



(一)TASK 1

A: 數據性圖表

(1)百分比的直接描述---摘自於C4 T1Reading Passage 1

1. The commonestresponse were continents or countries: Africa (given by 43% of children), SouthAfrica (30%), Brazil (25%).---括弧帶入百分比,比較直觀及簡單

2. The dominantidea, raised by 64% of the pupils, was that the rainforests provide animalswith habitats.---百分比作為插入語部分放在句中,體現語法的高級性

3. About 18% ofthe pupils referred specifically to logging activity.---百分比放句首

4. Only a few ofthe pupils (6%) mentioned that rainforest destruction may contribute to globalwarming.---6%與a few of的歸類表述

5. Two fifths ofthe students provide the information that the rainforest provide oxygen.---分數與百分比之間的同義轉換

(2)數據間的對比與比較---摘自於C4 T2Reading Passage 2---Alternative medicine in Australia

1. 12% sufferfrom digestive problems, which is only 1% more than those suffering fromemotional problems.---定語從句比較數據

2. Thosesuffering from respiratory complaints represent 7% of their patients, andcandida sufferers represent an equal percentage.---用equal來體現相等數據的表述

3. Headachesufferers and those complaining of general ill health represent 6% and 5% of thepatients respectively.---用respectively來引出2個接近數據


Thebar chart compares the changes in the places where people used to surf on theinternet in the years 1998, 2000, 2002 and 2004 in the UK.



a. 括弧帶入百分比---In1998, library was the place where fewest people used to surf the Internet (13%)

b. 百分比作為插入語放句中---Library,attracting only 13% of people, was the least favorable place to surf theInternet.

c. 百分比放句首---Nearly13% of people chose to surf the Internet in the library.


In 2000, about 48% of people surfed the internet at home,which was 10% more than those at work.---定語從句比較數據

In 2000, those surfing the internet in college and in thelibrary represented 20% and 18%, respectively.---用respectively來引出2個接近數據

(3)趨勢的寫法---摘自於C4 T4Reading Passage 3---The problem of scarce resources

Thus in OECD countries as awhole, health costs increased from 3.8% of GDP in1960 to 7% of GDP in 1980, andit has been predicted that(將來時的表述) theproportion of health costs to GDP will continue to increase.


Thechart below shows the percentage of the whole world population in fourcountries from 1950-2002, with projections to 2050.

參考寫法:In India, the percentage of population increased from 15%in1950 to 18% in 2002, and it has been predicted that the proportion willcontinue to rise to 23% in 2050.

B: 非數據類圖表


摘自於Bakelite-the birth of modern plastics


1. The originalpatent outlined a three-stage process, in which… were initiallycombined---可以用於開頭段的書寫

2. …was allowed to cool until it hardened, and then broken upand ground into powder(冷卻,打碎及碾壓的表達)

3. Othersubstances were then introduced: including…(加入新事物的表達)

4. In the laststage, the heated bake lite was poured into a hollow mold of the requiredshape and subjected to extreme heat and pressure.(倒進去,模具塑形及加熱的表達)




開頭:The glass bottle recycling outlines a three-step process,in which bottles used by customers are initially gathered.

塑形過程:Then, the liquid, with additional one, is poured into theglass mold of the required shape to produce new bottles.

(二)TASK 2



(1)閱讀文章:Lostfor words


Some people think governments should spend money onmeasures to save languages with few speakers from dying out completely. Othersthink this is a waste of financial resources. Discuss both views and give yourown opinion.(語言類)

分析:語言類作文一直是考生比較頭疼的,主要是由於對於這方面素材積累得比較少,無話可說。因此,要想寫好這一篇作文,背景知識的了解以及知道如何保護語言還是很重要的,然而在lost for words這篇閱讀中就能找到相關信息。


Navajois considered endangered despite having 150,000 speakers. Street signs,supermarket goods and even their own newspaper are all in English. Notsurprisingly, linguists doubt that any native speakers of Navajo will remain ina hundred years』 time.


Reasons for languages dying out:

1.The critically endangered languages are those that are only spoken by theelderly.

2.The deadliest weapon is not government policy but economic globalization.


Ways to protect:

1.Class for children have showed the erosion of Maori and rekindled interest inthe language.

2. 「Apprentice」programs have provided life support to several indigenous languages.

3. Themere possibility of revival has led many speakers of endangered languages todevelop systems of writing where none existed before.

(此3點可作為正文Body 1段的參考觀點,比較新穎,值得大家借鑒,如果能體現在作文中,必能吸引考官的眼球)

(2)閱讀文章:How much higher? How much faster?


It is generally believed that some people are born withcertain talents, for instance for sport or music, and others are not. However,it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sportsperson or musician. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(劍7 Test1)



Atthe 1908 Olympic, John Hayes of the US team ran a marathon in a time of2:55:18. In 1999, Marocco』s Khalid Khannouchi set a new world record of 2:05:42,almost thirty percent faster.

(開頭可以使用類似對比的方式來討論先天與後天哪個improve the performance)

Gene(born with certain talents):

Overthe past century, the composition of the human gene pool has not changedappreciably, but with increasing global participation in athletics,--andgreater rewards to tempt athletes--it is more likely that individualspossessing the unique complement of genes for athletic performance can beidentified earlier.

(Body 1的參考論證來體現出基因對於運動員的好處)

閱讀中的同義替換:Genetically talented individuals/running on theirgenetics

Training(be taught to become a good sports person or musician):

Focusedtraining will also play a role in enabling records to be broken. If we appliedthe Russian training models to some of the outstanding runners we have in thiscountry, they would be breaking records left and right.

(Body 2的參考論證來體現出運動的重要性,典型的舉例論證。考生可能對於Russian training model的方式不太熟悉,可以查詢相關材料,把握其主旨)

(3)閱讀文章:greyingpopulation stays in the pink


In some countries, the proportion of the elderly peopleis increasing steadily. Why? Is it a positive or negative development?


Theresults of a 14-year study to be announced later this month reveal that thediseases associated with old age are afflicting fewer and fewer people and whenthey do strike, it is much later in life.



1.Certain diseases are beating a retreat in the face of medical advances.

2.Improvements in childhood nutrition gave today』s elderly people a better startin life than their predecessors.

3.Educated people seek more medical attention.

4.Maintaining a level of daily physical activity may help mental functioning.


(4)閱讀文章:the impact of wilderness tourism


These days, some developing countries are expanding theirtourism industries. What are the reasons of this phenomenon? Is this a positiveor negative development?


1. Tourismhas been the prime source of foreign exchange in Nepal and Bhutan.

2. Tourismis also a key element in the economies of Arctic zones such as Lapland andAlaska and in desert areas such as Ayers Rock in Australia.



1. Insome hill regions, this has led to a serious decline in farm output and achange in the local diet, because there is insufficient labor to maintainterraces and irrigation systems and tend to crops.

2. Thephysical impact of visitors is another serious problem associated with thegrowth in adventure tourism. Much attention has focus on erosion along majortrails, but perhaps more important are the deforestation and impacts on watersupplies.



1. Communitiesin fragile environments must achieve greater control over tourism ventures inthe regions.



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