
(本文翻譯自:Dozen black holes found at galactic centre)


A dozen black holes may lie at the centre of our galaxy, the Milky Way, researchers have said.


A new analysis provides support for a decadesold prediction that "supermassive" black holes at the centres of galaxies are surrounded by many smaller ones.


However, previous searches of the Milky Ways centre, where the nearest supermassive black hole is located, have found little evidence for this.

來自紐約哥倫比亞大學的Charles Hailey和他的同事們利用NASA的錢德拉x射線望遠鏡的檔案數據而得出結論。

Charles Hailey from Columbia University in New York and colleagues used archival data from Nasas Chandra X ray telescope to come to their conclusions.


They report the discovery of a dozen inactive and low mass "binary systems", in which a star orbits an unseen companion - the black hole.

銀河系中心的超大質量黑洞,被稱為射手座A *(Sgr A *),被氣體和塵埃暈環繞,為大質量恆星的誕生提供了完美的溫床。這些恆星生存,死亡,並可能在那裡變成黑洞。

The supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way, known as Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), is surrounded by a halo of gas and dust that provides the perfect breeding ground for the birth of massive stars. These stars live, die and could turn into black

holes there.

此外,暈圈外的黑洞被認為是在Sgr A *的影響下墜落的,因為它們失去了能量,導致它們被拉到附近,在那裡它們被Sgr A *的力量俘虜。

In addition, black holes from outside the halo are believed to fall under the influence of Sgr A* as they lose their energy, causing them to be pulled into its vicinity, where

they are held captive by its force.

其中一些綁定 - 或「配合」-通過恆星,形成二元系統。

Some of these bind - or "mate" - to passing stars, forming binary systems.


Previous attempts to detect this population of black holes have looked for the bright bursts of X-rays that are sometimes emitted by black hole binaries.


Faint and steady


"The galactic centre is so far away from Earth that those bursts are only strong and bright enough to see about once every 100 to 1,000 years," said Prof Hailey.


Instead, the Columbia University astrophysicist and his colleagues decided to look for the fainter but steadier X-rays emitted when these binaries are in an inactive state.


"Isolated, unmated black holes are just black - they dont do anything," said Prof Hailey.


"But when black holes mate with a low mass star, the marriage emits X-ray bursts that are weaker, but consistent and detectable."

在錢德拉數據中尋找低質量黑洞雙星的x射線信號,在Sgr A*的3光年範圍內發現了12個。

A search for the X-ray signatures of low-mass black hole binaries in the Chandra

data turned up 12 within three light-years of Sgr A*.

根據這些雙星的性質和分布推斷,研究小組估計在Sgr A*周圍可能有300-500個低質量的雙星和10000個單獨的低質量黑洞。

By extrapolating fro the properties and distribution of these binaries, the team estimates that there may be 300-500 low-mass binaries and 10,000 isolated low-mass black holes surrounding Sgr A*.


Prof Hailey said the finding "confirms a major theory", adding: "It is going to significantly advance gravitational wave research because knowing the number of

black holes in the centre of a typical galaxy can help in better predicting how many gravitational wave events may be associated with them."


Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space-time. They were predicted by Albert Einsteins general theory of relativity and detected by the Ligo experiment in 2015. One way these ripples arise is through the collision of separate black holes.

翻譯: @浪流海北@JellyJelly@unclethree39




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