大的電視劇(The best TV show of all time!)。 本片以其對都市生活的忠實刻畫,對藝術高度的不懈追求,以及對社會現象的深度挖掘而聞名。


據西蒙所言,他最初計劃以創作夥伴艾德?伯恩斯(以前是負責調查謀殺案件的警探)的經歷為素材,寫一部警察題材的劇集。當年伯恩斯在調查毒品交易時,經常要進行監聽,但卻常常掣肘於警察部門的官僚主義作風,這讓曾經在《巴爾的摩太陽報》擔任專職罪案記者的西蒙聯想到自己的痛苦經歷。於是,西蒙決定把故事背景設置在巴爾的摩這個他所熟知的城市。他向市長提出拍攝請求,獲得了首肯。西蒙曾與全國廣播公司(NBC)共同製作過一部名為《兇殺:街頭生涯》(Homicide: Life on the Street)的電視劇,該劇根據他的紀實小說《兇殺:殺人街年記》(Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets)改編。當時,擔任編劇兼製作人的西蒙常常因為節目的悲觀主義論調同電視網主管爭執不休。為了避免爭執重現,同時也因為曾在迷你電視劇《街角》(The Corner)中有過良性互動,西蒙選擇HBO作為《火線》的合作電視台。作為一家以標新立異聞名的電視網,HBO起初並不認可這樣一部警察劇集,但最終還是同意製作首集。西蒙希望能通過本劇改變一部分觀眾的觀念,但他並不認為這部電視劇能幫助解決其中反映的現實問題。



本片的主演多是通過一系列的海選和試讀會選拔出來的。蘭斯?雷迪克(Lance Reddick)在多次試演了其他角色後,才最終得到塞德里克?丹尼爾斯(Cedric Daniels)一角。而邁克?肯尼斯?威廉姆斯(Michael Kenneth Williams)則僅參加了一次試鏡就得以飾演奧馬?利特(Omar Little)。

包括前馬里蘭州州長小羅伯特?L?埃爾利希(英語:Robert Ehrlich),牧師弗蘭克?M?里德三世(Frank M. Reid III),因腐敗和逃稅被判入獄,如今成為廣播節目名嘴的前警察局局長艾德?諾瑞斯(Ed Norris),霍華德縣執行官(Howard County Executive)肯尼斯?烏爾曼(英語:Kenneth Ulman),前市長卡特?斯科默克(Kurt Schmoke)等巴爾的摩名流都在片中客串出演。巴爾的摩的大毒梟「小梅爾文」?威廉姆(Little `Melvin` Williams)則從第三季起成為常規角色,飾演一位教堂執事。他曾在八十年代被捕入獄,而艾德?伯恩斯參與了對他的抓捕行動。作為該片中同名角色的原型,傑?蘭斯曼(Jay Landsman)警官在片中擔綱飾演中隊長丹尼斯?梅洛(Lieutenant Dennis Mello)。巴爾的摩警察局的警長加里?迪安德羅(Gary D『Addario)擔任該劇前兩季的技術顧問,並作為常規角色飾演一位名叫加里?迪帕斯奎爾(Gary DiPasquale)的檢察官。西蒙在《兇殺:殺人街年記》中曾對迪安德羅的工作有過影射,而迪安德羅和蘭斯曼都被寫入該書。

本片的演員中,有十餘位都曾出演HBO首部一小時時長的劇情劇監獄風雲(OZ)。其中J?D?威廉姆斯(J. D. Williams)、塞思?吉列姆(Seth Gilliam)、蘭斯?雷迪克、瑞吉?E?凱西(英語:Reg E. Cathey)都飾演了重要角色。而《火線》中的其他主要演員,包括伍德?哈瑞斯(Wood Harris)、弗蘭基?費森(Frankie Faison)、約翰?多曼(英語:John Doman)、克拉克?彼得斯(Clarke Peters)、多米尼克?倫巴多茲(英語:Domenick Lombardozzi)、邁瑟德?曼(英語:Method Man)也都有過亮相。


同本片創作者、首席編劇、現場指導、執行製片的西蒙一樣,大部分創作團隊成員都參與過《兇殺:殺人街年記》以及艾美獎獲獎迷你劇《街角》的製作。《街角》的老牌製作人羅伯特?F?科斯貝瑞(英語:Robert F. Colesberry)為本片前兩季擔任執行製片,並親自執導了第二季的大結局,但他於2004年因心臟手術引發的併發症逝世。科斯貝瑞富於創造力,深得創作團隊其他人的信任,西蒙將該片真實的視覺效果歸功於他的傑出貢獻。科斯貝瑞曾在劇中飾演一個小角色——警探雷?科恩(Detective Ray Cole)。科斯貝瑞的妻子凱倫?L?薩森(英語:Karen L. Thorson)也加入了創作團隊。另一位執行製片是同樣曾參與制作《街角》的妮娜?卡斯洛夫?諾貝爾(英語:Nina Kostroff Noble)。在科斯貝瑞死後,她與西蒙共同擔任執行製片。

艾德?伯恩斯常協助完成劇本,他之前曾做過刑事警探、公立學校教師,也曾和西蒙在《街角》等項目中有過合作。他在第四季時成為製片人。該片編劇還包括三位廣受讚譽、來自巴爾的摩以外的犯罪小說作家:來自華盛頓州的喬治?P?皮利卡諾思(George P. Pelecanos)、來自布朗克斯的理查德?普萊斯(Richard Price)以及來自馬薩諸塞州波士頓的丹尼斯?萊漢(Dennis Lehane)。評論家在普萊斯加入創作團隊之前,就常常將《火線》同普萊斯的一些作品(特別是《鐘錶匠》Clockers)相比較。除了參與劇本創作外,皮利卡諾思還擔任第三季的製片人。皮利卡諾思曾說,他之所以被該片吸引,是因為能夠有機會和西蒙合作。編劇拉斐爾?阿爾瓦雷斯(Rafael Alvarez)執筆寫過幾集的腳本以及觀劇指南《火線:說出真相》(The Wire: Truth Be Told)。阿爾瓦雷斯是西蒙在《巴爾的摩太陽報》工作時的同事,也是一個富於港口區工作經驗的本地人。另外一位本地人,獨立電影製作人喬伊?盧斯克?凱肯(Joy Lusco Kecken)也為該劇的前三季寫過劇本。《巴爾的摩太陽報》的寫手、政治記者威廉?F?佐茲 (William F. Zorzi)在第三季加入創作團隊,為劇組描寫政壇帶來豐富的經驗。

劇作家兼電視劇製作人艾瑞克?歐文麥爾(Eric Overmyer)在第四季加入劇組,成為顧問和編劇。他也曾參與過《兇殺》一劇的製作。歐文麥爾取代了皮利卡諾思,後者為專於著述退出了製片團隊,僅擔任第四季的編劇。曾獲艾美獎並在《兇殺》和《街角》中同西蒙有過合作的大衛?米爾斯(David Mills)也在第四季時加入了編劇團隊。

該劇的導演包括曾執導過《兇殺》和《盾牌》(The Shield)的克拉克?約翰遜(Clark Johnson),以及曾執導過《黑道家族》(The Sopranos)的艾美獎獲獎導演蒂姆?馮?帕頓(Tim Van Patten)。該片因導演簡單而細膩的拍攝風格而頗受好評。在科斯貝瑞死後,導演喬?查普利(Joe Chappelle)作為合作執行製片人加入創作團隊,並經常親自執導拍攝。


在HBO和其他一些國際電視網上播映時,各集之前會先播放前幾集內容的剪輯,展示一些與後面劇情有關的事件。每集往往採取「冷開場」,即開場情節與後面的劇情內容並無接合點。接著熒幕轉黑,切入開場音樂。然後是該片的片頭,通過快速剪輯(該劇的正片中很少採用這種手法)展示該季的核心主題。演職員表疊加在片頭畫面上,而且只顯示演員的名字,不註明其扮演的角色。另外,片頭畫面中也很少出現演員的臉。在片頭之後會引用該集某一角色的台詞。只有兩集是個例外:第四季結局引用了一間空房子上的字——「巴爾的摩,傳統的城市」(Baltimore, traditional);在大結局中,引用的是貼在牆上的《巴爾的摩太陽報》中H?L?門肯(H.L. Mencken)的話。一集的內容涉及不同地點,多條故事線同時展開。各集結尾很少留下懸念,之後熒幕轉黑,切入片尾音樂。


-So, your boys name is what? -Snot.

=>所以,你男孩的名字是什麼? -Snot。

-You called the guy Snot? -Snotboogie, yeah.

=> - 你打電話給Snot的人? - 不錯,是的。


=> 「Snotboogie。

" He like the name? -What? -Snotboogie.

=>「他喜歡這個名字? - 什麼?

This kid whose mama went to the trouble of christening him Omar lsaiah Betts? You know, he forgets his jacket so his nose starts running, and some asshole instead of giving him a Kleenex, he calls him "Snot.

=> 這個孩子的媽媽去洗禮他的奧馬爾lsaiah貝茨的麻煩?你知道,他忘了他的外套,所以他的鼻子開始跑,有些混蛋,而不是給他一個紙巾,他稱他為「鼻涕。

" So, hes "Snot" forever.


Doesnt seem fair.

=> 看起來不公平

Life just be that way, I guess.

=> 生活就是這樣,我想。

So who shot Snot? I aint going to no court.

=> 那麼誰打Snot?我不會去法庭。

Motherfucker aint have to put no cap in him though.

=> 不過,混蛋並不一定要在他身上蓋帽。

Definitely not.

=> 當然不。

He couldve just whipped his ass, like we always whip his ass.

=> 他可能只是鞭打他的屁股,就像我們總是鞭打他的屁股。

-I agree with you.

=> -我贊同你。

-He gonna kill Snot.

=> 他要殺鼻涕

Snot been doing the same shit since I dont know how long.

=> Snot一直在做同樣的事情,因為我不知道多久。

Kill a man over some bullshit.

=> 通過一些廢話殺死一個人。

Im saying, every Friday night in the alley behind the cut-rate, we rolling bones, you know? All the boys from around the way, we roll till late.

=> 我說,每個星期五晚上在削減率的衚衕後面,我們滾動骨頭,你知道嗎?所有的男孩子們,我們一起滾到最後。

Alley crap game, right? And like every time, Snot, hed fade a few shooters.

=> 衚衕垃圾遊戲,對吧?就像每一次Snot一樣,他會褪去一些射手。

Play it out till the pots deep.

=> 把它拿出來,直到鍋深。

Then hed snatch and run.

=> 然後他會搶跑。

-Every time? -Couldnt help hisself.

=> -每次? - 不能幫助自己。

Let me understand you.

=> 讓我理解你。

Every Friday night, you and your boys would shoot crap, right? And every Friday night, your pal Snotboogie hed wait till there was cash on the ground, then grab the money and run away? -You let him do that? -We catch him and beat his ass.

=> 每個星期五晚上,你和你的男孩都會亂扔垃圾,對吧?每個星期五晚上,你的朋友Snotboogie,他會等到地上有現金,然後把錢拿走跑掉?你讓他這樣做?我們抓住他並毆打他的屁股

But aint nobody ever go past that.

=> 但是,不是沒有人能超越那個。

I gotta ask you.

=> 我得問你。

If every time Snotboogie would grab the money and run away whyd you even let him in the game? What? If Snotboogie always stole the money, whyd you let him play? Got to.

=> 如果每次Snotboogie都會搶錢並逃跑,為什麼還要讓他在遊戲中?什麼?如果Snotboogie總是偷錢,為什麼讓他玩?必須。

This America, man.

=> 這個美國男人

-Guess what he says.

=> - 猜猜他說什麼

-What? "Gotta let him play, this America.

=> -什麼? 「得讓他玩,這個美國。

" No fucking way.


-Would I make it up? -He give you the shooter? Three Newports and a Grape Nehi hes grand juried.

=> 我能補上嗎?他給你的射手?三個紐波特和一個葡萄Nehi他是大陪審團。

Its down, Bunk.

=> 它下來,雙層。

Barksdales in Part 1 2, right? Project murder, Westside.

=> Barksdale在第1部分2中,對嗎?項目謀殺,西邊。

-Which one, now? -Never mind.

=> - 現在呢? -沒關係。

Gonna sit in on it for a bit.

=> 要坐在上面

Where you gonna be? Im gonna drop this off on Nathan, then Im going to the office.

=> 你會去哪?我要把這個放在內森,然後我去辦公室。

-Dont answer no phones, Bunk.

=> - 不要回答沒有電話,Bunk。

-Yeah, yeah.

=> -是啊。

And is that your signature on that photo array card? Yes.

=> 那是你在這張照片陣列卡上的簽名嗎?是。

And those are your initials as well, next to the photo you identified? Yes.

=> 這些也是你的名字首字母,在你確定的照片旁邊?是。


=> 先生。

Gant, do you see the man you identified from that photo array card sitting in the courtroom today? Hes right there.

=> Gant,你看到你從今天坐在法庭上的照片陣列卡中發現的那個人嗎?他就在那裡。

For the record, the witness has identified the defendant DAngelo Barksdale.

=> 為了記錄,證人已經確定了被告的安吉洛·巴克斯代爾(DAngelo Barksdale)。

-Your witness.

=> 你的見證人

-Thank you.

=> -謝謝。

Just one question, Mr.

=> 先生,只有一個問題。


=> 甘特。

Have you ever seen this young man before the day in question? -No.

=> 在這一天之前,你有沒有見過這個年輕人? -沒有。

-No further questions, your honor.

=> - 沒有進一步的問題,你的榮譽。

Youre excused, Mr.

=> 你先生,先生


=> 甘特。

Call your next witness.

=> 打電話給你的下一個證人。

State calls Nakeisha Lyles, Your Honor.

=> 國家呼籲Nakeisha Lyles,您的榮譽。

Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? I do.

=> 你保證說實話,全部真相,只有真相,所以幫助你的上帝?我做。

-Maam, can you state your name, please? -Nakeisha Lyles.

=> - 媽媽,你能說出你的名字嗎? -Nakeisha Lyles。

-And are you employed? -Yes, I am.

=> 你有工作嗎? -對,我是。

-And what is your occupation, Ms.

=> - 你的職業是什麼

Lyles? -Im a security guard.

=> Lyles?我是保安人員

And were you employed as a security guard on May 4, the day of the shooting? -What were your duties on that date? -I was in the booth of 221 .

=> 你是在5月4日那天拍攝的時候擔任保安的嗎?那天你的任務是什麼?我在221號的展位

And is that the guard booth in the lobby of the Fremont Avenue high-rise? Yes.

=> 那是弗里蒙特大道高層大堂的警衛亭嗎?是。

And youre behind bullet-proof glass, with a clear view of the lobby? -Yeah.

=> 而且你身後是防彈玻璃,可以清楚地看到大廳?是啊。


=> -好。

Now, Ms.

=> 現在,女士

Lyles, I know this may be difficult for you but can you tell us what you saw? A man, you know, he was waiting for the elevator and when another man just starts beating on him and like, the one man, he got knocked down-- -The victim got knocked down? -No, the man with the gun.

=> Lyles,我知道這可能對你很困難,但你能告訴我們你看到了什麼嗎?一個男人,你知道,他正在等電梯,而另一個男人剛剛開始毆打他,他就被打倒了 - 受害人被撞倒了? - 不,拿槍的人。

The man who was knocked down had a gun.

=> 被擊倒的那個人拿著槍。

And do you see that man in the courtroom today? Nope.

=> 你今天在法庭上見到那個人嗎?不。

Excuse me? He aint here.

=> 打擾一下?他不在這裡

You dont.

=> 你沒有。

You testified.

=> 你作證了。


=> 女士。

Lyles, do you remember when Detective Barlow showed you this photo array? -Yeah.

=> Lyles,你還記得Barlow偵探給你看這張照片嗎?是啊。


=> -好。

I call your attention to your initials which identify this photo as the man who shot Mr.

=> 我把你的注意力放在你的姓名首字母縮寫上,


=> 布蘭查德。

Did you write your initials above that photograph? He aint the one that did the shooting.

=> 你在這張照片上面寫下你的名字?他不是那個投籃的人。

But you identified him.

=> 但是你認出了他。

Thats cause he looked like the boy that did it.

=> 那是因為他看起來像那個男孩。

See, the one that did it, I saw him come in the building a week later.

=> 看,做了這個,一個星期後我看到他進了大樓。

You saw someone else you thought did the shooting? Right, a week later.

=> 你看到其他人認為拍攝過嗎?對,一個星期後。


=> 女士。

Lyles, when you spoke with the detectives you never said anything about-- I tried.

=> Lyles,當你和偵探談話時,你從來沒有說過什麼 - 我試過了。

I called Detective.

=> 我叫偵探。

Yeah, Detective Barlow on May 13th at 2:00.

=> 是的,偵探巴洛5月13日凌晨2點。

-But he didnt call me back.

=> 但是他沒有給我回電話。

-Nicely done.

=> -做得很好。

-You called Detective Barlow? -Yeah, twice.

=> 你叫偵探巴洛? - 是的,兩次。

Yeah, I wrote it down in the log.

=> 是的,我把它寫在日誌里。

-I need a price for pressure-treated.

=> - 我需要一個壓力處理的價格。


=> - $ 14

Thats the price that you were going to quote me? Do you feel that, Mikey, do you feel it? Cause I swear to God that is my fucking dick in your ear.

=> 那是你要引用我的價格?你覺得米奇,你覺得嗎?因為我向上帝發誓,那是我他媽的雞巴在你耳邊。

-Thats nice.

=> -這很好。

-Hang on, you fucking thief.

=> 行動起來,你他媽的小偷

Whats up? -You been down the hall lately? -What? Your case just hit the wall.

=> 這是怎麼回事?你最近下了大廳? -什麼?你的情況只是撞牆。

Barksdales crew, they turned it.

=> 巴克斯代爾的船員,他們轉過身來。

Two eyewitnesses and a statement.

=> 兩名目擊者和一份聲明。

No fucking way, pal.

=> 沒有他媽的方式,朋友。



You use my goddamn car to chauffeur that dusty bitch around.

=> 你用我該死的汽車去司機那個塵土飛揚的婊子。

-Yo, ease up.

=> 喲,放鬆一下

-You dont understand.

=> 你不明白。

-I did it for that man and he do this.

=> - 我是為那個男人做的,他這樣做。

-Getting heated aint gonna help.

=> - 加熱不會有幫助。

-Greggs, whats your bird saying? -It aint what she says.

=> 格雷格斯,你的小鳥在說什麼?這不是她說的。

Yeah? What do you say? I say we wait, shithead.

=> 是嗎?你說什麼?我說我們等,shithead。

-Thats him.

=> 那是他。

-All right, easy, girl.

=> - 所有權利,容易,女孩。

-Yo, Herc, you got that? -Yeah, we see.

=> Herc,你明白了嗎? - 是的,我們看到了。

-Are the uniforms on the horn? -Theyre on hold.

=> - 號角上的制服? - 他們擱置。

-Thats Ghost.

=> 那是鬼。

-All right, good, Tiff.

=> - 好吧,好,Tiff。

Now tell me what Im seeing, girl.

=> 現在告訴我我在看什麼,女孩。

-He gonna get little Mike.

=> 他會得到小邁克。

-Then what? Mike come back with the money.

=> 那是什麼?邁克回來的錢。

Wait on the drop, take the car when its deep in the block.

=> 等一下,當車在深的地方時,把車開走。

-I dont want no foot chase.

=> 我不想追求腳步


=> -複製。

Got it.

=> 得到它了。

Go, go, go.

=> 沖啊。

The drivers mine.

=> 司機是我的。

Get the house on the left.

=> 得到左邊的房子。

Get down.

=> 下來。

Get on the ground.

=> 趕上地面。

Get up.

=> 起床。

-Put your hands behind your head.

=> - 把你的手放在你的頭後面。

-Get your hands up.

=> - 拿起你的手。

Shut the engine.

=> 關閉引擎。

Get that motherfucker around the corner.

=> 讓那個混蛋在拐角處。

Hand the keys out.

=> 把鑰匙交出來

Drop the keys out of the car.

=> 把鑰匙從汽車裡拿出來。

Drop them now.

=> 現在放下它們。

Get out of the car.

=> 從車裡出去。

Get down right here, right here.

=> 在這裡下來,在這裡。

Passenger, put your hands out of the car window.

=> 乘客,把你的手伸出車窗。

Both hands out of the car window.

=> 雙手伸出車窗外。

Use your right hand, open up the car door.

=> 用你的右手,打開車門。


=> 慢。

Step out of the car.

=> 走出汽車。

Down on the ground.

=> 倒在地上。

Thats it, take his ass to jail.

=> 就是這樣,把他的屁股監獄。

-You got him, Carv? -I got him.

=> - 你有他,卡爾夫? -我找到他了。

-Look at this shit.

=> - 看著這個狗屎。

-Cross your legs.

=> -雙腿交叉。

Look at this.

=> 看這個。

You see what he did? Do you see what he did? Why he throw the gun on my car? Shit gonna scratch the paint.

=> 你看他做了什麼?你看到他做了什麼?他為什麼把槍放在我的車上?媽的要抓油漆。

-Stay in the car.

=> - 留在車裡

-Tell him to leave my car be.

=> - 告訴他要離開我的車

-Stay in the fucking car.

=> - 住在他媽的車裡。

-That shit just aint right.

=> - 那個狗屎是不對的。

Whatcha doing with something like that? What you got here? You shouldve seen the way this bitch was looking at me, Kima.

=> Whatcha做這樣的事情?你在這裡?你應該已經看到了這個婊子看著我,基馬。

Ugly little fucker almost shit his pants he was so scared.

=> 醜陋的小混蛋幾乎把他的褲子都嚇壞了。

Right? Two guns, remember? -Two? -Its all good, Kima, ease up.

=> 對?兩槍,記得? -二? - 一切都好,基馬,放鬆一下

All rise.

=> 全部上漲。

Part 1 2 of the Circuit Court of Baltimore City is now in session.

=> 巴爾的摩市巡迴法院第1 2部分現在正在開會。

Be seated.

=> 就座。

Madame Forelady, you have a unanimous verdict? As to the defendant DAngelo Barksdale how say you to the charge of murder in the first degree? Not guilty.

=> Forelady夫人,你有一個一致的結論嗎?至於被告人安傑洛·巴克斯代爾(Andrew Angela Barksdale)如何說你在一級謀殺罪?無罪。

How say you to the charge of murder in the second degree? Not guilty.

=> 你怎麼說二級謀殺罪呢?無罪。


=> 是啊。

-Thats what Im talking about.

=> -我就是這個意思。

-Be seated.

=> -就座。

Its you, daddy, yeah, thats right.

=> 是你,爸爸,是的,沒錯。

-At least you made them work for it.

=> 至少你讓他們為之工作。

-Be seated.

=> -就座。

The jury is to be thanked for its services in this case.

=> 在這種情況下,陪審團應該感謝它的服務。

Deputies will return defendant Barksdale to pre-trial for processing prior to his release.

=> 代表將返回被告Barksdale在他釋放之前預處理。

Think I give a fuck? Ill be chalking you off one night.

=> 想我給他媽的?一天晚上我會粉筆的

-You have a nice day.

=> - 你有一個愉快的一天。

-Yo, Stringer, lets go.

=> 喲,斯金格,走吧

Detective? Detective.

=> 偵探?偵探。

Judge asked to speak with you.

=> 法官要求和你說話。

-What the hell happened out there? -We lost.

=> - 那裡發生了什麼? -我們失去了。

Were you on this? -The case? -Yeah.

=> 你在這嗎? -案子?是啊。

No, it was Barlow, with an assist from McLarney.

=> 不,這是Barlow,在McLarney的協助下。

If it was Barlows case, why are you in court? No reason.

=> 如果是巴洛的話,你為什麼在法庭上?沒有理由。

You just like coming to court on murders you dont even work? Just for the thrill of it? When you start coming with the customers its time to get out of the business.

=> 你只是想上謀殺,你甚至不工作?只是為了它的快感?當你開始與顧客一起時,是時候離開這個行業了。

You shouldnt talk dirty now that youre a judge.

=> 現在你是法官,你不應該說髒話。

Now that Im a judge, I can say anything I damn please.

=> 現在我是一名法官,我可以說任何我該死的。

That Barksdale kid, hes a cousin to Avon Barksdale.

=> 那個Barksdale的孩子,他是Avon Barksdale的堂弟。

-Who? -Avon Barksdale, Stringer Bell.

=> -誰? Avon Barksdale,Stringer Bell。

The crew thats been running Franklin Terrace for a year.

=> 一直在富蘭克林露台工作一年的船員。

Stringer Bell? That was him in court with the legal pad and the glasses scaring the living shit out of every witness.

=> 斯特林格·貝爾?這是他在法庭上,與法律墊和眼鏡嚇唬每個證人的生活狗屎。

Him and the rest of his crew, Wee-Bey, Savino, Stinkum.

=> 他和他的其他人,Wee-Bey,Savino,Stinkum。

-I saw them.

=> -我看到他們。

-You think about clearing the court? On what basis? Its an open court in a free nation of laws.

=> 你想清理法庭?基於什麼?這是一個自由的法律國家的公開法庭。

I thought it was Baltimore.

=> 我以為是巴爾的摩。

Barksdale has five out of seven towers in the Terrace.

=> 巴克斯代爾有七個塔中的五個在陽台。

Thats 10 stairwells in five high-rises, going 24l7 for dope and coke.

=> 在五座高樓的10個樓梯間里,塗料和焦炭的面積為247平方米。

And thats just the towers.

=> 這只是塔。

The low-rises, the avenue corners, theyre all his, too.

=> 低層,大道的角落,他們都是他的。

How do you know this? -Everybody knows it.

=> 你怎麼會知道這事?大家都知道

-Define "everybody".

=> - 定義「每個人」。

Everybody on the Westside.

=> 西邊的每個人。

Barksdale and Bell, theyre the new power.

=> 巴克斯代爾和貝爾,他們是新的力量。

I mean, theyve dropped Beat three cases in court doing the same thing they just did.

=> 我的意思是,他們已經在法庭上拋棄了三起毆打他們的事情。

-Whos working on them? -In the department? Nobody, really.

=> 誰在工作? - 在部門?沒有人,真的。

Were a little busy doing street rips, you know.

=> 你知道,我們有一點忙碌的街頭撕裂。

Community policing and all that.

=> 社區警務和所有這一切。

So, if its not your case, why do you care? Who said I did? One more time.

=> 所以,如果不是你的情況,你為什麼在乎呢?誰說我做的?再來一次。

Stop playing.

=> 停止播放。

Fuck me.

=> 操我。

You got submission numbers for the ECU? -Nope.

=> 你有ECU的提交號碼? -不。

-Get them.

=> -抓住他們。

-Why me? -You want the collar, do the submissions.

=> -為什麼是我? - 你要領,提交意見書。

-You giving me the start? -Its your turn.

=> 你給我開始? -輪到你了。

Whats the extension for ECU? Do I look like your bitch? -We taking the Mercedes? -No, I promised my girl.

=> 什麼是ECU的擴展?我看起來像你的婊子? - 我們賓士? - 不,我答應了我的女孩。

Cars in her name.

=> 汽車以她的名義


=> 毒品。


=> -Lieutenant。

Line 2.

=> 2號線。

-Here you go.

=> -幹得好。

-Fuck me, I cannot type.

=> - 抓住我,我不能打字。

-Who the fuck can? Millennium been and gone and we still fucking around with Smith-Corona.

=> - 他媽的可以嗎?千年已經走了,我們仍然與史密斯 - 科羅納他媽的。

We need to get them computers hooked up.

=> 我們需要讓他們的電腦連接起來。

They promised to train us a year ago.

=> 他們答應一年前培訓我們。

What would an ass-ignorant motherfucker like you do with a computer? -I dont know, trade stocks and shit.

=> 一個像你一樣的屁股無知的混蛋會用電腦做什麼? - 我不知道,交易股票和狗屎。

-Jerk off, you mean.

=> - 呃,你的意思是

-Gotta go upstairs.

=> - 塔上樓

-Whats up? Deputys throwing some kinda piss-fit.

=> -這是怎麼回事?代理的投擲一些有點小便。

-Major know? -Hes up there now.

=> - 主要知道?他現在在那裡

With a mouthful of piss, probably.

=> 大概一口小便。

Like our major dont know what that tastes like? Its the chain-of-command, baby, the shit always rolls downhill.

=> 像我們的專業不知道這是什麼味道?這是命令的連鎖,寶貝,狗屎一直在下坡。

-Motherfucker, we talking about piss.

=> - 媽媽,我們在說小便。

-Piss does too, think about it.

=> - 茜也是,想想吧。

-Shit rolls, piss trickles.

=> - 滾動,小便涓流。

-Downhill, though.

=> - 下山,但。

You dont know that for sure-- Not to change the subject on you two charmers but why are there only two ECU numbers? -Dope and guns.

=> 你肯定不知道 - 不要改變你兩個charmers的主題,但為什麼只有兩個ECU號碼? - 槍和槍。

-Two guns, right? -Thats three.

=> - 兩槍,對吧?那是三個

-Fuck it, Kima.

=> - 抓住它,基馬。

You want a job done right, you gotta do it your own self.

=> 你想要一個正確的工作,你必須做自己的自我。

He means that we are an effective deterrent on the war on drugs when we are on the street.

=> 他的意思是我們在街上對毒品的戰爭是有效的威懾。

-Fucking motherfuckers up, right? -Indeed.

=> - 搞壞娘吧,對吧? -確實。

Fuck the paperwork.

=> 他媽的文書工作。

-Collect bodies, split heads.

=> - 收集機構,分裂頭。

-Split them wide.

=> - 將它們分開。

-The Western District way.

=> - 西區的方式。

-All right.

=> -好吧。

You heroic motherfuckers kill me.

=> 你英雄殺了我

Fighting the war on drugs one brutality case at a time.

=> 一次打擊毒品戰爭一場暴力事件。

Girl, you cant even call this shit a war.

=> 女孩,你甚至不能把這個狗屎叫做戰爭。

Why not? Wars end.

=> 為什麼不?戰爭結束。

You gonna write that down? How happy am I to see my pager go off with your call number? Smoke em if you got em because this motherfucker is as ripe as they get.

=> 你會寫下來?我有多高興能看到我的傳呼機與您的電話號碼?如果你得到了他們的煙,他們就會冒煙,因為這個混蛋已經成熟了。

-We arent up, Nolans squad is up.

=> - 我們還沒起來,諾蘭的小隊就起來了。

-I know.

=> -我知道。

But you had to answer the fucking phone.

=> 但你必須回答他媽的電話。

-Got to pay down my credit cards.

=> - 支付我的信用卡。

-Not off him, you aint.

=> 不是他,你不是。

I leave you alone for a minute, what do you do? -All right, I heard you.

=> 我留下你一個人一分鐘,你做什麼? - 好的,我聽到你了。

-Say the words, Bunk.

=> 說一句,Bunk。

-Come on, man.

=> - 對,男人

-Speak to me.

=> -跟我講話。

So, you gonna cut and run on the Bunk? That shit aint right, Jimmy.

=> 那麼,你會在Bunk上剪切並運行?吉米,這個狗屎是不對的。

All right, then, this is my case.

=> 好的,那就是我的情況。

My file.

=> 我的文件

This shit comes back a murder you aint gotta do shit but stand there and laugh at me.

=> 這狗屎回來謀殺你不是要做狗屎,而是站在那裡,嘲笑我。

You happy now, you bitch? Thisll teach you to give a fuck when it aint your turn.

=> 你現在快樂,你這個婊子?這不會輪到你時會教你一個他媽的。

It aint even gonna be a murder.

=> 這甚至不是謀殺。

This motherfucker probably came in here to take a shit and just fell out.

=> 這個混蛋大概是來這裡搗蛋的。

I bet there aint nothing to it.

=> 我敢打賭,沒有什麼。

-You hope.

=> -你希望。

-Where you going? Back to the office, where I belong.

=> -你去哪?回到我所屬的辦公室。

You moldering motherfucker.

=> 你在混蛋。

Dont even think about coming back a murder.

=> 甚至不要想回到謀殺。

Dont even think of that shit.

=> 甚至不要想起那個狗屎。

By tomorrow, Lieutenant.

=> 明天,中尉。

Dont fail me.

=> 不要讓我失望。

-Majors pissed.

=> - 主要的生氣。

-He should be.

=> -他應該。

He didnt have answers for the deputys questions.

=> 他對副手的問題沒有答案。

-About what? -Avon Barksdale.

=> -關於什麼? - Avon Barksdale。

Who? -Thats what I said.

=> 誰? -這就是我所說的。

-Who the fuck is Avon Barksdale? According to the right honorable Judge Phelan a Westside player who apparently indulges in the occasional murder.

=> 他媽的是雅芳·巴克斯代爾?根據右派尊貴的費倫法官,西方球員顯然沉迷於偶爾的謀殺。

Now, as of today, I never heard of Mr.

=> 到現在為止,我從來沒有聽說過

Barksdale but by tomorrow.

=> 巴克斯代爾,但明天。

All right, what do we know? According to the judge, he has the Westside high-rises.

=> 好的,我們知道什麼?據法官說,他有西邊的高樓。

The Terrace, mostly.

=> 主要是露台。

-Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me.

=> 聽起來像一堆廢話給我。

-Maybe so.

=> -也許是這樣。

-Its gotta be tonight? -Major wants it filed by morning.

=> 今晚呢? - 主要是要在早上提交。

Call Andrews at DEA.

=> 給DEA打電話給Andrews。

See what they have on this mope.

=> 看看他們在這個媽媽身上有什麼

Call Andrews at DEA.

=> 給DEA打電話給Andrews。

See what they have on this mope.

=> 看看他們在這個媽媽身上有什麼

What about Homicide? lf the guys doing murders-- Homicide major was in the same meeting.

=> 兇殺呢?如果這個人在做謀殺 - 殺人事件在同一個會議上。

His people will be scrambling to get something on paper, too.

=> 他的人也會爭先恐後地在紙上寫東西。

I doubt theyll be willing to share, but you can try.

=> 我懷疑他們會願意分享,但你可以嘗試。

Barksdale, Avon.

=> Barksdale,Avon。

Got a DOB? -Jay.

=> 有DOB? -Jay。

-Where the fuck you been all day? Drinking, crack smoking.

=> - 他媽的你整天在哪裡?喝酒,抽煙。

Whoring myself on the streets of Baltimore.

=> 在巴爾的摩的街道上嘲笑自己。


=> 好的。

Just so you have an excuse.

=> 就這樣你有一個借口。

But your fuck of a partner picked up the phone, caught a call.

=> 但你的一個夥伴他媽的拿起電話,接到電話。

-Yeah, I saw him out there.

=> - 是的,我看到他在那裡。

-Yeah, whatd he get? -Decomp in a vacant apartment.

=> - 是的,他得到了什麼? - 在一個空置的公寓解散。


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