
Persuasive Essay Outline 的 Introduction寫作

Persuasive Essay Outline是分為好多部分的,今天英國環球論文小編要為大家帶來Persuasive EssayOutline的introduction的寫作的講解。

  首先重要的是你需要找一個你能夠支持的Topic。比如說,你要寫一個關於動物權益(animal rights)文章。我並不是說我們要寫那種老掉牙的;人類不應該傷害動物;之類的文章,而是我們要把人權賦予到我最喜歡的動物身上: Dog。

  1. 寫一個Hook 句。我們在很多文章中都一再強調,一定要寫一個強有力的hook。你的每個introduction 段都應該有一個Hook。比如:

  Dogs are actually smarter than humanbabies, and even more useful and loyal too. In addition, they will never throwa tantrum. If dogs are such good people, don』t they deserve equal rights?

  2. 鎖定你的讀者。這一部分就是用一兩句話使你的讀者迅速意識到他是你鎖定的讀者中的一員。以我的例子來講,我在多倫多,那麼我就會寫一兩句涉及本地的內容:

  For all dogs who have ever been turnedaway from a hotel, disallowed access to transit, or rejected from a publicpark, it is time to stand up for your pet rights-and your right too!


  3. 展現你的Thesis Statement。同其他的essay 一樣,在這一步,你清楚的表明你的文章的態度和具體的你所希望你的讀者認同的點。和寫argumentative essay 一樣,你需要清楚的表明你的立場,而不是模糊兩可。比如:

  The dogs of Toronto deserve the samerights and privileges as granted to our youngest humans, such as the right tovisit restaurants, ride buses, walk off-leash, and go to the cinema so long asthey are accompanied by a responsible human companion.

以上的講解你都明白了嗎?希望你的Persuasive Essay Outline能夠寫作的很精彩。

英國夏洛特公主滿二周歲 凱特王妃親自為其拍攝萌照

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