

1. 構成

have / has +動詞的過去分詞

2. 基本用法


Ive had two letters from him. 我已收到他的兩封信。

He has left the city. 他已離開這個城市。

Someone has broken the window. 有人把窗戶打破了。

I have seen you before, but I cant remember where. 我以前見過你,但是不記得在哪裡了。

Have you finished your homework? 你做完作業了嗎?

(2) 表示的動作開始於過去,持續到現在,也可能還會持續下去(表示「未完成」)。如:

Since then, he has developed another bad habit. 自那以後,它養成了另一種環習慣。

They have been friends ever since they were in grade school. 他們從小學起就一直是好朋友。

How long have you been here? 你來多久了?

We havent seen each other for ages. 我們好久沒見面了。

I』ve finished half so far. 到目前為止我只完成一半。


誤:He has died for two years. 他死了兩年了。

正:He has been dead for two years.

正:He died two years ago.

誤:The film has begun for ten minutes. 電影開演十分鐘了。

正:The film has been on for ten minutes.

正:The film began ten minutes ago.


I』ll go to your home when I have finished my homework.我做完作業後去你家。

If it has stopped snowing in the morning, we』ll go to the park. 如果中午雪停了,我們就去公園。

I』ll go to bed when I』ve finished my homework. 我做完作業後就上床睡覺了。


He has always gone to work by bike. 他總是騎自行車上班。

3. 與現在完成時連用的常用詞語

能與現在完成時連用詞語很多,just, already, yet, before, never, ever, recently 等,但常見的有:

(1) since自從,如:

I have been there many times since the war. 自那次戰爭以來,我曾去該地多次。

We haven』t seen each other since last week. 自上周以來我們一直未見過面。

We have been friends ever since. 自此以後我們一直是朋友。


It seems like years since we last met. 我們似乎幾年未見面了。

It is five years since he came here. 他來這裡五年了。

(2) so far到目前為止,如:

So far we have learned 2000 English words. 目前為止我們已學了兩千個英語單詞了。

So far the search for the missing middle-aged woman has been fruitless. 到目前為止,還沒有找到那失蹤的中年婦女。

We haven』t had any trouble so far. 到目前為止,我們還沒有遇到任何麻煩。

(3) in / for / during the past / last … years 在過去 / 最近…中:

Ive been ill for the past three weeks. 我三周來一直在生病。

Great changes have taken place in the last three years 最近三年我們學校發生很大變化。

I have been here (for) the last / past month. 最近一個月里我都在這兒。

(4) up to / until now 到現在為止,如:

Up to now he』s been quiet. 他直到此刻仍保持沉默。

I have heard nothing from him up to now. 到現在為止我還沒有聽到他一點音信。

Up until now we have planted over 20000 trees. 到目前為止我們已經種了兩萬棵樹了。

Up to now, the work has been easy. 到現在為止這工作還算容易。

Up to now, Mr. Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other. 到目前為止,斯科特先生從一個汽車修理部向另一個汽車修理部發送了大量索取備件的信件和其他緊急函件。

(5) It』s / will be the first / second… time that…這是第一 / 二… 次…,如:

It』s the first time I』ve been here. 這是我第一次來這兒。

Don』t forget, it』ll be the first time I』ve spoken in public. 別忘了,這是我第一次在公共場合發言。

It is the second time I have met here today. 這是我今天第二次見到他了。

4. 現在完成時與一般過去時的區別

現在完成時強調對現在的影響和結果,與現在有聯繫; 而一般過去時強調這個動作發生的時間是在過去,不涉及對現在的影響。比較:

Has the plane arrived? 飛機到達了嗎?

When did it arrive? 什麼時候到的?

He has bought a car. 他買了一部車。

He bought a house two years ago. 他兩年前買了一部車。

5. have been to 和have gone to的區別

兩者均可後接地點,have been to表示去過某地,現在不在某地;have gone to表示到某地去了,現在不在此地。比較:

She has gone to Pairs. 他去了巴黎。(現在不在這兒)

She has been to Paris (three times). 他去過巴黎(三次)。(現不在巴黎)

Have you ever been to American? 你曾經去過美國嗎?

I have been to the post office. 我剛去過郵局。

天學網8.18 微作品創意徵集活動已經如火如荼地開展啦!



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