Note 2
An interesting and pedagogical model to study is harmonic oscillators, which, could be considered as the origin of (what I have learned and understood) quantum field theory, where every position on 4-d spacetime is given by several fields which each could be expanded in a form of harmonic oscillator.
Classically, harmonic oscillator is interesting for its simple analytical solution and constant period. Its energy is then a function of amplitude. In the case of (bosonic) harmonic oscillators, its a little bit different for the energy interpretation is of the number of particles (what is called second quantization approach). Semi-classically, one would also pursue the origin of wave function in a harmonic potential, which is pretty much a like classical oscillators. But within this kind of consideration, the basic and framework would be tricky and vague.
The start point is the Hamiltonian that . Noticing the commutator between the two operators , one would prefer to express the Hamiltonian into a non-negative form, where the operator and its hermitian conjugate is introduced naturally. Therefore, the Hamiltonian is . The non-negativity is proved directly due to for . The vacuum is simple to define where , where its coordinate wave function . By taking . Here, the notation is a little bit noisy, for is a real parameter, and is for operator, i.e., . By substituting , which is derived whenever the commutator is introduced (see Sakurai as I introduced in previous note), one gets which eventually gives . This form has a good plot profile, the Gaussian shape. The physical interpretation is its ground state is mainly localized in the center of potential.
This is a brief introduction to the harmonic oscillator. The following example is what Im going to talk, as an example of quantum mechanics that I have introduced so far: a linear shift term (constant force field) in harmonic oscillator. . Classically we know it is nothing but a shift of origin point, and quantum mechanically we can do it by changing the coordinate , but it would be of interest to treat it under the basis of origin solution of . So the following would be a start point: find the evolution of state whose initial value is vacuum of origin Hamiltonian while at the Hamiltonian suddenly contains a shift term.
The solution strongly correspondes to the classical solution, which gives what usually called physics picture clear in quantum mechanics. I will talk into the details in next note. It will be released soon, maybe 2 to 4 days.
A special technique to solve this problem is considering a special operator . Without this, it can also be solved with some tedious calculation.
※筆記整理5(粒子的quantum number)
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