Win10 1709 安裝及使用E-Prime 2.0 筆記(各種避坑)



1. E-Prime版本選擇


重點來了,2.0下,不同的小版本對應不同的操作系統:INFO: Operating system (Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, and XP) support in E-Prime [18652]





2. Win10版本選擇


Win10每半年有個大版本更新,比如1607、1703、1709等。簡單的說,不可以使用Win10 1703(創意者更新),此版系統微軟有問題沒處理好,造成E-prime的反應時記錄出錯。

詳見:INFO: Windows 10 Creators Update interrupts E-Prime』s ability to detect refresh rate - Workaround [25326]

所以官網上說只可以使用Win10 1607(周年更新版)及之前的版本;但是在上面那個貼子的評論里,官方也已證明微軟在Win10 1709(秋季創意者更新,目前最新的版本)版里修復了相關問題,所以在1709里使用E-Prime 2.0應該也是可以的。

PS:如果你使用的是E-Prime3.0,請同時安裝最新更新:E-Prime 3.0 Update 1 Now Available


3. .net3.5運行庫的安裝

E-Prime 2.0在軟體安裝時需要安裝.net3.5運行庫,這在Win10上是一個已經不在使用的運行庫存在。如果你直接下載安裝包安裝(或用光碟里直接下一步安裝),極大概率會報錯,各種無解(我就遇到了)。

解決方法:裝載WIN10 ISO文件,並使用命令行安裝

Win10離線安裝.NET Framework 3.5的方法技巧(附離線安裝包下載)


4. 新版HASP Run-time installation(狗的驅動?)安裝



解決方法:下載新版HASP Run-time installation,安裝:

INFO: E-Prime 2.0 Prerequisites required for Minimal (download) installation [19325]

裡面的那個Sentinel HASP Driver (15 MB),即

然後選Sentinel HASP/LDK - Windows GUI Run-time Installer Windows , 18.2 MB, Version 7.63, Released 2017-12-12


5. WIN8/WIN10下DisplayDevice的設置

WIN8/WIN10使用E-Prime需要DirectX 11 + 32位色+ display flipping (也叫display back buffer flipping,看原文描述是某種實現垂直同步防止畫面撕裂的特性),只有開啟這些東西才能在WIN8/WIN10上得到準確的顯示時間。而這個在低版本系統下默認是不開啟的(WIN7及以下系統不需要此特性即可獲得高時間解析度)。高版本系統下的新版E-Prime打開es2文件後會自動轉換(注意是新版E-Prime,比如2.0.10.356;舊版不行,詳見第2條),如果想一勞永逸則需要特定設置。

具體見下面鏈接:INFO: Specific DisplayDevice settings are required to avoid errors when running under Windows 8/10 [19543]

此外,WIN8/WIN10下因為是使用DX11,所以對顯卡也有要求(至少硬體支持DX11.0才可以);也就是說,核顯要三代I core/IVB以上才能用(獨顯2010年以後的顯卡都可以)。不過一般來說這個問題不大,畢竟比這個配置更低的電腦很少會裝win10(當然如果你用的真是運行win10的X220,那就真無解了)

具體見:INFO: E-Prime 2.0 SP1/SP2 requires specific DirectX 11 settings [19550]

6. 筆記本的雙顯卡切換問題

如今很多筆記本是雙顯卡的(比如intel內置核顯+Nvidia獨顯),並且系統內這兩張顯卡默認是同時使用的(比如使用Nvidia Optimus技術切換)。對於這種情況,pstnet官方建議最好採用獨顯輸出(因為獨顯是使用獨立顯存;當然無論核顯獨顯都需要支持第5條中提到的特性),並將顯卡設置為全局獨顯;如果可以的話,在BIOS里關閉intel核顯及顯卡切換。還有就是顯卡驅動一定要正常安裝,如果用的是Windows默認的微軟兼容驅動那就跪了。

PS:Matlab + Psychtoolbox的主頁說明裡則強烈要求用戶關閉雙顯卡切換,並僅使用獨立顯卡。

7. DPI縮放問題

根據pstnet的官方支持解答,除了E-Prime 3.0 Update 1 版本外,其它版本都不能很好的支持HIDPI;因此在運行實驗時,DPI縮放建議設為100%。

對於 6 7 這兩個問題,以下為PSTNET官方的具體解答回復。


1. Nowadays, many laptops have two video card (e.g., one is Intel Graphics and the other one is nvidia Geforce, etc). To get time precision on E-Prime, it is necessary to turn off Intel Graphics (i.e., unable Nvidia Optimus)?

2. It seems like there was no HIDPI (High-DPI) support in latest E-Prime Is it necessary to set windows DPI scaling to 100% when execute experiments?




Thank you for creating a web support request. I would be happy to answer your question today.

I would recommend using the dedicated (i.e. NVIDIA) card as the Intel card is presumably using the systems shared, available RAM whereas the NVIDIA has its own independent source of video memory. Nonetheless, as long as either video card has the appropriate DirectX version, Features Levels, DDI version, and WDDM version for your operating system, then you can rest assured that you are running E-Prime with its guaranteed millisecond accuracy. In short, if you are running Windows 8 or 10, please make sure you card has DirectX 11 or later, Features Level 11_0 or greater, DDI version 11 or later and WDDM 1.1 or later, see: INFO: E-Prime 2.0 SP1/SP2 requires specific DirectX 11 settings [19550], INFO: Windows 8/DirectX 11 or greater detected [23888] and INFO: Specific DisplayDevice settings are required to avoid errors when running under Windows 8/10 [19543].

Two additional notes: firstly, if you end up using the Intel card, you will want to ensure you are not using the Microsoft Basic Display Adapter. If an .edat2 shows a refresh rate of 64 Hz, the card me be using this driver and will result in inconspicuously poor timing accuracy. Secondly, you will certainly want to make sure no graphics switching is occurring between the cards when running your experiments as this may lead to poor performance or even freezing/crashing behavior. You can set which graphics card to use globally in properties, see: Configuring NVIDIA Optimus and AMD Switchable Graphics for High Performance on your Alienware System. Alternatively, you may solo out E-Studio and E-Run to be used only by the NVIDIA card: How do I customize Optimus profiles and settings?.

While you may be able to run at higher than 100% DPI, unless you are running E-Prime 3.0 Update 1, we still recommend running at 100% DPI scaling, see: BUG FIX: List columns are large and connot be resized [26082].

I hope I have addressed your concerns. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.


Chris Kincak

Technical Consultant



Welcome to E-Prime 2.0 SP2

INFO: Known issues in E-Prime 2.0 [19406]


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