【匠作】梁景華 | 杭州華夏四季銷售中心—把從容與優雅灌注進「華夏四季」
在城市喧囂中把中式的文化底蘊融合現代的高雅,P A L Design Group 梁景華於杭州未來科技城將從容與優雅灌注進華夏四季。
Serenely poised amid the hustle and bustle of Hangzhou Future Science Town, Dr. Patrick Leung from P A L Design Group (http://www.paldesign.cn) creates a new property showroom, Huaxia Four Seasons Sales Office, in a splendid tribute to the age-old Chinese aesthetics of natural beauty, Shan Shui.
From carefully-planted trees to meticulously-arranged tiles and engravings, the overall design resembles an ink-wash painting. The simple yet effective palette of black and white to heighten its elegance, tranquility and grandeur is more than adequate for visitors to experience the beauty of four seasons, just as the name of the property suggests. Neither monotonous nor blinding, visitors are free from a world of distractions and merchandises - for a brief moment of peace and quiet - in this salesroom unlike any other.
Following the footsteps of an oriental garden design, the spatial progression of the showroom takes reference from folding screen and Shan Shui painting, just as its ceiling is completed with intriguing - one after another in a dynamic manner - as visitors proceed into the meeting space with eyes feasting on its grace and style in a rhythmic pulse of expressive curves.
Nothing is left to makeshift hastiness - its slender curves and fine details come through inspirations by the best of traditional Chinese architectural elements and brisk brushstrokes of a Chinese painting.
Right at the end of the passage, hanging scrolls further adds an intriguing note to the symmetrically-balanced spaces on both sides, where spaces then appear to be more spacious than they seem.
The juxtaposition of wood and stone texture through and through, in addition to a finely-curated collection of art pieces, effortlessly exudes delicate oriental beauty. All is done with a minimalist manner without being bland nor underwhelming, as natural light is invited into its interiors - with the comfort of contemporary living exemplified in its multifunction hall.
Beyond mere decorative motifs, visitors are encouraged to experience the surroundings in a multi-sensual approach as details of this Shan Shui scroll comes alive. Its contemporary interpretation of Shan Shui - from its courtyard garden, hip-and-gable roof and Zen aura - is boundary-breaking in its reinvention of classical elements and innovative spatial arrangement for visitors to enjoy a tranquil urban oasis.
主案設計師: 梁景華 Patrick Leung
攝影師: 張騎麟
面積: 1230 ㎡
地點: 杭州
竣工時間: 2016 年
Designer: Patrick Leung (P A L Design Group Founder & Principal Designer)
Photographer: Qi-lin Zhang
Area: 1230 ㎡
Location: Hangzhou, China
Completion: 2016
P A L Design Group創辦人及首席設計師
梁景華博士,1978 年畢業於香港理工大學,他的設計作品一直追求創意與永恆,以簡約精巧見稱,擅長融合東西方文化之精華,將空間藝術化,使設計與藝術交融,強調品味和諧、舒服,務求優化生活環境,改善人類的生活質素。
梁博士於 1994 於香港創辦 P A L Design Group,並分別於北京、上海及深圳設立分公司,其設計項目以酒店、住宅、會所、公共空間為主。多年來,梁博士和他的團隊之作品獲得多達 200 多項國際獎項,當中最高的榮耀是獲世界權威的國際室內設計師聯盟頒發 IFI 卓越設計大獎的「全球最佳室內設計」大獎。
Simple is the best(簡單就是最好的)
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