




Aggro: Angry 生氣

Full on: Intense/Wild 緊張的/強烈的

Heaps: A lot or very i.e. 『heaps good』 非常

No worries: Don』t worry about it/It』s OK 不要擔心/沒事

Ordinary/Average: 可以是原本的意思「普通的/平均的」,但也可以是一種帶有貶義的表達,意思就是質量一般,或不好的;

She』ll be right: It will be fine 沒事

______ as: Almost anything could go here; Busy as, awesome as, tired as. To understand the speaker, just cut off the 『as』 and add 『very』 to the front and you』ll get what they mean 基本上詞都可以加上as來用,想要理解這個意思,只要在這個詞前面加上Very就可以了,例如busy as = very busy

Totes: Totally 完全的;

Jelly: Jealous 嫉妒的;

Play it by ear: Decide as you go 隨機行事;


Biro: pen 筆

How ya going/How』s it going?: How are you? 打招呼用語,相當於how are you?

How good is that?: 這是一個反問句,不用回答,意思是非常好;

Mobile/Mobes: Cell phone 手機

Rubber: Eraser 橡皮

Pacer: Mechanical/refillable pencil 自動鉛筆

Reckon: Think/Figure,/Assume 想/認為/估計

Uni: University 大學

Wag: To skip class 翹課

Zed: The letter 『Z』 字母Z


Arvo: The afternoon 下午

Avo: Avocado 鱷梨

Barbie: BBQ 燒烤

Bikkie: A biscuit 餅乾

Bottle-o: Liquor store 賣酒的商店

Breckie: Breakfast 早餐

Cuppa: A hot beverage 熱飲

Chemist: Drug store/pharmacy 藥店/葯妝店

Dunny: Toilet 廁所

Durry: Cigarette 香煙

Esky: Ice cooler 攜帶式冰盒

Flat White: Coffee with milk or cream 加牛奶/奶油的咖啡

Goon: Cheap wine in a bag.便宜的袋裝紅酒

Hungry Jacks: Burger King. 漢堡王,由於進軍澳洲時,名字已經被南澳的一個外賣店佔用了,所以只能改名叫Hungry Jacks

Knock: To criticise something 批評某件事

Macca』s: McDonald』s 麥當勞

Mozzie: Mosquito 文字

Sanga: Sandwich 三明治

Servo: Service station/gas station服務站/加油站

Straya!: Australia 澳大利亞

Stubbie: A bottle of beer 一瓶啤酒

Snag: Sausage香腸

Spud: A potato 土豆

Vegies: Vegetables 蔬菜


ASAP: As soon as possible 儘快

Bludger: A lazy person 懶人

Call it a day: Finish what you』re doing 完成工作,收工;

Fair go: A fair chance 公平機會

FYI: For Your Information 供參考/注意一下

Give someone a bell/a holler: Call someone on the phone 給某人打電話

Lift: Elevator 電梯

Reach out: Get into contact with 取得聯繫

Sickie: A day off work due to illness 病假

Whinger: Someone who complains a lot. 滿腹牢騷的人;


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